
Aim for thousands of miles to break the waves

author:China Industry Network

Jinmen is extremely high, and the sea is wide and the sky is high. Giant container ships berth in Tianjin Port, driverless electric collection cards shuttle back and forth, automated rail bridges are also started synchronously, colorful containers rise and fall; aiming at the "double carbon" goal, The intelligent container terminal in section C of Tianjin Port North Xinjiang Port Area has become the world's first "smart zero-carbon" terminal, making green the most beautiful background for high-quality development...

"The economy must develop, the country must be strong, and transportation, especially shipping, must first be strong." We must aim to build a world-class smart port and a green port, and better serve the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and jointly build the 'Belt and Road'." "General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment when he inspected Tianjin Port in 2019 has injected a strong impetus into the development of Tianjin Port.

Practice the new development concept, integrate into the new development pattern, accelerate the construction of the world-class green wisdom hub port, and the new atmosphere of high-quality development will spread here. In his 2020 New Year message, General Secretary Xi Jinping praised "Tianjin Port is booming".

As the largest comprehensive port in northern China and the highest artificial deep-water port in the world, Tianjin Port is the best outlet for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and a bridgehead for China's opening up to the outside world. Here, the automated container terminal rose to version 2.0, independent innovation and research and development of a number of "black technology"; here, green is the background of the port, the construction of a multi-source integration of green energy system, green production mode to accelerate the promotion; here, the first three quarters of this year's container throughput of 15.8 million TEUs, an increase of 14.7% year-on-year, a record high. According to the cumulative container throughput of global ports from January to August, Tianjin Port ranked eighth among the world's top ten ports, ranking first among the world's top ten ports...

The prosperity of Tianjin Port is the result of resolutely practicing the new development concept and unswervingly taking the road of high-quality development. Behind the practice and exploration of Tianjin Port is the courage, pattern and responsibility of a city and a hot land. This also strongly proves that if we are good at seizing major historical opportunities, but also good at creating opportunities from challenges, digging deep into potential, and practicing internal skills, we will certainly be able to cultivate opportunities in the crisis and open a new situation in the change.

The world's ports, Jintong world. In recent years, the "international style" of Tianjin Port has become more and more sufficient, the "circle of friends" has become larger and larger, reaching more than 800 ports in more than 200 countries and regions, radiating a vast hinterland to the inside, accelerating the construction of the international shipping hub in the north, and better serving the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". The footsteps of Tianjin Port to the world and embrace the world are engraved with the city's character and open genes. Openness and inclusiveness are broad-minded and infinitely energetic. Establish the concept of openness, not limited to one region, not limited to the present, but focusing on the long cycle, based on the big picture, with a larger vision, a broader vision for development, grasp innovation, and promote reform, the whole city will be like a huge gravitational field, attracting and bringing together more logistics, people, capital flows, information flows, forming a powerful aura of development. Whether it is with Tianjin Port as an important window, service double circulation, or first-class business environment as the city business card, the integration of business and wisdom, the convergence of wisdom, the pace of Tianjin's great opening up, the practice of promoting development with openness will surely bear more fruitful results.

The tide of the times is mighty, and the momentum of development is surging and surging. Booming, Tianjin Port is riding on the momentum, breaking the waves, and aiming to move forward, and the city's confidence in pursuing high-quality development is unswerving. With more boldness, showing a renewed atmosphere, daring to try and dare to take responsibility, this city facing the sea is gathering the powerful potential energy of development and moving towards the future of the sea and the sky. (Tianjin Daily commentator)

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