
On a harmonious and warm family

author:Senior secondary school mathematics teacher

There is no more success in life than marriage; happiness is more than having a harmonious and warm family.

Home and everything. Family harmony, career will gradually prosper, this is not a vain legend.

As we all know, qi is the source of all diseases, and it accumulates into diseases.

Family discord will lead to friction.

A person with a bad family, living a heavy and depressed life every day, over time, will lose love, negative and negative factors will follow.

Everyone wants their family and harmony, but often things are not casual.

The downfall of a family often begins with the following:

Husbands and wives share the same bed and dream. Couples who share the same bed and different dreams cannot withstand the test of time and reality, and they are blessed and can share together, but they cannot be blocked by difficulties. Mutual suspicion and defense, feelings of rupture is sooner or later.

The in-laws are strong. The in-laws in the family, arbitrary, arrogant, rubbing the hemp rope without turning in circles, self-centered, too much control, they will affect generations of people.

Such a family will only live a life of chicken feathers, chaos, and disunity. Couples live their lives most afraid of such parental interference. Often there are not enough successes, and there are more than enough failures.

Men have no opinion. As the pillar of a family, a man has no main backbone, and people are in the clouds, which cannot ensure the harmony and stability of the family.

Let's not say how much harm a man without a backbone will bring to his wife, only the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are not harmonious, and the family will not be good. Talent is booming and difficult to achieve.

The foundation is not solid, and the ground is shaking.

As the resentment accumulates, the wife or husband or in-laws accumulate more grievances and complaints, like volcanoes, there are always times when they suddenly erupt.

Couples have bad habits. Gambling, harming others and harming oneself, once contaminated, it is difficult to quit.

Gambling is the first of all evils and often destroys people's homes.

Gamblers are the most terrible, and losing in the end will crush the life of the family. In order to catch the money, the sword takes a sideways edge, crazy, irrational, and sinks deeper and deeper.

Women love vanity, no temperate consumption, eating steamed bread without counting, it is tantamount to hollowing out the bottom of the family a little.

Such a family life will only get more and more bitter and more unfortunate.

In summary, in the family, there are the above situations, and it is difficult to escape the end of the family being destroyed and the wife and daughter being separated.

Men are rude and irrational, and can cause a lot of bad chain reactions.

Women's style is not picked up, and life is not frugal.

Running a family is not easy, and it requires a family to pay and maintain together. If you are calculating, if you can't bear it, you will be chaotic and big.

Reason is not high-minded, unreasonable is difficult to walk. For trivial matters, open one eye and close one eye. Especially when a man is between his parents and his wife, he must learn to arch the mouse into the bellows - both ends are angry.

Husbands who will come to work must conceal what they say to both their parents and wives. Sometimes you have to panic when you should panic, because this panic is a family ballast, a pressure regulator, a binder, and a sweet additive!

Therefore, men and women do not gamble, do not prostitute, do not steal, do not steal, do not cheat, do not be violent, do not be vain and not luxurious, be diligent and thrifty, respect each other and love each other's husbands and children, honor both parents, the family can be harmonious and warm, it is rare to be confused, the belly can be widely increased, the career can be successful, and the family can prosper!