
"New Management Proposition": Taking shanghai and Fujian to build a model of national children's regional medical center

Two years ago, in October, the pilot construction of the national regional medical center was officially launched.

According to the "Pilot Work Plan for the Construction of Regional Medical Centers" (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Plan") jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Health Commission and other four departments, the first batch of pilot areas selected Fujian, Henan, Yunnan and other 8 provinces and regions with large population bases, many transfers to seek medical treatment, and shortage of high-quality medical resources, and the first batch of 30 export hospitals were mainly selected from Beijing, Shanghai and other places, all of which are first-class hospitals at the level of the "national team".

The medical connection between Fujian and Shanghai also began. On August 21, 2020, the People's Government of Fujian Province and the Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Children's Medical Center) signed a cooperation agreement to build The Fujian Hospital of Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine - Fujian Provincial Children's Hospital.

"New Management Proposition": Taking shanghai and Fujian to build a model of national children's regional medical center

This cooperation has rewritten the history of Fujian's lack of provincial children's hospitals, and also found a high-quality leapfrog development channel for the construction of national regional medical centers.

One co-construction

According to the plan, the pediatric part of Fujian Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital was relocated to the new hospital as an input hospital, and the Shanghai Children's Medical Center was the output hospital, and the Fujian Provincial Children's Hospital was managed as a whole, and the management and expert teams were selected to be stationed in Fuzhou to realize the technical translation and homogenization management of Shanghai Children's Medical Center and Fujian Children's Hospital.

The choice of resident teams is not easy, they must occupy the high ground clinically and academically, they must have management experience and dedication, and more importantly, they can inherit the hospital culture.

Shanghai Children's Medical Center emphasizes struggle, innovation, tolerance and gratitude. This cultural translation is considered to be one of the core tasks of the resident team to manage the new institute.

After layers of screening, Hong Li, director of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Shanghai Children's Medical Center, was pushed ahead of the wave of reform.

"New Management Proposition": Taking shanghai and Fujian to build a model of national children's regional medical center

Anyone who goes to the "strength faction" is destined to be accompanied by a struggle all the way, and Hong Li is no exception.

When we first met, Hong Li, who had neatly combed her short hair, laughed and said that she was a typical Haipai woman: she liked exquisite life. Her resume is very different from this superficial label.

Shanghai Children's Medical Center, which was established in early 1998, after more than 20 years of development, ranks first in the comprehensive strength ranking of national children's specialized hospitals. As one of the first employees, Hong Li experienced the bittersweet and bittersweet of entrepreneurship with the hospital, witnessing the glory of its establishment as a national children's medical center in the 20 years since its establishment. At the same time, Hong Li, as a pediatric surgeon with 15 years of professional experience, turned around and became the first director of the clinical nutrition department of the hospital according to the development needs of the hospital, and built the department into a key discipline of clinical nutrition in Shanghai for 10 years, and single-handedly founded the Child Nutrition Committee of the China Maternal and Child Health Association, becoming a national-level well-known expert in the field of child nutrition in the country.

Too many "from 0 to 1" breakthroughs have allowed the word "struggle" to be imprinted in her life experience.

At the end of 2020, Hong Li was appointed executive director of Fujian Children's Hospital. Together with Hong Li, there were three other members of the management team who were first dispatched to Fujian Children's Hospital, serving as vice presidents of medical treatment, directors of nursing departments and directors of comprehensive offices.

According to the positioning of the national regional medical center, Fujian Children's Hospital should represent the top regional level in the diagnosis and treatment of difficult and critical diseases, medical personnel training, clinical research, disease prevention and control, hospital management, etc., and cooperate with the National Medical Center to promote the improvement of regional medical, preventive and health care services, and strive to achieve the homogenization of interregional medical services.

From a new hospital to a national regional medical center, the Shanghai resident team has a heavy responsibility.

100 surveys

Seven times to measure the clothes once cut.

At the beginning of December 2020, Hong Li, who transferred to Fujian Children's Hospital, led the team to conduct more than 100 investigations.

Recalling the rhythm of work at that time, the four members of Hong Li's team spent all their time other than 6 hours off in research and work. "There was no time anxiety at that time, but the pressure made us work harder."

The first step after the survey to grasp the overall situation is to build the hospital organizational structure.

In terms of management, Fujian Children's Hospital implements the "five departments and two offices system": "two offices", that is, the party office and the comprehensive office, and the "five departments" include the medical department, the nursing department, the finance department, the business development department, the logistics support department and other departments, with flat management, streamlined and efficient.

In the development of disciplines, the implementation of the "double director" system: on the one hand, aiming at the "two ends" - key and scarce disciplines, Shanghai dispatched resident directors to enter key development departments, and implemented the double director management system of Shanghai directors and Fujian directors to comprehensively dock clinical, teaching, scientific research and management; on the other hand, the backbone of development, in the departments with a certain foundation to send academic directors to conduct in-depth discipline development guidance.

After the framework is established, it is the selection, training and introduction of talents.

The hospital has formulated talent training plans, including cutting-edge talents, outstanding talents, etc., with financial support, and more Shanghai tutor guidance, tailor-made training programs for the above talents; build a training platform, all doctors and nurses into a system to train and study at Shanghai Children's Medical Center, residency training time of at least one year, attending physicians 6 months, chief physician 3 months, which has also become one of the necessary items for the promotion of the title of doctor in Fujian Children's Hospital; actively build a nest to attract outstanding pediatric talents in the country with high-quality platforms and career development potential.

The talent pool of this new hospital is currently unable to support the growth of a national regional medical center, "The training process of a doctor takes at least 5 to 10 years." Hong Li said.

The seeds have been planted, and the future will certainly be able to grow into a forest, because the sunshine and rain that nourish this forest are the source of power from the Shanghai Children's Medical Center.

