
The new Guobo parent-child cabin is full, and a special area for school supplies is opened behind the children's center

The new Guobo parent-child cabin is full, and a special area for school supplies is opened behind the children's center
The new Guobo parent-child cabin is full, and a special area for school supplies is opened behind the children's center

Pictured: The parent-child ward of the New International Expo Center Fang Cabin Hospital presents an atmosphere of serious study

Just after the end of the Qingming holiday, on the morning of April 6, the parent-child ward of the New International Expo Center Fang Cabin Hospital showed an atmosphere of serious study.

In the square cabin hospital, in order to allow the children to study seriously, parents and medical workers try their best to adjust their voices to the "lightest" state, the dolls hold their electronic devices to listen carefully to the teachers' lectures, sometimes raise their hands to answer questions, and sometimes write books... At the end of the class break, the children will also "visit the door", ask each other which school they come from, and add a WeChat to each other; some lower grade children still take the question to ask the senior classmates.

During the noon break, parent volunteers took the children to the open area to carry out cultural and sports activities, and moderate physical exercise added fun to the children's after-school life. Outside, in the administrative office area of the Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, a printer and several school supplies are ready to "take orders" to meet the needs of children.

The new Guobo parent-child cabin is full, and a special area for school supplies is opened behind the children's center

Pictured: The medical team of Shanghai Children's Medical Center prepared the "Child Injury Prevention Action Guidebook" edited by the hospital for each family.

The medical team of Shanghai Children's Medical Center also prepared for each family the "Child Injury Prevention Action Guidebook" edited by the hospital, which summarizes the physical and psychological behavior growth characteristics of children of all ages, and is used to guide parents to act, educate and cultivate children's safe behavior. Zhang Fen, head nurse of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of Shanghai Children's Medical Center and nursing team leader of the medical team, said that in special periods, especially in special spaces such as the Fang Cabin Hospital, children's accidental injury protection is something that every parent should pay attention to.

At present, nearly a thousand beds in the "parent-child cabin" have been fully filled.

Xinmin Evening News reporter Zuo Yan

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