
He was the third brother of Lu Xun, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the governor of Zhejiang Province, and lived to the age of 96

Mr. Lu Xun is a well-known figure, who has spent his life with his pen as a rong, using incisive words to criticize undesirable phenomena in society, pointing out the shortcomings of China to the point, and directly and boldly exposing the decadent ideas that exist in the current era...

He is an outstanding writer, revolutionary, educator and great ideological pioneer in modern China.

He was the third brother of Lu Xun, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the governor of Zhejiang Province, and lived to the age of 96

Therefore, Mr. Lu Xun seems to be an outstanding literary scholar, but in fact he is also a thinker who guides countless people through darkness and bravely fights against evil, but what he has done in his life is the work of a politician, in the mind of worrying about the country and the people.

Constantly with epoch-making advanced ideas, under the tip of the pen, he commanded the confused Chinese people to march forward courageously.


The name of Lu Xun has survived through the ages. And the light of the hero,"radiating" to whom, often this person will also attract much attention. Therefore, relatives and friends related to Mr. Lu Xun,

It is also talked about by people, such as his third brother Zhou Jianren.

However, putting aside the light influence of Mr. Lu Xun, we cannot deny that

Comrade Zhou Jianren himself also has his own achievements!

He was the third brother of Lu Xun, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the governor of Zhejiang Province, and lived to the age of 96

Like his brother, he was a patriot who fought heroically for the cause of the revolution in that era of war and strife. He threw himself into the Anti-Japanese Salvation Movement, writing articles attacking traitors, traitors, counter-revolutionaries, etc.

The democratic associations that have been set up with painstaking efforts have encouraged more people with lofty ideals to rise up and resist and strengthen the strength of the party.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was recognized by the party with his rich revolutionary experience, outstanding ability, and selfless dedication to the country

He served as the governor of Zhejiang Province, the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and other important positions, and his life was also full of legends.

He was the third brother of Lu Xun, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the governor of Zhejiang Province, and lived to the age of 96

Comrade Zhou Jianren was born on November 12, 1888, Zhou Jianren was 7 years younger than his eldest brother. Shortly after his birth, his family suffered changes in the turbulent situation of the total collapse of feudal society, so he lived a very difficult life from an early age.

His father died early, his eldest brother and second brother actively studied in order to save the country and save the people, and were studying at the Nanjing Road Mining School at that time.

Then he studied in Japan, so he was the only one at home who was dependent on his mother.


Under the influence of his eldest brother, Zhou Jianren was also very eager to go to school, but he could not rest assured that his mother, who was getting older at home, gave up the opportunity to go to school in Nanjing. However, he did not give up the pursuit of progressive ideas because of this, and usually studied hard days, as soon as he had free time

Through the accumulation of bit by bit, self-taught.

He was the third brother of Lu Xun, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the governor of Zhejiang Province, and lived to the age of 96

In 1905, with his rich knowledge, he served as a teacher of Shaoxing Monk's Primary School, and with his outstanding performance, he became the principal. During his tenure at the school, he still worked tirelessly, concentrated on the study of plant biology in his spare time, and after gaining a certain understanding of the field, he quickly watered the sweet fruit with this sweat and wrote works such as "The Record of Collecting Things from HuijiShan".

It has made important contributions to the field of culture and art in China.

After 1909, Zhou Jianren participated in many progressive activities organized by the eldest brother Lu Xun, and at the same time, with full of enthusiasm,

Joined the literary group Yue Society.

He was the third brother of Lu Xun, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the governor of Zhejiang Province, and lived to the age of 96

From the war-torn years to the peaceful years after the founding of New China, he wrote a large number of excellent works with the pen in his hand; in order to dedicate himself to the motherland, he served as a translator, biologist, and sociologist, and achieved high attainments in the field of science and culture, and advocated equality between men and women; in the field of education, he also created fruitful results, successively teaching in Shaoxing Primary School, Shaoxing Mingdao Girls' School, Chengzhang Girls' School and other schools, using advanced ideas to cultivate batches of high-quality talents for the motherland.


After the founding of the People's Republic of China, his outstanding talent was highly recognized by the party, and he was appointed governor of Zhejiang Province, dedicated his strength to the local post-war recovery, and vigorously improved the living conditions of the people in Zhejiang.

In December 1954, he was elected vice chairman of the third, fourth and fifth central committees, with an official to the rank of deputy state, with advanced ideas,

Lead the Chinese people to a brighter future.

He was the third brother of Lu Xun, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the governor of Zhejiang Province, and lived to the age of 96

In 1984, Comrade Zhou Jianren, who had devoted his life to the country, died of illness at the age of 96. Comrade Zhou Jianren grew up in the turbulent situation, but with tenacious willpower and unquenchable self-motivation, he accumulated profound knowledge through self-study, and unswervingly served the motherland, leaving a legend and glory with a life of selfless dedication.

Although he is far less famous than his eldest brother, he also has a noble and selfless character and should be respected and remembered by the world.

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