
Smart! During the peak period of the return trip, the hospital employee was detained for forging nucleic acid certificates

At the end of the Spring Festival holiday, many people who returned home have stepped on the return train one after another. Under the current strict epidemic prevention and control situation, many places need a negative nucleic acid test certificate for high-speed rail, airplanes and other means of transport. So many people moved their minds again.

Smart! During the peak period of the return trip, the hospital employee was detained for forging nucleic acid certificates

Image source: State Department client

Recently, there have been similar incidents in Baoding City, Hebei Province, which forged negative nucleic acid test certificates. What is striking is that there are even hospital staff who are involved in the crime against the wind.

On the afternoon of February 3, three passengers boarded the bus at Baoding Station with nucleic acid test reports issued on February 4. The staff immediately informed the civilian police. In the face of questioning, the three people always flashed their words. After work, the three admitted that they knew that the bus needed a nucleic acid test report, but they were troublesome, so they let Zhai Moumou, a family member working in the hospital, forge the nucleic acid test report.

At present, Zhai X has been punished by the Shijiazhuang Railway Public Security Department for 10 days of administrative detention in accordance with law for forging supporting documents; Zhai X, Xing X, and Xing X have been punished with 5 days of administrative detention in accordance with the law for using forged supporting documents.

Hospital staff know that the law is against the law, and it is indeed a matter of course to be detained. Recently, similar incidents have occurred in many places, in addition to relatives to help forge, there are also people who use it to make profits.

"Harbin Daily" reported that on January 23, the Tongda Street Police Station of the Nangang Public Security Bureau received an instruction from the Information Information Center of the Nangang Public Security Bureau that a railway public security bureau found that the nucleic acid test reports held by 9 Heilongjiang passengers did not have big data information in their work. After inquiry, it was learned that the nucleic acid test report held by 9 passengers was a "fake nucleic acid report" purchased at a price of 60 yuan each through a WeChat user named "A-*** Center", and the Tongda Street Police Station of the Nangang Public Security Bureau immediately dispatched to determine the identity information of the criminal suspect Xu Mou through analysis and judgment, and on January 25, the Tongda Street Police Station summoned the suspect Xu Mou, who was suspected of forging and falsifying the nucleic acid test report, to the Tongda Street Police Station.

After interrogation, Xu confessed that he used the expired nucleic acid test report previously saved in the mobile phone to forge and alter the nucleic acid test report of others through the retouching software to change the name and test time, and sold it at a price of 60 yuan per copy. At present, Xu Mou has been administratively detained by the Tongda Street Police Station for 15 days for altering the official documents of the trafficking organs.

Smart! During the peak period of the return trip, the hospital employee was detained for forging nucleic acid certificates

Fake nucleic acid negative certificates are really full of tricks, in addition to the above-mentioned family members working in the hospital to help forge for convenience; criminals use retouching software to fake and sell for profit; and there is also a kind of fake from the root, that is, simply provide fake samples to the laboratory. This kind of fraud is more disguised and less recognizable.

In July last year, Beijing Fengtai police seized a case in which a private clinic in Fengtai District, in order to evade the relevant regulations on regular nucleic acid testing by employees of beijing medical and health institutions, has provided more than 30 false throat swab samples of internal employees without actual sampling to third-party testing agencies since May 2021 for testing, fraudulently obtaining negative nucleic acid reports.

Such behavior is just bad! Medical institutions are places where patients are treated, but also densely populated places, and regular nucleic acid testing by medical institution personnel is extremely important to ensure the health of patients and medical personnel. As a medical institution, you can collect throat swabs and send them for examination, which is originally trust in them. However, this medical institution uses this trust to fake throat swabs, which is really self-theft and really hateful.

Smart! During the peak period of the return trip, the hospital employee was detained for forging nucleic acid certificates

The lawyer reminds that if it is due to the limitation of testing capacity, it is impossible to do due diligence, and the party urgently needs this proof to meet the purpose of entering a public place or public transportation. At this time, the parties concerned are not aware of their own health status, and if they finally prove their physical health and hold a forged nucleic acid test report certificate, they may face public security administrative penalties or other administrative penalties.

If the final test proves that he is a patient infected with pneumonia or a pathogen carrier of the new coronavirus, and his behavior belongs to the refusal to implement the prevention and control measures proposed by the health and epidemic prevention agency in accordance with the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, causing the spread of the epidemic or there is a serious risk of transmission, he will be convicted and punished for the crime of obstructing the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

The other is a patient who has been diagnosed with pneumonia infected with the new coronavirus, a carrier of the pathogen, or a suspected patient, and enters a public place or public transportation with a false nucleic acid test report. It is clearly known that its actions are very likely to cause the spread of the new coronavirus and endanger public safety, constituting the crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means. Patients or suspected patients who refuse to cooperate with epidemic prevention and control work, refuse or leave isolation for treatment without authorization may need to bear administrative responsibility, be administratively detained or fined.

If a patient deliberately conceals his illness or is diagnosed, leaves isolation without authorization, deliberately contacts others, or causes serious consequences such as the spread of the epidemic in an unspecified place, causing major losses to the public and private property, the maximum sentence may be death, and civil compensation shall be borne.

Legal basis

Article 50 of the Law on Public Security Administration Punishments stipulates that whoever commits any of the following acts shall be given a warning or a fine of not more than 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days, and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan:

Refusal to carry out decisions or orders lawfully issued by the people's government in a state of emergency;

Obstructing state organ functionaries from performing their duties in accordance with law;

Obstructing the passage of fire trucks, ambulances, engineering rescue vehicles, police cars and other vehicles performing emergency tasks;

Forcibly rushing into the warning belts or warning areas set up by the public security organs. Whoever obstructs the people's police from lawfully performing their duties shall be given a heavier punishment.

Article 330 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China who, in violation of the provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, causes the spread of a Class A infectious disease or an infectious disease that has been determined in accordance with law to adopt measures for the prevention or control of a Class A infectious disease or has a serious risk of spreading, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention;

Source: Inspection Horizon Network, Ping An Beijing, Medical Community, Barristers Network, Harbin Daily

Edited by: Yeah Reviewer: Xiao Ran

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