
Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

If you travel to Lishui, Zhejiang Province now, you will see a strange tomb, the tombstone is written in Japanese characters, but it is an expression of respect for a female warrior in China.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, there were many heroes who went into battle to kill the enemy and defend the country, but the name was little known, and so was Jiang Mei, whose heroism shocked the enemy, and her deeds can be seen in the Japanese war history "Minutes of the Japanese Army's Operations against China: The Dispatch Army Before Japan's Surrender".

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

Jiang Mei

In 1840, the first Opium War failed, the mainland was forced to open the door, and since then, because of the incompetence of the Qing government, China has experienced the Second Opium War, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, and the Eight-Power Alliance's war of aggression against China, all of which ended in failure, China gradually degenerated into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the Chinese people were oppressed by imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucracy, and the people did not have a good life.

At a time when Chinese progressives are still struggling to figure out how to save the country, the international situation is also quietly changing. The colonies were divided up by the great powers, the economic development between the various imperialists was uneven, the contradiction between the old and new colonialism was further intensified, and in order to occupy more colonies, the emerging imperialist countries launched war against the old imperialist countries, and the First World War broke out.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

This war is called the First World War in the history books, and China also participated in this war and became a victorious country, but China at that time was also a colony of some imperialist countries, so Even the victorious power of China could not enjoy the rights of the victorious country, and even at the post-war Paris Peace Conference, it was decided that Japan would "inherit" the rights of Germany in Shandong before the war, which seriously damaged the interests of the mainland.

When the news spread back to China, the people's sentiments were indignant for a while, and countless progressive people took to the streets to protest to the Beiyang government, demanding that they refuse to sign, and the May Fourth Movement broke out. At the same time, schools in Beijing announced a strike, and the news spread to the whole country, and students in Shanghai, Nanjing, Chongqing, Nanchang, Changsha, Taiyuan and other places successively announced strikes to support students in Beijing.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

Paris Peace Conference

The Beiyang government, in collusion with imperialism, did not think of defending the country, and even sent military police to suppress student protests and arrest progressive students. The next day, shanghai workers went on a massive strike in response to students in Beijing, with 20,000 workers. Finally, under the pressure of strong public opinion, the Chinese representative did not sign the contract.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

Gu Weijun

In 1923, the first kuomintang and the communist party cooperated and began a vigorous northern expedition. However, when the Northern Expedition was about to succeed, Chiang Kai-shek suddenly swung a knife at our party for the benefit of his own clique and launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup.

The Japanese invaders will not die. Although suppressed by Britain and the United States, they still looked at the mainland tigers, saw that the main forces of the Kuomintang were encircling and suppressing our party, and secretly poked and prodded all kinds of small moves on the mainland land, intending to occupy the mainland.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

Chiang Kai-shek

Soon, the Great Recession in the United States triggered a world economic crisis, Britain and the United States focused their attention on their own countries, relaxed the control of the colonies, the Kuomintang was once again bent on opposing the Chinese Communist Party, and Japan began to accelerate the pace of aggression against the mainland.

In 1931, the Japanese army attacked and occupied Shenyang, and then gradually occupied the entire three eastern provinces, the people of the northeast were enslaved and colonized by Japan, and more than 30 million compatriots in the northeast lived in pain every day. The Japanese thief is not dead, he wants to occupy the whole of China and even wants to dominate the world, in a vain attempt to make the world his colony, Chinese people have taken up arms and began to resist.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

Jiang Mei lived in such a historical environment, she was born and raised in the war years, married and had children, and like most women at that time, she was influenced by progressive ideas, broke through the shackles of feudal etiquette, abandoned the old view of three from four virtues, and studied and worked like men.

Although he was born in the war years, he still tried to live. Perhaps she had also heard the story of Qiu Jin and Liu Hezhen, and also thought about taking up arms, going to the battlefield, and defending her country.

I don't know if she has been admitted to a military school or what kind of profession she has engaged in, but the only record of her identity is the wife of Colonel Peng Xueru. In 1944, she was stationed with her husband in Lishui, Zhejiang, a city that had fallen twice before, showing its importance.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

Jiang Mei, Peng Xueru

In this year, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression had entered the stage of strategic counteroffensive. The European war situation in World War II has basically reached the end of the stage, and the Allies will go to the East Asian battlefield to fight back against aggression. Japan's defeat could already be foreseen due to its long front and lack of domestic materials.

However, Japan has been brainwashed by militarist ideology for many years, and it is delusional to occupy the coastal zone, cut off transportation, and save the situation. A Japanese veteran who participated in the war of aggression against China recorded the reasons for the battle in more detail in his memoirs "Records of the Battlefield -- Tombstones": "Ensure the occupation of important areas along the coast near Wenzhou and Fuzhou, and at the same time transfer a part of the troops to Xiamen to strengthen defense capabilities."

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

The details of this war can be found in the "Overview of the Battle of Liwon". In August, the Japanese organized more than 8,000 soldiers from Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, and attacked Lishui from Yongkang, Wuyi, and Jinyun. The Japanese sent a company from the 15th Division to pounce on the military stronghold of Yeosu. The officer stationed there was none other than Jiang Mei's husband, Peng Xueru, the regimental commander. In the face of the menacing enemy army, the generals of the Nationalist Army were not afraid and vowed to coexist and die with Lishui.

