
Is it true that the longer a couple lives, the happier they are? Six women spoke their minds


1. Twenty-five-year-old Lin Ya

Lin Ya is a young and beautiful working woman. She and her husband have just been married for just over a year and are in the sweet period of their newlyweds.

"For me, the level of happiness in married life is not directly proportional to the length of time." Lin Ya said frankly, "My husband and I have established a deep emotional foundation in the process of knowing and falling in love. Now we still maintain our own space and freedom every day, just like we are in love, and at the same time enjoy the time we spend with each other. ”

Lin Ya believes that the key to happiness between husband and wife lies in communication and understanding. They often share the bits and pieces of life together, whether it is work troubles or family chores, they can be honest with each other. This kind of open communication allows them to get to know each other better and also deepens their feelings.

Is it true that the longer a couple lives, the happier they are? Six women spoke their minds

Wang Li, who is twenty or thirty years old

Wang Li is a typical good wife and mother, and she has been married to her husband for five years. Their lives are full of trivialities of firewood, rice, oil and salt, but they are also mixed with the warmth of mutual support.

"To be honest, sometimes I feel that life is a bit monotonous and boring." Wang Li said frankly, "But whenever I see my husband working hard for the family, I feel that all the efforts are worth it." ”

Wang Li believes that the happiness of a couple's life does not depend entirely on the length of time, but on whether both parties are willing to work hard for each other's happiness. They often go to friends together or plan some excursions to add some freshness to their lives. These things that they have experienced together make them cherish each other more and also make their relationship more stable.

Is it true that the longer a couple lives, the happier they are? Six women spoke their minds

3. Thirty-five-year-old Zhang Yan

Zhang Yan and her husband have spent ten years of married life. Unlike the previous two ladies, they did not experience the so-called "seven-year itch", but became more and more inseparable from each other.

"I think the longer we live as a couple, the deeper our relationship becomes." Zhang Yan said with a smile, "Maybe it's because we have always maintained respect and care for each other." ”

Zhang Yan and her husband have a clear division of labor and cooperation in life. Together, they take care of the children, take care of the house, and face the challenges of life together. This tacit understanding and cooperation allows them to better understand each other's needs and habits, and also makes their lives more harmonious and happy.

Is it true that the longer a couple lives, the happier they are? Six women spoke their minds

Fourth, forty-five-year-old Liu Juan

Liu Juan is a successful businesswoman and has spent 20 years of married life with her husband. Their relationship journey is full of twists and turns, but they come together in the end.

"Truth be told, it's not all smooth sailing as a couple." Liu Juan said frankly, "We have experienced many hardships and setbacks, but we have been able to overcome them together every time. ”

Liu Juan believes that happiness between husband and wife requires the joint efforts of both parties to create and maintain. They often participate in various activities and classes together, learn new knowledge and skills, and make their lives more fulfilling and interesting. At the same time, they also pay attention to maintaining their independence and individuality, and do not lose the space for self-growth because of marriage. This balance and harmony makes them cherish each other more and also makes their feelings deeper.

Is it true that the longer a couple lives, the happier they are? Six women spoke their minds

5. Fifty-five-year-old Chen Yan

Chen Yan is a retired elderly person who has spent most of her married life with her husband. Their emotional journey is full of vicissitudes and precipitation of the years.

"For me, there is no correlation between the level of happiness in married life and the length of time." Chen Yan believes that "the reason why our relationship can last is that we have always maintained trust and tolerance for each other. ”

Chen Yan and her husband share many common interests and habits in life. They love to travel together, watch movies, listen to music, and enjoy the beauty of life. At the same time, they also focus on maintaining their social circles and living space, and do not restrict each other's freedom because of marriage. This openness and inclusiveness allows them to better understand each other's needs and preferences, and also deepens their relationship.

Is it true that the longer a couple lives, the happier they are? Six women spoke their minds

Six, sixty-five-year-old Zhou Hui

Zhou Hui is an elderly person with rich experience, and she and her husband have spent a long married life. Their relationship journey is full of wind and rain and sunshine.

"I don't think the happiness of a couple's life depends entirely on the length of time." "It's about whether both parties are willing to work hard for each other's happiness." ”

Zhou Hui and her husband have a deep tacit understanding and cooperation in life. They have experienced many ups and downs in life, but they have always maintained their trust and support for each other. This firm belief makes them cherish each other's existence even more, and it also makes their relationship deeper. Even in the face of life's challenges and difficulties, they are able to work together and support each other.

To sum up, it is not a simple question whether the longer the couple lives, the happier they are. Different age groups, different experiences, and life circumstances can affect how people think about the issue. However, no matter what kind of relationship journey it is, it requires the joint efforts of both parties to create and maintain. Only in this way can we make the relationship deeper and the life happier.

Is it true that the longer a couple lives, the happier they are? Six women spoke their minds

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