
Detective丨 Half a year recall 2 million vehicles, two recalls for one year, Wuling is the king of sales or the king of recall?

In 2021, SAIC-GM-Wuling's cumulative sales reached 1.76 million units, an increase of 13.5% year-on-year, becoming the sales king of its own brand single car companies.

However, just yesterday, SAIC-GM-Wuling recalled some Wuling Hongguang S3 and new Wuling Hongguang S cars at one time, a total of 609779 vehicles, and the recall data was one-third of last year's total sales, becoming a veritable recall king.

Detective丨 Half a year recall 2 million vehicles, two recalls for one year, Wuling is the king of sales or the king of recall?

The problem is still in the gearbox, according to the recall announcement issued by the State Administration of Market Supervision, the reason for the recall of Wuling is the manufacturing size of the manual transmission parts, resulting in insufficient gear retention, which may cause off-gearing under specific working conditions and cause the interruption of vehicle power transmission.

Detective丨 Half a year recall 2 million vehicles, two recalls for one year, Wuling is the king of sales or the king of recall?

In fact, in recent years, there have been various complaints about the quality of Wuling transmissions on major automobile complaint platforms, but before 2021, SAIC-GM-Wuling has never given any solution, until this time a large number of recalls.

And this is not the first time that Wuling has carried out such a large-scale recall, just last July, Wuling also carried out a recall of nearly 1.44 million vehicles, the reason for the recall is due to the risk of engine damage. 1.44 million vehicles plus the 600,000 vehicles recalled this time, that is, half a year, Wuling has recalled more than 2 million vehicles, more than the total sales in 2021, such quality control is really worrying.

Detective丨 Half a year recall 2 million vehicles, two recalls for one year, Wuling is the king of sales or the king of recall?

At the 2020 315 party, CCTV also exposed the problem that Baojun 560 gearbox failure can not be improved after the recall, this time the time is close to 315 again, Wuling's call this time can not avoid the suspicion of coping with the 315 party.

In recent years, Wuling has been seeking a breakthrough in the brand upwards, but the long-term survival route of low prices as the core competitiveness has allowed Wuling to habitually compress costs, the so-called penny for a penny, so the quality can not be guaranteed.

Detective丨 Half a year recall 2 million vehicles, two recalls for one year, Wuling is the king of sales or the king of recall?

But SAIC-GM-Wuling is very clever, and they have always used the slogan of "what the people need, we will make" to stimulate the national feelings of the Chinese people, so that everyone ignores its quality to a certain extent.

But what about the "Chinese don't cheat Chinese"?

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