After carefully studying the situation between the enemy and us, the Nationalist army formulated a battle plan, and the 63rd Regiment of the Twenty-first Division held Lishui City, made an illusion, confused the enemy, and gathered the enemy in the area of Songyang and Xuanping to annihilate it.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

Peng Xueru graduated from the Army University, led his troops to fight bloody battles with the Japanese on many occasions, and completed combat tasks with excellence. Commander Peng deployed immediately after receiving the order, and in order to ensure that favorable conditions were created for the large troops to fight, he vowed to coexist and die with the city.

He could put his life and death aside, but he could not trust his wife, perhaps knowing that the battle was more fierce, he decided to send his wife and family away before the battle began.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

He said to his wife: "Defending the country and defending the country is the duty of a soldier, and I am proud to be a soldier." The Japanese invaded the mainland for many years, burning and looting, and many women and babies died tragically at their hands, in order to successfully complete the combat mission, I have made up my mind to coexist with Yeosu City and the soldiers. Now I just can't trust you, so I want to tell you that if I die in battle, leave me alone, you must protect yourself, so that I can rest assured under the Nine Springs. ”

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

However, although Jiang Mei is a female stream, she also has the heart to repay the country with her fists and fists, and she has practiced a good marksmanship with the army for many years, and has also learned the fighting skills of the bayonet, and has made many achievements in previous battles. In the face of her husband's bitter persuasion, Jiang Mei was determined not only to live and die with her husband, but also to defend the motherland, hoping to kill a few more Japanese and avenge the innocent Chinese people.

The Japanese army soon approached the city. Cannons were quickly set up outside the city, and the walls were bombarded day and night, trying to force the defenders to surrender in this way. But they thought wrongly, the sons and daughters of China would rather die than surrender, they should have had a happy life, but because of these invaders, they left their hometown and relatives, took up arms and went to the battlefield, defended their country, and protected their families.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

Facing the Japanese Kou outside the city, the soldiers were angry in their eyes and their morale was high, and at the sound of an order, they followed the leader of Peng Xueru to carry out a fierce battle with the Japanese Kou. The enemy is well armed, the soldiers are more accurate in marksmanship, and the knife technique is more fierce.

In the face of the enemy, they remembered their relatives, killed the red eye, and fought more heroically. Until the sun went down, rikou did not capture Lishui and entered the city. Seeing that the frontal battlefield could not take advantage of the Japanese Kou, he moved other thoughts. They bought off a traitor and tried to climb the wall into the city at night.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

According to Peng Xueru's deployment, there were guards everywhere in the city, but Zhao Chuhao, the commander of the second battalion who was supposed to be guarding here, was greedy and afraid to die and fled with his troops! Without guarding Rikou smoothly entered Yeosu City, as if entering no man's land, he quickly killed the regimental headquarters, and in the face of the enemy's sudden attack, Peng Xueru responded quickly.

Personally led his own defense team and fought a fierce battle with the enemy. In the city, Commander Peng held a machine gun and shot more than a dozen Japanese in succession, but due to the outnumbered, the 63rd Regiment had no reinforcements, and in the process of breaking through, Commander Peng died heroically.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

When Jiang Mei sent her family away and drove her back, what she saw was corpses strewn across the field and her husband was killed in battle. She did not have time to grieve, and saw that the Japanese Kou was in hot pursuit of the remaining soldiers of the 63rd Regiment, and took up arms to shoot at the enemy. After a burst of gunfire, several Japanese soldiers fell to the ground, and the Japanese Kou reacted to the people behind them, turned the gun head, but the picture in front of them stunned them - it was a woman, a young woman, who had just shot at them.

Only to see her dodge the shooting of the Japanese Kou while running towards the regimental commander Peng Xueru, who had just fallen, and snatched her husband's body from the hands of the Japanese Kou.

How could the fierce Japanese Kou let her go, quickly increased fire in her direction, wanted to shoot her, Jiang Mei did not let her eyebrows, with a machine gun in his hand to strafe the enemy, the bullets ran out and fought bayonets, after assassinating 4 Japanese soldiers, they fell in a pool of blood because they were outnumbered.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

Lishui still fell, and the 63rd Regiment of the Nationalist Army, at the cost of almost total annihilation, introduced the enemy into the Songyang and Xuanping areas, winning valuable time for the troops ambushed there.

Jiang Mei's feat of defending the country regardless of life and death also deeply shocked the Japanese army, and the Japanese joint commander ordered a thick burial of Peng Xueru and Jiang Mei and his wife, and erected a wooden plaque in Japanese in front of his tomb, calling her a female war goddess of China, and recorded the deeds of the couple in the "Minutes of the Japanese Army's Operations against China".

After the end of the battle to defend Lishui, Zhao Chuhao, who had escaped, was shot, hoping to comfort Peng Xueru and Jiang Mei, who had sacrificed heroically.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

In 1945, the War of Resistance was won. Ending more than a hundred years of humiliation on the mainland, China is no longer a colony of other countries. In the past hundred years, generation after generation of Chinese have gone out of their homes and into the world to seek the way to save the motherland.

Some of them have studied political experience, some have studied science and technology, some have used articles to awaken their compatriots, they have left their small homes for the sake of this country; they have sacrificed their lives so that more people can live.

Alone and fighting with the enemy, after stabbing 4 devils to death, he was honorably sacrificed, and was called the goddess of war by the Japanese army

This spirit also continued in Chinese's heart. We can see that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, countless scientists gave up the favorable conditions abroad to return to a poor and white China, and when the conditions were insufficient, they built themselves, and there was no computer to use the plan, they went into the fields, into the desert Gobi to hide their names, so that China could be rich and strong, the people could be rich, and in order not to live up to the soldiers who sacrificed to defend the motherland.

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