
When a Hunan man learned that his friend's house was stopping water, he went to the door to send bottled water, and then he actually attacked his friend's wife

author:Xiaoming social anecdotes

As the saying goes, more friends, one more road. When we encounter difficulties in real life, many times we will ask for help from friends. Some cheerful people like to make friends and quickly mingle with them without saying a word. However, the heart of defense is indispensable, when you tell your secret to an unreliable friend, you have been betrayed by the other party.

This time to talk about an incident of "a man attacking a friend's wife", I hope that after reading it, you can trigger some deep thinking. It happened in Hengyang City, Hunan Province, where a 43-year-old man, Lao Zheng, was generous to people and made many friends. Among these friends, Lao Zheng and Lao Zhang have the best relationship. Once, Lao Zheng came to work at the company very early, and not long after, his wife called to say that the water at home was out of water and she could not wash up.

When a Hunan man learned that his friend's house was stopping water, he went to the door to send bottled water, and then he actually attacked his friend's wife

In order to solve the water problem, Lao Zheng called his friend Lao Zhang and asked him to help deliver some water. The enthusiastic Old Zhang immediately agreed to this and drove to Lao Zheng's company and asked for a key to his home. Soon after, Lao Zhang arrived at Lao Zheng's house, and when he opened the door, he found that Lao Zheng's wife, Xiao Li, was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

The warm Xiaoli received Lao Zhang, and the two exchanged a few words of greeting. Subsequently, Lao Zhang ran to the supermarket downstairs to buy a bucket of mineral water and gave it to Xiaoli to wash. Xiao Li was very happy, but when she finished washing her hair, she found that Lao Zhang had actually taken her mobile phone and put it in his own pocket.

When a Hunan man learned that his friend's house was stopping water, he went to the door to send bottled water, and then he actually attacked his friend's wife

Seeing this scene, Xiao Li thought that Lao Zhang was joking, because usually Lao Zhang's personality was a big grin. But because Xiaoli wanted to chat with her friend WeChat, she asked for her mobile phone. However, Lao Zhang took the opportunity to hug Xiaoli from behind and put her down on the bed. At this time, Xiao Li understood that Lao Zhang had other intentions.

Xiao Li resisted fiercely, and the bold Old Zhang forcibly touched her chest despite her objections. After a moment, Lao Zhang wanted to take off Xiaoli's shirt, but because Xiaoli continued to struggle, he did not succeed. However, Lao Zhang did not want to give up his evil thoughts, and instead took off Xiao Li's jeans and prepared to invade her.

However, due to the weather and Lao Zhang's personal health, he ultimately failed to succeed. Subsequently, Xiaoli went to the toilet on the grounds that she only wore underwear and ran to the neighbor's house for help, and with the help of neighbor Wang, Xiaoli took back her jeans and mobile phone. Lao Zhang immediately fled, and later he realized his mistake, so he voluntarily surrendered himself.

When a Hunan man learned that his friend's house was stopping water, he went to the door to send bottled water, and then he actually attacked his friend's wife

Friends and wives should not be deceived, this is the truth that everyone understands. But this old Zhang is different from others, he does not talk about martial arts at all, and actually has a crooked mind about his friend's wife. By now, the friendship between Lao Zhang and Lao Zheng will also be broken, and the two may part ways from now on.

For Xiaoli, she was greatly humiliated, because chastity is more important to a woman than life. Taking this opportunity, I hope that Old Zheng will be cautious about making friends in the future, and not let any friends go home.

When a Hunan man learned that his friend's house was stopping water, he went to the door to send bottled water, and then he actually attacked his friend's wife

Because people always know the face and do not know the heart, even if the relationship between friends is good, they cannot let him and his wife or girlfriend be alone in the same room, so as not to make friends think wrongly.

Finally, I hope that everyone can take this as a warning, or that sentence: the heart of harming people must not be there, and the heart of preventing people must not be without. In order to protect the privacy of the parties, the characters in the article are pseudonyms, and the pictures come from the Internet, which have nothing to do with the incident in this article.

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