A blueprint for informatization

"New Management Proposition": Taking shanghai and Fujian to build a model of national children's regional medical center

"At present, among the children's hospitals in the country, our medical equipment is the best." The strength of Hong Li's sentence lies in the fact that the hospital is equipped with high-end medical equipment such as medical linear accelerator system, PET/CT, high-end CT, 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging system, and 1.5T magnetic resonance imaging system.

As the first major project in the field of medical and health care in Fujian since the 19th National Congress, Fujian Children's Hospital has a total construction area of more than 227,000 square meters and a total investment of 3.3 billion yuan.

"New Management Proposition": Taking shanghai and Fujian to build a model of national children's regional medical center

The outline of the hospital building is "outer circle and inner square", from the inside of the hospital through the window to look out, in the distance is the mountain and near the shrubs, the view is wide, full of green.

"New Management Proposition": Taking shanghai and Fujian to build a model of national children's regional medical center

The entire hospital is spacious and bright, covering an area 4 times that of Shanghai Children's Medical Center, with 1800 parking spaces in the parking lot alone. Hong Li said: "The hospital is relatively large, if the patient comes for the first time, it may take a lot of roads if they are not familiar with it. ”

Thanks to the government's capital investment and current scientific and technological development, smart medical care will be slowly displayed in Fujian Children's Hospital, so that patients will no longer be confused in the huge campus.

In the future plan, the hospital will build a new generation of intelligent patient service platform - hospital outreach smart micro-service platform, from diagnosis and treatment appointments, intelligent guidance, fee payment, patient management, patient feedback, logo navigation, safety management and other all-round services to patients.

At present, the remote rounds robot, intelligent medicine cabinet, self-service blood collection system and other equipment that are active in the hospital are all eye-catching.

In the construction of the Internet hospital platform, Hong Li said that the next step of the hospital plans to launch holographic imaging technology to create remote consultation of three-dimensional images. "From disease management, quality control system, to operation management and scientific research management, we must complete all informatization." Hong Li mentioned that more convenient, so that patients feel more comfortable, warm, and at ease, is the intelligent, paradise-style children's hospital she wants to build.

According to the planned information blueprint, high-tech is adding "magical" colors to the hospital in the eyes of children.

A team

The construction of national regional medical centers has never been as simple as organizational construction and hardware configuration.

Merging two teams with different backgrounds, different abilities, and different rhythms into a cohesive and combative team is the most difficult thing for Hong Li.

Although both are southern cities, Shanghai and Fuzhou have very different living habits.

"The rhythm is different", this is Jiang Xiaoqian's initial distinction between the two teams. Jiang Xiaoqian is a staff member of the Party Committee Office of Fujian Children's Hospital and a native of Fuzhou. She told the health community that according to the rhythm of Fuzhou, there are about 2 hours of lunch break at noon every weekday, but Shanghainese have no lunch break habit.

The lunch break was used by Hong Li to work, "We have either a departmental lunch meeting at noon, or a discussion of work, or teaching training." ”

In Hong Li's impression, enthusiasm is the most distinctive label of Fuzhou people, "their strong sense of service can improve patient satisfaction." ”

Despite coming from the output hospital, Hong Li does not believe that this output is one-way, but two-way. "Accept each other and integrate to form a new culture, so that hospitals can find their own development momentum."

The integration of struggle and enthusiasm, the integration of Shanghai and Fuzhou, and the integration of the two teams together are the core of the national regional medical center that Hong Li believes.

The integration of the two teams is not smooth sailing, and it is inevitable that there will be different opinions. "At the beginning, we had many differences due to different work ideas and methods. Later, the differences became less and less. "Because the goals are the same, problems and contradictions will eventually be resolved and reconciled." ”

Although the rhythms are different and the working methods are different, the goal of the Shanghai-Fujian joint construction has always been the same: to build the Fujian Children's Hospital. "After a year of cooperation, at least everyone has seen each other's sincerity and trusted each other."

All the differences and pressures are not worth mentioning in the face of the sense of accomplishment that the hospital grows up day by day.

A brand

Didi driver Master Wang received more and more orders to go to Fujian Children's Hospital this year, "This is a new area, still under development and construction, before few people came." Master Wang said, "Now everyone knows that there are experts in Shanghai, and the hospital is not crowded, and they are more willing to take their children there." ”

The thriving Fujian Provincial Children's Hospital began to gain fame.

Since the opening of the clinic on December 25, 2020, the daily outpatient volume of the hospital has exceeded 1500 person-times per day, the bed utilization rate has reached 80% to 90%, the three- and four-level surgery rate has increased to more than 70%, and some indicators have reached the national regional medical center construction standards. The hospital opened the green channel for diagnosis and treatment in Shanghai, Fujian Province, and realized the development of a number of new technologies and projects in the province and hospital.

"Staff and patients are increasingly supportive and trusting of us." Hong Li saw that the hospital was getting better and better every day, and felt that all the efforts of her and the team were worth it.

One day, a doctor suddenly issued such an exclamation, "This hospital already has the shadow of President Hong Li." ”

Hong Li's dictionary does not seem to have the word "lying flat", "If this hospital is lying flat, it is impossible to lead and innovate, we want to be a national regional medical center, that is, to keep moving forward." Hongli, who flogs herself with her struggle, has also left the same mark on the new hospital.

In Hong Li's view, if a hospital is really built, it will take at least 5 years to run in. She firmly believes that in the next 3 to 5 years, integrating the Shanghai strength of "everything for the children" and the Fujian spirit of "Houde Jingshu, Renze Women and Children", Fujian Children's Hospital will get better and better, and become a real national regional medical center, escorting the health of children in Bamin.

Source: Health Community

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