
A "Blood Return Monster" appears in the LOL wild area, a single skill returns 2000 blood, and the opponent is seriously injured

LoL League of Legends national costume in the update of the 10.12 version at the same time, the designer also announced the 10.13 version of the U.S. test suit PBE, then there will be 13 heroes with attribute changes, of which Lo, Reez, Wei, Lucian, Nar, Yorick, MoTeng have been strengthened to varying degrees, while skate shoes, moon men, snake women, Orne, cats, and Sindra The six heroes have ushered in a weaken! In addition, there is another hero whose changes are independent, only because his enhancement is too large, and it is very likely to become a big boss after the launch, that is, the snowman Nunu!

A "Blood Return Monster" appears in the LOL wild area, a single skill returns 2000 blood, and the opponent is seriously injured

Speaking of nunu this hero, I believe that all the friends are familiar, since the W skill became a snowball, he has become happier than Yaso! And Nunu this hero is not weak, the data in the 10.12 version is not very bad, although the appearance rate is relatively low, but the winning rate has been maintained at about 50%, which is a more balanced hero! Seeing that Nunu was so happy, the designer wanted to make Nunu a little happier, so in version 10.13, Nunu was made an epic enhancement, making Nunu the hero with the highest total AP bonus in league of legends!

A "Blood Return Monster" appears in the LOL wild area, a single skill returns 2000 blood, and the opponent is seriously injured

First of all, the damage of Q skill has been greatly increased, and the AP bonus has changed from 0.5 to 0.65, which increases Nunu's overall burst damage, and also allows Nunu to have a certain ability to fight in the wild area! And Q skill after biting the enemy to restore health, is the top priority of this enhancement, before the recovery of health value is only by 0.56-0.72 AP bonus, so many players do not like pure AP outfit, this will be very brittle, and after experiencing this wave of strengthening, AP bonus directly became 1.0, pure AP Nunu a Q skill easily restore thousands of health!

A "Blood Return Monster" appears in the LOL wild area, a single skill returns 2000 blood, and the opponent is seriously injured

And Nunu's Q skill has another attribute, that is, less than 50% of the health will also get an additional 50% health bonus, so after this wave of strengthening, Nunu has become a wild "blood monster"! According to the test of the game Jun, in the case of Nunu out of pure AP, a Q skill can restore more than 2,000 points of blood when the blood is residual, and the Q skill has only 4.8 seconds of cooldown under the blessing of 40% cooldown reduction, which makes Nunu's resilience in team battles and in the wild area become very strong, and when the blood is left, casually bite the enemy, or bite the creeps and monsters, which can directly return the amount of blood!

A "Blood Return Monster" appears in the LOL wild area, a single skill returns 2000 blood, and the opponent is seriously injured

The R skill has also been enhanced by the epic in this update, and the designers have made it easier for Nunu to fill up the big move, so that he can get a shield when releasing the big move, but this shield value can only enjoy the bonus of extra health, which is of little use to pure AP Nunu! In this version update, the designer added a 1.5 AP bonus for Nunu's big move shield, which makes pure AP Nunu have a high degree of frankness, and a big move in the late stage can have nearly 1500 shield bonuses, with the perverted return of the Q skill, pure AP Nunu becomes difficult to target!

A "Blood Return Monster" appears in the LOL wild area, a single skill returns 2000 blood, and the opponent is seriously injured

And it's not just these two enhanced skills, Nunu's other skills also have a high AP bonus, W skill base damage has 360 points, and a 1.5 AP bonus, and the big late panel damage is up to 2000 points! E skill 9 missiles all enjoy a 0.06 AP bonus, 9 is a 0.54 AP bonus, plus 0.8AP bonus when fixed, the total AP bonus of E skill is also 1.34, plus Q skill 0.65 damage bonus and 1.0 blood bonus, the big move of 2.5AP damage bonus and 1.5 shield bonus, Nunu has become the highest AP bonus hero in League of Legends!

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