
Why can't huawei P50 use 4G? | Technology Yuan Ren

Why can't huawei P50 use 4G? | Technology Yuan Ren

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Obviously, the goal of the United States is to limit Huawei's ability to implement new technologies, and they will use any technology that can be used to give China a card neck.

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Why can't huawei P50 use 4G? | Technology Yuan Ren

Recently, the Huawei P50 was released. The core suppliers of this series are all domestic manufacturers, coupled with self-developed chips and Hongmeng operating system, Huawei P50 series can be said to be the most domesticized smartphone at present. However, it is regrettable that huawei P50 cannot use 5G, only 4G. Why?

According to the analysis of Securities Times (, Huawei is missing a "5G RF filter". In April 2021, the United States began a fourth round of sanctions against Huawei, restricting Huawei's device suppliers from supplying Huawei's 5G equipment as long as they involve PRODUCTs involving U.S. technology. The technology of 5G RF filters cannot be bypassed by the United States, so it cannot be supplied to Huawei. This is a new blow to Huawei, and the chips hoarded before the chip went out on September 15, 2020 can only be used as 4G even if they could have supported 5G. Now the newly bought Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 chip can only support 4G.

Why can't huawei P50 use 4G? | Technology Yuan Ren

Obviously, the goal of the United States is to limit Huawei's ability to implement new technologies, and they will use any technology that can be used to give China a card neck. China is racing with the United States in many areas to see if It is faster to break through the blockade or whether Huawei is stuck faster. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation cannot be achieved easily and by beating the gong and drum, what we need is to seek truth from facts and make down-to-earth efforts in all fields.

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