
Under the epidemic: Who is the winner in the smartphone market in 2021?

Under the epidemic: Who is the winner in the smartphone market in 2021?

Jiwei network news, the new crown epidemic in 2021 "black swan", affecting the overall upstream and downstream production rhythm, causing a major impact on the mobile phone industry, but even so, it can not cover up the "winner" light.

In a blink of an eye, 2021 has passed, which means that the winners of the mobile phone industry in 2021 have also been released, so who is the winner? In this regard, a person who is deeply involved in the mobile phone industry chain gave his own views and said, "That must be Apple mobile phone." ”

This view is also reflected in market share, with Apple's global mobile phone market share rising from 15% in the first quarter of 2021 to 22% in the fourth quarter of 2021. In the fourth quarter of 2021, Apple's mobile phone surpassed Samsung with a market share of 22% and regained the crown of the global smartphone market.

The reason why Apple can return to the peak in the fourth quarter of 2021 is due to the release of the iPhone 13 series. Renowned data analyst Anyam Chaurasia said: "Driven by the excellent performance of the iPhone 13, Apple is back at the top of the smartphone market after three quarters. Apple's iPhone has never performed like never before in Chinese mainland, and the aggressive pricing of its flagship product keeps its value proposition strong.

At the same time, it revealed that Apple's supply chain is beginning to recover, but due to the shortage of key components, it still had to cut production in the fourth quarter, so it cannot produce enough iPhones to meet market demand. In priority markets, Apple is able to maintain proper delivery times, while in some markets, customers have to wait a long time to get their hands on the latest iPhones.

Apple is the biggest winner in the smartphone market in 2021

In 2021, Samsung smartphones remained in the head position relatively smoothly, but the fourth quarter was an exception. According to Canalys data, from Q1 2020 to Q4 2021, the global mobile phone market share of Samsung mobile phones was 22%, 19%, 23%, 17%, 22%, 18%, 21% and 20%, respectively, while the fourth quarter was surpassed by Apple.

Under the epidemic: Who is the winner in the smartphone market in 2021?

(Source: Canalys)

However, although there are obvious fluctuations in Samsung's smartphone market share, it has been relatively stable at about 20%, much higher than Apple's mobile phone market share. According to market research agencies, Samsung smartphone shipments are forecast to be 276 million units in 2021, while Apple's smartphone shipments are forecast to be 243 million units.

It can be seen that in terms of shipments, because Samsung has become the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer in 2021 with its global influence.

"Samsung mobile phones are quite influential in the global mobile phone market, and in terms of mobile phone innovation, the company is at the forefront of technology, and this company has advantages in both supply chain and sales channels," said a person who is deeply involved in the mobile phone industry chain and communicated with Jiwei Network, "Samsung has a variety of price points of product portfolio, benefiting from the strong demand for its smartphones in many regions." ”

According to Jiwei Network, in addition to the Chinese market, Samsung is quite influential overseas, of which Samsung mobile phones in North America, Russia, India, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and other regions are in the forefront of market share.

According to the disclosed data, in Q3 2021, Samsung occupied the first place in Russian smartphones with a market share of 37%, the first place in European smartphones with a market share of 30.4%, and the first place in the Southeast Asian smartphone market with a market share of 24%, in addition to the SECOND place in the US market with a market share of 35%, and also won the second place in the Middle East and Africa.

It is not difficult to see the strong strength of Samsung mobile phones in overseas markets.

The above-mentioned senior person further revealed that of course, after the South Korean LG mobile phone brand manufacturers withdrew from the mobile phone market, Samsung and Motorola have undoubtedly become the objects of benefit. Because, from the perspective of South Korea's mobile phone market share, Samsung has the highest market share, followed by Apple, and LG also has a certain market share in South Korea, and LG also has a certain market share in the United States. LG's withdrawal from the mobile phone market will inevitably release the market share of South Korea and the United States.

However, for enterprises, profitability is the purpose of the enterprise, and although Samsung has an advantage in shipments, from the perspective of profits, the most beneficial mobile phone manufacturer is Apple.

According to industry feedback, after Huawei was sanctioned, on high-end machines, Apple is a dominant company both at home and abroad, and in its view, the active pricing of Apple's flagship devices keeps its value proposition strong.

In other words, on high-end machines, Apple is the biggest winner.

In contrast, Samsung, from the perspective of product structure, Samsung's product line is relatively rich, including both the S series and note series and folding screen mobile phones produced by Samsung itself, as well as the A series products produced outside the commission.

However, Samsung's flagship S series in 2021 did not perform well. According to South Korean media reports, the performance of Samsung's flagship S series in 2021 is relatively sluggish (about 20 million units), only half of previous years.

