
From annual sales of more than 1.28 million vehicles to revenue of more than 136.3 billion yuan Great Wall Motors will climb to a new height in 2021

On January 23, Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. (stock code: 601633. SH,02333.HK; hereinafter referred to as "Great Wall Motor") released its 2021 performance report. In 2021, Great Wall Motor's total operating income was 136.317 billion yuan, an increase of 31.95% year-on-year, net profit was 6.781 billion yuan, an increase of 26.45% year-on-year, and the average selling price of bicycles exceeded 106,400 yuan, an increase of 14.50% year-on-year.

In 2021, Great Wall Motor sold more than 1.28 million new vehicles, an increase of 15.2% year-on-year, exceeding one million sales for six consecutive years and hitting a record high. Among them, the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles reached 137,000 units, accounting for 10.7% of sales, and overseas sales of 143,000 units, an increase of 103.7% year-on-year, and sales accounted for 11.1%.

From annual sales of more than 1.28 million vehicles to revenue of more than 136.3 billion yuan Great Wall Motors will climb to a new height in 2021

In the past year, Great Wall Motors has continued to adhere to category innovation, create a new era of "tide brand, tide product", promote the establishment of the tank brand and the global debut of salon cars, and launch more than 30 new products such as Haval Red Rabbit, Haval Divine Beast, Wei Pai Mocha, Wei Pai Machiduo DHT-PHEV, Wei Pai Latte DHT, Tank 300 City Edition, Tank 500, etc., boosting the popularity of market terminals.

With the blessing of category innovation, the market influence of Great Wall Motors' brands is also increasing day by day. Haval brand annual sales of 770,000 vehicles, firmly ranked in the top camp of China's SUV market; Euler brand sales of 135,000 units in 2021, an increase of 140% year-on-year, sales in December 2021 for the first time exceeded 20,000 units, ranking first in the domestic new energy vehicle market; Weipai accumulated sales of 58,000 vehicles throughout the year, the cumulative number of users exceeded 450,000; tank brands delivered 85,000 vehicles throughout the year, accounting for more than 50% of the market share of hardcore off-road vehicles; Great Wall pickup trucks for 24 consecutive years to maintain the first domestic and export sales, In 2021, it will sell 233,000 units and surpass 2 million units worldwide.

In 2021, Great Wall Motors will accelerate its transformation into a "global intelligent technology company", officially release the 2025 strategy, start a new journey of electrification and intelligent new track advancement, and successively promote the research and development and maturity of a number of advanced technologies, and will open a new chapter in the advancement of enterprises in 2022.

In the field of intelligence, in the new year, Great Wall Motors will continue to improve the level of product intelligence on the basis of the coverage of Vehicle Networking applications of Haval, Weipai, Euler, Tanks and Great Wall Cannons, and continue to expand the circle of coffee intelligent ecological alliance, the number of coffee intelligent partners will exceed 150, and together with the layout of intelligent ecological industries such as Horizon, accelerate the research and development and mass production of Great Wall Motors intelligent vehicles.

In the field of electrification, in 2022, Great Wall Motor Dayu battery technology will be applied to its new energy series models to improve the safety level of power batteries, and cobalt-free batteries will be installed on more models. Great Wall Motors will usher in the new energy vehicle product year, Euler Ballet Cat, Euler Punk Cat, Euler Lightning Cat new products are ready to be launched; at the same time, Weipai will also be fully new energy. Lemon hybrid DHT and hydrogen energy related technologies will continue to land to help low-carbon travel. The 3.0T+9AT/9HAT super powertrain will be further landed on models such as the Tank 500 to meet the needs of subdivided users.

In addition, in 2022, wei brand and tank brands will bring WEY Coffee 01 and tank series models to overseas and deliver them. Haval brand, Euler brand, Great Wall pickup truck will also promote more models to go overseas, deep ploughing Russia, Australia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Chile and other advantageous markets, while continuing to actively explore Europe, Thailand and other overseas markets.

Text/Wen Chong

Editor/Dongying Lee

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