
1 hour a day! Yunnan is clear

author:Beiqing Net

Recently, the General Office of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government issued the Action Plan on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Sports Work in the New Era (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which comprehensively strengthens and improves school sports work in the new era through the implementation of 6 major actions and 24 hard-core measures. It is required to guarantee students 1 hour of physical exercise time after class every day. Vigorously promote family physical exercise activities to ensure that students have 1 hour of physical activity time outside the school every day.

Schools must not cut or squeeze out physical education class time

Implement the reform action of teaching physical education in schools. The Plan makes it clear that schools may not use any reason or excuse to cut or squeeze out physical education class time. Schools at the basic education stage are encouraged to offer 1 physical education class per day. According to local conditions, traditional Chinese sports such as martial arts, wrestling, chess, archery, dragon boat, shuttlecock, five-bird exercise, dragon and lion dance, gyroscope, swing, and bawang whip will be introduced to the campus. Actively organize the teaching, training and competition of traditional Chinese sports projects; at the same time, improve the teaching mode, establish a new school physical education teaching model of "health knowledge + basic motor skills + special sports skills", and increase the theoretical knowledge of sports and health, sports competition rules and other content. Teach students to master health knowledge and scientific exercise methods, guide students to master basic sports skills such as running, jumping, and throwing, and special sports skills such as football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, athletics, swimming, gymnastics, martial arts, ice and snow sports.

How to guarantee workout time?

The "Plan" requires that students scientifically arrange the time for physical activities in schools, fully implement the system of sports activities between classes, and uniformly arrange 30 minutes of large inter-class sports activities in primary and secondary schools every day; carry out sports activities as an important carrier to promote the implementation of after-school services for primary and secondary school students, and ensure that students have 1 hour of physical exercise time after class every day. Vigorously promote family physical exercise activities to ensure that students have 1 hour of physical activity time outside the school every day. Implement the requirements for military training for young students and ensure the quality of military training.

Organize intramural leagues, inter-school leagues, and selective competitions

Implement the full coverage action of school sports leagues. Establish a school sports league system, based on the campus, and establish a normalized intramural league, inter-school league and selective competition for colleges, middle schools and primary schools with full coverage and participation of everyone. Establish a school sports competition system and a selective competition (winter and summer camp) system in which schools, counties (cities, districts), prefectures (cities) and provinces are progressively progressive, and there is horizontal competition in each section of primary, junior high, high school (middle vocational) and university (higher vocational) schools. Use your spare time to organize intramural leagues, inter-school leagues, and selective competitions.

The "Plan" encourages the development of inter-school sports leagues, requiring all regions to take advantage of the concentration of urban schools to regularly carry out inter-school home and away games in football, basketball, volleyball and other projects. Schools should build representative teams of schools in each project according to local conditions and carry out regular training. Use weekends or holidays to compete in football, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, table tennis, badminton, tennis, athletics, swimming, taekwondo, martial arts, skipping rope, boxing, roller skating and other sports.

Yunnan Province will merge the Provincial Student Games and the Provincial Youth Games and rename it the Provincial Student (Youth) Games, which will be held every 3 years. Each state (city) and county (city, district) holds a student (youth) sports meeting every three years. Focus on creating the finals of the four-tier league mainly in football, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading and other sports, and use the winter and summer vacations to hold summer camps and winter camps with football, basketball and volleyball as the main projects, and actively undertake high-level youth sports events at home and abroad.

Physical education subjects are included in the scope of the general high school academic proficiency test

It is worth mentioning that our province will establish a data management platform for the physical health of students in Yunnan Province, and comprehensively carry out student physical health monitoring, covering all students in kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools, high schools (secondary vocational), universities (higher vocational) and other school segments. The monitoring results are an important basis for monitoring the quality of compulsory education and the allocation of enrollment quotas for ordinary high schools, and are included in the assessment indicators of the school for grades, classes and class teachers, and into the assessment indicators of the education administrative department for the school.

The physical health and vision health status of students are ranked by state (city), county (city, district), school, etc., and a resource allocation guidance mechanism is established that links the ranking results with support policies and funding inputs. Physical education subjects are included in the scope of the general high school academic proficiency test. Give full play to the guiding role of physical education examinations on students' physical health, and guide students to master 2 sports skills that will benefit them for life.

College students must complete 2 credits of public art courses to graduate

In addition, the "Plan" makes it clear that 17 measures will be taken to comprehensively strengthen and improve the aesthetic education work in the new era through the implementation of five major actions: the promotion of aesthetic education curriculum and teaching materials, the promotion of aesthetic education reform and upgrading actions, the improvement of aesthetic education conditions, the improvement of aesthetic education evaluation reform, and the improvement of aesthetic education.

How to implement the aesthetic education reform and improvement action?

The "Plan" requires that full beauty education classes be opened in full swing. At the stage of compulsory education, schools shall open art courses at a rate of not less than 9 per cent of the total class hours, and schools with the capacity shall open courses of not less than 11 per cent of the total class hours. Ordinary high schools should ensure that the compulsory courses in the arts are not less than 6 credits (108 credit hours). The public basic compulsory courses of the art courses of secondary vocational schools shall not be less than 2 credits (36 credit hours) and the elective courses shall not be less than 2 credits (36 credit hours). Colleges and universities should incorporate public art courses and art practices into the talent training programs of colleges and universities, incorporate them into school teaching plans, implement credit system management, and encourage colleges and universities to carry out cross-school public art courses and mutual recognition of credits, and students can complete 2 credits of public art courses before graduation.

(Spring City Evening News Comprehensive Kunming Daily)

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