
To promote the integration and unification of the charging port, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has made clear its attitude, will Apple "compromise"?

Apple released the iPhone 12 series in 2020, so that the word "environmental protection" lost its own meaning, in the name of the so-called environmental protection, Apple has canceled the standard charger in disguise, consumers want to charge also need to pay extra to buy.

Many netizens know in their hearts that this is completely Apple's business experience, and the cancellation of the charger can maximize the company's profits, because the charger part can also earn a lot of profits.

To promote the integration and unification of the charging port, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has made clear its attitude, will Apple "compromise"?

The so-called environmental protection statement has also been complained about by many netizens, and some netizens believe that Apple will replace the private Lightning interface with a USB-C interface that will be more conducive to environmental protection, and the charging port and related technologies will be integrated and unified, which can reduce a lot of unnecessary waste of resources.

For the charging interface integration of a unified attitude, the Eu has also given its own attitude before, the EU proposed to unify the charging interface, so that mobile phones, tablets, cameras, headphones and portable speakers, handhelds and other consumer electronic devices charging interface all use USB-C interface.

The EU also said that if all consumer electronics are changed to USB-C interfaces, it will be very environmentally friendly, saving users about 250 million euros a year.

To promote the integration and unification of the charging port, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has made clear its attitude, will Apple "compromise"?

From the perspective of the European Union, switching to a USB-C interface is really environmentally friendly, but Apple does not think so, believing that the EU will stifle innovation rather than stimulate innovation, which will also damage the rights and interests of consumers.

That is to say, Apple will still insist on using the Lightning interface, rather than replacing the iPhone with the USB-C interface that has been generally trended in Android, so the Lightning interface is still used in the iPhone 13 series.

It can be seen that Apple's arrogant and willful move, in addition to the company's strong scientific and technological strength, is also related to the company's "cheeky" attitude.

To promote the integration and unification of the charging port, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has made clear its attitude, will Apple "compromise"?

However, in response to the problem of the integration and unification of the charging port, the Chinese side has also come up with an attitude, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has recently indicated its attitude, which will promote the integration and unification of charging interfaces and related technologies.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that it will continue to promote the formulation of national standards and promote the integration and unification of charger interfaces, thereby improving the recycling rate of electrical and electronic products.

In fact, the integration of charging interfaces and related technologies is basically a good thing for consumers, if the future is really unified, consumers can save a lot of chargers due to different charging methods.

To promote the integration and unification of the charging port, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has made clear its attitude, will Apple "compromise"?

In addition, in daily use, the same charging interface can also make our daily operation more convenient, and the compatibility of different devices allows users to only need to prepare a charger.

In fact, at present, the vast majority of consumer electronic devices have unified the USB-C interface, but the only thing that has not changed is Apple's iPhone devices, so the unified charging interface has little impact on other manufacturers.

But for Apple, if the charging interface is unified, it will undoubtedly affect the company's revenue, because after consumers buy iPhones, there is no need to pay extra for Apple chargers, so in the face of unified requirements for charging interfaces, Apple will strongly oppose.

To promote the integration and unification of the charging port, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has made clear its attitude, will Apple "compromise"?

But now that the European Union and the Mainland Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have successively stated their positions to unify the charging interface of electronic devices in the future, can Apple continue to adhere to its so-called "principles"?

Perhaps Apple will consider the company's revenue to a large extent and refuse the unified requirements of the charging interface, after all, all Lightning interface data cables must obtain Apple's MFI certification, and this certification can bring Apple considerable revenue every year.

But just apple challenges the EU and the Chinese market with a tough attitude, then it is very likely that it will be fined by the EU, or will be banned from selling in the Chinese market, and the consequences are obviously very serious.

To promote the integration and unification of the charging port, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has made clear its attitude, will Apple "compromise"?

Therefore, in the long run, the integration and unification of charging interfaces is bound to be a major trend, even if Apple is not happy, but considering the maximization of interests, it is still possible to choose compromise in the future. So do you think Apple will compromise, welcome to comment, like, share, talk about your opinion.

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