From the perspective of product unit price, the folding screen is not a profitable model, and the performance of the S series of Samsung flagship machines is not good, and the unit price of the product is generally lower than that of the iPhone 13 series.

In addition, through the analyst's prediction, after calculating that in 2021, Apple's mobile phone shipments are only about 33 million units compared with Samsung, you know, in 2021, Samsung will produce about 60 million units of products through ODM, and the unit price of this series of mobile phone products is quite low, based on this, from the perspective of profits, Samsung is far from comparable to Apple, because the general average price of Apple mobile phones is higher than 5,000 yuan.

It can be seen that Apple is undoubtedly the biggest winner in the global smartphone market in 2021.

Global mobile phone market: Xiaomi has become the biggest winner of Chinese mobile phone brands

If Apple is the biggest winner of smartphones in the world, then there is another winner that must be mentioned, it is Xiaomi.

Through the data, it can be found that in the global smartphone market, Xiaomi is the mobile phone brand manufacturer with the largest market share among Chinese mobile phone brand manufacturers.

According to the data, from Q1 to Q4 in 2021, Xiaomi smartphones will have a global market share of 14%, 17%, 14% and 12% respectively. Among them, Q2 is directly more than Apple.

From the perspective of global market share, xiaomi surpassed Apple with a market share of 17% in Q2 2021, successfully jumping to the second place in the world,and its global mobile phone market share is higher than OPPO and vivo.

According to Canalys data, in Q2 2021, Xiaomi ranked in the top five markets in 65 markets in the world, ranking first in 22 markets, of which 10 markets ranked first for the first time.

It is understood that in Q2 2021, Xiaomi's smartphone market share in Europe reached the first place for the first time, reaching 28.5%. Among them, in Western Europe, Xiaomi's smartphone market share reached 22.2%, ranking in the top 3; in Central and Eastern Europe, Xiaomi maintained the first market share for three consecutive quarters, with a market share of 36.4%. Among them, Xiaomi ranked first in Spain for 6 consecutive quarters, xiaomi reached the first place for the first time in Italy and France, and the market share reached 35.0% and 29.7% respectively. It is firmly in third place in Germany, with a market share of 15.2%.

In addition, according to Canalys statistics, in Q2 2021, Xiaomi ranked first in the Indian smartphone market share for 15 consecutive quarters, and smartphone shipments in Latin America increased by 324.4% year-on-year, ranking in the top three. In the same period, it ranked first in Indonesia, with a smartphone market share of 28.2%.

Among them, the Redmi brand has made an important contribution. It is understood that as of the fourth quarter of 2021, the cumulative global sales volume of the Redmi Note series has exceeded 240 million units.

However, although as a domestic mobile phone manufacturer, Xiaomi leads other domestic mobile phone brand manufacturers with a good market share in the global mobile phone market, but in the Chinese mobile phone market, Xiaomi still has room to rise.

Under the epidemic: Who is the winner in the smartphone market in 2021?

(Source: CINNO Research)

According to data from CINNO Research, the top three sales in China's smartphone market in 2021 are OPPO, vivo, and Apple, with the total sales volume of the three companies accounting for 54.7% of the domestic smartphone market share, and the fourth is Xiaomi.

A person who is deeply involved in the mobile phone industry said in communication with the author, "Xiaomi mobile phone sales in China are not good, and may be somewhat related to its offline channel sales model." ”

The person further revealed that Xiaomi started late in the domestic offline, can not fight OPPO, vivo, and looking at the domestic offline stores, you can see that OPPO, vivo offline stores can be seen in both large and small towns and streets, so Xiaomi has also been expanding offline channels in recent years.

Of course, Xiaomi's ambitions will also be reflected in 2021. According to the disclosed information, in 2021, in xiaomi's autumn conference and annual speech, Lei Jun mentioned that he hoped that xiaomi could win the world's first place in three years. Subsequently, Lu Weibing also said bluntly that Mr. Lei put forward the goal of being the world's first in xiaomi mobile phone sales in 3 years (to 2024), and the Chinese market, as the base camp of xiaomi, is also planned with the goal of three years.

It can be seen that Xiaomi will further exert its strength in the Chinese mobile phone market. In fact, it is.

Today, a person in the mobile phone industry chain communicated with the author and revealed that he heard that Xiaomi's orders for mobile phone suppliers increased a lot in 2022. In other words, in 2022, Xiaomi may release more mobile phone orders to mobile phone supply chain manufacturers, but if you want to be the first in the world, for Xiaomi, it is still a long way to go. (Proofreading/New)

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