
Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

"Kodak produced the best quality film until the day it went bankrupt, but the world didn't need it anymore." This is the epitome of the rapid development of the times, mobile phones have killed televisions, computers, watches, landlines, cameras, radios, flashlights, mirrors, newspapers, game consoles, wallets, calendars and ID cards, etc., knocking you down is often not a peer, perhaps a cross-border.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

Nowadays, the automotive industry is also facing the problem that internal combustion vehicles will be replaced by electric vehicles, and Mercedes-Benz, which is as strong as the inventor of the automobile, has also accelerated the development plan of pure electric vehicles in the face of policies and demand, and has launched many pure electric vehicles. Toyota Motor, which is famous for its quality, previously shelled electric vehicles by its head, Akio Toyoda, saying that excessive speculation may cause serious consequences, but soon after, Toyota released 15 new electric vehicle plans, and in 2030 in China to achieve full electrification.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?
Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

The diesel cars produced by Mercedes-Benz and Toyota are basically the best, but they still have to abandon their own accumulated technology and develop into a new field, which is the lesson of Kodak Film. The speed of development of new energy vehicles is far beyond our imagination, in 2020, the global sales of electric vehicles reached 2.94 million, an increase of 44% year-on-year, and the sales of electric vehicles in the Chinese market reached 1.2 million, becoming the world's largest single market and the largest country.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

Seven years ago, domestic electric vehicle sales were less than 100,000, which means that domestic consumers are slowly accepting electric vehicles and even willing to choose electric vehicles, especially for Tesla. According to Tesla's official data, Tesla delivered 936,172 vehicles worldwide in 2021, an increase of about 87.4% year-on-year, and although the delivery data in China has not yet come out, the cumulative sales of Tesla Model 3 and Model Y in January-November have reached 400,000 vehicles, and the annual forecast is expected to exceed 450,000 vehicles, reaching 48% of The global delivery volume of Terrass.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?
Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

Among them, Tesla Model 3 has the best performance, with cumulative sales of 242,658 units in January-November 2021, an increase of 148.66% year-on-year, which is the best-selling pure electric vehicle in addition to Wuling Hongguang MINIEV, and in the cross-border mid-size car, this sales data far exceeds the traditional fuel vehicles such as Honda Accord, Toyota Camry and BMW 3 Series, becoming the favorite medium-sized sedan of Chinese consumers.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?
Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

Tesla Model 3 can achieve such excellent results, and the market environment, their own factors and policy orientation have a certain relationship, first of all, the market environment, last year due to the continuous shortage of chips, resulting in a lot of internal combustion car configuration shrinkage and insufficient production capacity, resulting in the illusion of short supply, so that many dealers gradually reduce the intensity of preferential efforts, increase prices. Such a chain reaction has also led to a decline in the cost performance of many hot-selling models, and the enthusiasm of consumers to buy cars has declined, and the Tesla Model 3, which has just been reduced in price, has become everyone's first choice.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

Then there is the Tesla Model 3 itself, as a car leader in the field of new energy, Tesla has many advanced technologies, including space age technology, three-electric technology and autonomous driving assist technology, so that there is no strong opponent at the same level. In contrast, in the internal combustion car market, the major car companies are mature and stable in technology, with different styles, focusing on quality, focusing on cost performance, and focusing on handling, the competition is very fierce, even if it is "a piece of fat meat", on average, everyone is so little.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

In the new energy market, although the Xiaopeng P7 and BYD Han EV, including the recently launched Weilai ET5, in terms of paper strength, they have a battle strength, and even all aspects of parameters and configurations have reached the point of crushing, but looking closely at their sales, there is still a great distance from Tesla Model 3. In addition to the gap in technology, brand power is the key, in the minds of the Chinese people, Tesla is like the Mercedes-Benz BMW in the fuel car, symbolizing identity and status, can meet most of the vanity.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

Finally, policy orientation, the state has been encouraging major independent traditional car companies to develop new energy vehicles, in order to achieve the cultivation of strategic emerging industries and strengthen the deployment and requirements of energy conservation and emission reduction work, the current national subsidy standard for new energy vehicles is up to 12,600 yuan. In addition to the additional subsidies, pure electric vehicles also reduce the purchase tax and avoid a large overhead.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

At the same time, it also provides a green card for pure electric vehicles to avoid the problem of normal travel in limited cities, which is the biggest advantage of pure electric vehicles compared with pure fuel vehicles, and it is also the main reason why consumers buy electric vehicles. It is in this context that China's new energy vehicles have ushered in a thriving scene, and many new car-making forces have also flourished and enjoyed the dividends brought by national policies.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?
Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?
Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

However, in the past year, Tesla is also very difficult and bumpy, encountered many accidents, including the Model 3 spontaneous combustion accident, the vehicle was completely burned down; the Shanghai Auto Show female owner rights protection, Tesla brake failure, etc., these events have a great impact on the Tesla brand, so that many people talk about Tesla have a bad impression. To this day, there are still many consumers who denigrate Tesla in various ways, saying that they cannot buy it.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

In fact, many users have expressed "true fragrance" after purchasing Tesla Model 3, if it is summarized in one word, it is "cool". Many car owners have not hesitated to say that tesla Model 3 is excellent in power, truly on-the-go, and at the same time has precise control, and can flexibly shuttle through the city. At high speed cruises, advanced driver assistance systems can reduce the fatigue of driving. In addition, the cost of using a car is very low, and the electricity cost per kilometer is about 0.2 yuan.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that tesla Model 3 in the second-hand car market retention rate is not as bad as imagined, and even surprise the buyer, many 1-2 years of car conditions can still be sold to 220,000 yuan, to know that the new car subsidy price is less than 240,000 yuan, basically a loss of one or two million, and Toyota Camry, Honda Accord and other models are similar. And now Tesla Model 3 has increased its price by 10,000 yuan, and the owners of the car who previously thought they were cut leeks are also very happy.

Negative haunting + quality storm! But the first segment of sales Tesla has what line?

Written in the end: Of course, buying and buying Jun is not to encourage everyone to buy pure electric vehicles, but to make choices according to their actual needs, electric vehicles are excellent in terms of performance, and there is this policy blessing, but range anxiety, charging anxiety is still the most obvious shortcoming of electric vehicles, if this aspect can not be compromised, or choose all aspects of the mature and stable internal combustion car is good.

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