
Internal: Huawei dividends exceed 50 billion yuan, covering 120,000 employees

Introduction: Recently, fast technology quoted Huawei's internal information, Huawei has announced the 2021 annual stock dividend plan, is expected to be 1.58 yuan per share, a decrease of 15% compared with the previous year, but it is still expected to take out more than 50 billion yuan for dividends.

Internal: Huawei dividends exceed 50 billion yuan, covering 120,000 employees

Chart: Huawei Board Members (2020)

As the most well-known employee shareholding enterprise in China, Huawei's employee shareholding system began in 1990, and as of December 31, 2020, Huawei's total share capital was about 34.7575 billion shares, and founder Ren Zhengfei held about 0.90% of the shares (including natural person shareholding and employee shareholding). In 2020, Huawei's dividend per share was about 1.86 yuan, a total of more than 40 billion yuan, and the stock ownership plan involved more than 120,000 employees.

According to a number of Huawei insiders, although it is still in a difficult period, Huawei will spend more than 50 billion yuan in 2021 to pay dividends to the "strivers".

Some people close to Huawei said: "The past year has been a year of large turnover of Huawei personnel. Many talents have joined Huawei, and many people have left Huawei. Huawei issued a lot of shares and bought back a lot of shares. Overall, the total share capital should not change much. ”

Internal: Huawei dividends exceed 50 billion yuan, covering 120,000 employees

Figure: Huawei's Equity Penetration (2021)

If the number of participants in the dividend is roughly calculated at 50 billion yuan in 2021 and the number of people participating in the dividend is 120,000 yuan, the per capita dividend can reach 417,000 yuan, but the median dividend is unknown.

Some Huawei internal employees said that under the extreme pressure of the United States, the current pre-tax dividend ratio is already good. There are also employees who say they are lower than expected, but can understand the company's situation in the current environment.

Internal: Huawei dividends exceed 50 billion yuan, covering 120,000 employees

Figure: Equity file of Huawei's Bantian base (public information)

According to Huawei's 2020 annual report, Huawei Investment Holding Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise that is 100% owned by employees. Huawei implements an employee stock ownership plan through the trade union, and the number of participants in the employee stock ownership plan is 121269 (as of December 31, 2020), and the participants are all employees of the company.

According to this calculation, the non-dividend amount of founder Ren Zheng in 2021 is about 450 million yuan.

Internal: Huawei dividends exceed 50 billion yuan, covering 120,000 employees

Figure: Huawei's first business license (public information)

Founded in 1987, Huawei was established by Ren Zhengfei and five other partners who each contributed 3,500 yuan, with a total registered capital of 21,000 yuan. Since then, due to the withdrawal of other partners, in 1990, Ren Zhengfei has fully recovered all his shares and implemented all employee shareholdings, holding shares as a natural person and also participating in the trade union employee shareholding.

With the development of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei's shareholding has dropped to less than 1% at present.

At that time, Huawei's employee shareholding system stipulated that the participation price was 1 yuan per share, and 15% of the after-tax profit was used as an equity dividend. From 2016 to 2020, Huawei's dividends per share were 1.53 yuan, 1.02 yuan, 1.05 yuan, 2.11 yuan, and 1.86 yuan, respectively. It can be said that huawei's development and this shareholding plan are inseparable.

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