
After two visits to China to ask for release, the American chip giant suddenly announced its decision, and the People's Daily was right!



Micron moved to Japan and seized the opportunity of the booming chip industry in the eastern countries. With the rise of domestic chips in the domestic market, major companies have mass-produced self-developed chips, and the competition has become more and more fierce. Want to know about Micron's development prospects in Japan and the competitiveness of domestic chips? Read on!

After two visits to China to ask for release, the American chip giant suddenly announced its decision, and the People's Daily was right!

Micron moves to Japan

After two visits to China to ask for release, the American chip giant suddenly announced its decision, and the People's Daily was right!

Micron, as the world's top memory chip manufacturer, has been in a monopoly position in the market in recent years. However, Micron is also the most sanctioned, and its market behavior has long attracted the attention of national authorities. While sanctioning Huawei, the U.S. authorities also added Micron to the entity list, resulting in the suspension of its cooperation with Huawei. Then the Sino-US trade war intensified, and Micron's share of the market of the eastern country was threatened. In response to the market crisis, Micron had to seek development opportunities in other countries, with Japan becoming the first choice.

Micron's move to Japan is mainly due to the vigorous development of the chip industry in this large eastern country. The Japanese authorities have previously stated that they will focus on the chip industry. The support of the authorities is strong, the technology research and development continues to make breakthroughs, and the self-developed chip technology is progressing rapidly. In addition, the big eastern countries have also formulated a series of support policies to provide very favorable conditions for foreign chip companies.

Such an environment could not be more suitable for Micron. Its development in Japan can be said to be a matter of course, and there is no need to worry about encountering policy barriers, let alone being excluded from local companies. In addition, Micron can also improve its own technology level through cooperation with local Japanese companies. It can be said that Micron is standing on the cusp of Japan's chip industry.

After two visits to China to ask for release, the American chip giant suddenly announced its decision, and the People's Daily was right!

The rise of domestic chips

If Micron's development in Japan is still full of uncertainties, then there are no more variables in the domestic market. Since the birth of Huawei more than ten years ago, the chip industry in the eastern country has been attracting much attention. However, due to the late start and various foreign restrictions, it has been difficult for domestic chip companies to break through the obstacles and truly come up with competitive products.

But things have changed dramatically in recent years. Not only ZTE, Huawei and other established manufacturers have begun to mass produce self-developed chips, but even mobile phone manufacturers such as Xiaomi and OPPO have begun to produce their own chips. The pressure on international first-line brands such as Snapdragon and MediaTek is also increasing, and the reputation of domestic chips is gradually improving.

On the surface, the reason why domestic chips can be transformed so quickly is mainly due to the strong support of national policies. There is no doubt about this, and the big eastern countries have introduced a number of policies to support the independent research and development and production of domestic chip companies. This includes not only financial subsidies, but also technology introduction, and more importantly, market access guarantees.

The deeper reason lies in the breakthrough of technical bottlenecks. As one of the most important products of the information age, the importance of chips is self-evident. Due to the high level of technology, it can be said that it is almost impossible to catch up in a short period of time.

However, we have seen that Huawei, ZTE and other companies have emerged in such an industry environment. It shows that domestic companies have accumulated considerable strength in chip technology, but they have not played it.

Therefore, after the policy was introduced, these shackled enterprises finally ushered in the opportunity to play. In the eyes of foreign enterprises, these accumulations often take years or even more than ten years to complete. It's as if we are only one step away from winning the game, and that step can be done with policy support.

Global giants such as TSMC and Samsung are undoubtedly the leaders of the global chip market, and they not only occupy an absolute advantage in chip manufacturing technology, but also far ahead of other competitors in terms of market share. If Micron wants to gain a foothold in Japan, it will have to face stiff competition from these giants.

However, what is even more unexpected is that the competition in the domestic market is also fierce. The rise of domestic chips is unbelievable, how much advantage can TSMC and Samsung, which have gained a firm foothold in it, and for Micron, which has always been known for monopolizing the market, the future development can be said to be full of variables.

After two visits to China to ask for release, the American chip giant suddenly announced its decision, and the People's Daily was right!
After two visits to China to ask for release, the American chip giant suddenly announced its decision, and the People's Daily was right!


The competition in the domestic and foreign chip markets is becoming more and more fierce, Micron needs to face the challenge of global giants to gain a foothold in Japan, and the rise of domestic chips has also made the entire market more diversified. Do you think domestic chips can emerge in the global market? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!

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