
Return to peak Do not drive fatigue

When the Spring Festival is carried out, with the arrival of the peak of the Spring Festival return journey, the number of provincial, national highway and highway vehicles gradually increases, and the majority of drivers on the road of self-driving back to work, in addition to doing enough safety and epidemic prevention measures, we must also remember not to drive fatigued to ensure a safe return.

Return to peak Do not drive fatigue

* What are the manifestations of fatigue driving:

01. When there is slight fatigue, there will be untimely and inaccurate shifting of gears, and the unstable position of the two-wheeled vehicle.

02. When moderate fatigue, the operation action is sluggish, and even forget the operation.

03. When severe fatigue occurs, in the event of an emergency, it will often operate subconsciously or have a short sleep phenomenon, losing the ability to control the vehicle.

* How to prevent fatigue driving?

01. Ensure adequate sleep

Adequate sleep is the best way for the human body to reduce and eliminate fatigue, to ensure adequate sleep for the majority of people driving travel is crucial, which requires drivers to have good living habits, to ensure sleep time, improve sleep quality.

02. It is strictly forbidden to drive for a long time

Pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, the continuous driving time during the day should not exceed 4 hours, and after 4 hours of continuous driving, choose to stop and rest in a safe area for at least 20 minutes; if there is a need for night driving, the continuous driving time should not exceed 2 hours.

03, pay attention to reasonable rest, strengthen exercise

If you feel tired and sleepy during the driving process, you should take measures in time to continue driving after the fatigue is eliminated. Usually pay attention to the exercise of physical fitness, develop a good work and rest time, and can also effectively prevent fatigue.

04. Relieve fatigue in time

If you experience fatigue or drowsiness during the drive, you can open the window to breathe fresh air, or drink refreshing drinks such as coffee. Get off the bus safely and move your waist, legs, neck and shoulders, and wait for fatigue to ease before getting on the road.

05, take turns to drive safer

When traveling long distances, try to find a partner to share the driving and take turns driving.

Fatigue driving is harmful

Rest and rest before moving forward

Take a break when you're tired

There are fewer safety incidents

Pay attention to safety and civilized travel

I wish you all a safe and smooth journey back