
Clear again! It is forbidden to add layers of code!

author:Funan release
Clear again! It is forbidden to add layers of code!

January 29

Joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council

Hold a press conference

Introduction during the festival

Relevant situation of epidemic prevention and control work

Clear again! It is forbidden to add layers of code!
Clear again! It is forbidden to add layers of code!

Mi Feng, spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission, said that the Spring Festival is approaching, in order to ensure the safe and orderly flow of personnel during the Spring Festival, the comprehensive group of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council has put forward clear requirements for personnel traveling in medium and high-risk areas, traveling to medium- and high-risk areas, traveling to high-risk posts, fever patients, health code "yellow code" and other personnel management, nucleic acid testing, etc. at the press conference.

Mi Feng said that recently, the National Health Commission noted that there are media reports and social platforms that some people have encountered the problem of being hindered from returning to their hometowns, and the comprehensive group of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council has verified and timely feedback to the local government to demand immediate rectification. Some places have made policy adjustments, but in some places, there are still situations such as "not allowing people in low-risk areas to return to their hometowns", "forcing returnees to centralized isolation at their own expense", and "arbitrarily extending the duration of centralized isolation and home health monitoring", and the masses have reacted strongly.

To this

Comprehensive Group of Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council

Clear requirements have once again been put forward for the implementation of epidemic prevention policies

To sum up, it is "five must not"

Clear again! It is forbidden to add layers of code!

Mi Feng introduced that the comprehensive group of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council has opened a public message board of "Spring Festival Homecoming Road", which is located on the home page of the official website of the National Health Commission. The problems of "increasing the number of layers" encountered by the masses on the way back home can be reflected here, and we will conscientiously verify and supervise rectification.

Mi Feng said that all localities should strengthen emergency duty and rapid response, not only to scientifically and accurately implement epidemic prevention measures, but also to be full of warmth for the masses, solve practical difficulties, resolutely prevent "simplification" and "one size fits all", and let the masses spend a healthy, happy and peaceful Spring Festival.

Source: Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily Anhui, Anhui Provincial Federation of Trade Unions

Clear again! It is forbidden to add layers of code!
Clear again! It is forbidden to add layers of code!