
Chery Automobile Gu Junli: Chips and operating systems are the core of the smart car ecosystem

author:China Business News
Chery Automobile Gu Junli: Chips and operating systems are the core of the smart car ecosystem

Reporter Xia Zhibin and Quartz Jing reported from Shanghai

"At present, smart cars have entered the industrialization period, and industrialization must pay attention to ecology, and chips and operating systems are the core of ecology." A few days ago, at the special program of Zeroview Automobile, Gu Junli, deputy general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of Dazhuo Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., said to the reporter of China Business News on the live broadcast jointly sponsored by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China Business Newspaper and China Economic Media Think Tank.

In Gu Junli's view, the large model is not only a breakthrough in the development of smart cars, but also a new opportunity. "The past development of smart cars can be divided into three stages, the first stage is the use of computer vision and some AI, the second stage is the use of BEV-like medium models, and the third stage is the large model stage. Now we have officially entered the third stage. ”

"To put it simply, the large model means that our smart car industry has a new Scaling Law, which is similar to Moore's Law in the chip industry. The accumulation of computing power for large models has reached a three-in-one state. Talking about the definition and understanding of large models, Gu Junli explained, "It is essentially a multiplication of the IQ level of an algorithm, which has reached a new stage. ”

Gu Junli told reporters that the large model itself has set off a lot of trends in the industry, because it represents an accumulation of the industry, a new jump, a new technical form, a new data form, and a new computing power form. "We are also talking about cooperation with the industry's leading research institutes and institutions, and we have a very large amount of data, and we hope to catch up at this level through the blessing of AI latecomers and computing power. I also believe that in the next two or three years, maybe many in-vehicle algorithms will use large models. ”

"The large model is a money-burning one, which is a great test of the strength of the enterprise." Gu Junli said, "Tesla will invest $10 billion in large models this year, and Open AI will also invest tens of billions of dollars every year, so large models are definitely not a fluttering technology." ”

Gu Junli said bluntly: "The large model is not something that can be done by a few people in an enterprise, it requires the overall scientific research investment, technical height, and infrastructure of the enterprise to match, so the large model is a test for the top leader of the enterprise, and it is definitely a top project." ”

In Gu Junli's view, the pace of development of domestic applied science and technology has always been relatively fast. "I hope that the application of science and technology can lead the large model to go deeper and deeper, and we can also create some large models in specific fields in China in the future. At the level of intelligent driving, our driving control of AI models is actually no less than that of the United States, although there is still some gap compared with Tesla. ”

"What we Chinese are best at is to use application as traction, and we use it very well." Gu Junli said, "Take the application as the traction and give full play to our advantages. I believe that large models will play a great role in promoting the evolution of smart cars in the automotive industry. ”

Talking about the role of basic software in smart cars, Gu Junli told reporters: "The dimension of on-board OS (Operating System, operating system) is wider and larger than that of the previous computer OS, it is from the EEA (Electrical Electronic Architecture, electronic and electrical architecture) of the vehicle to the domain controller, but the traditional computer OS is more to the application layer. ”

Gu Junli further told reporters: "The on-board OS covers more circles, including the safety issues of vehicle control, regulatory issues, and now data security issues. If the past computer OS has two circles, then the vehicle OS will have five or six circles, and building such a multi-circle system is the business of China's entire industry, and it is by no means a matter of one enterprise. ”

"This requires the leadership of the industry, and the two circles of mainstream OEMs and core component suppliers need to be the main guide, and then form a joint force through platform and industrialization to form a new ecological pattern of smart vehicles." Gu Junli said, "From this new smart car ecological pattern, we will gradually expand and consolidate the five circles of what we call the smart car operating system. ”

As one of the representative car companies of domestic independent brands, Chery is comprehensively promoting the intelligent layout. "One of the topics we need to complete is how to build a product platform suitable for Chery smart cars, and quickly promote the product attribute changes of Chery smart cars in the form of product platforms, we now have three platform systems under development, and several platform systems may be launched next year, which will probably cover most of Chery's models, and then create an intelligent interactive system for smart travel." Gu Junli said.

Gu Junli explained: "In the next 3-5 years, the interactive system of smart cars will definitely change, and there will be many new business scenarios, like the business kingdom of today's smart phones, there will definitely be business scenarios of mobile intelligence and large intelligent terminals." ”

In terms of big data, Gu Junli told reporters that with One Model, One Platform, and One Data, Chery has its own Scaling Law in the process of promoting the intelligent industry. "One Model is an end-to-end large model at the algorithm level, One Platform is platform-based, and One Data refers to building an international data system."

In terms of automobile exports, Chery is a well-deserved leading domestic car company. Talking about the data of smart cars going to sea, Gu Junli said: "We must go to sea, and if we don't go to sea, we are sorry for the times (the opportunities given), and we firmly lead China's smart cars to go to sea." ”

"Firmly promoting China's smart cars on the roads of the world is our mission and the company's vision." Gu Junli said, "Around this mission and vision, we must first train in China and form our own science and technology circle. When going overseas, it is necessary to do a good job of localizing some security data, and consider local usage habits and culture. ”

In Gu Junli's view, automobiles have become an immersive space for human life, and Chery has always been open-minded to invite partners such as chip vendors, algorithm vendors, and map vendors to carry out industrial co-creation. "Using Chery's industrial technology as a bridge to leverage the overseas sector can make our Chinese cars earn money all over the world, which is a great motivation for me."

When it comes to the current challenges of data going overseas, Gu Junli believes that the first challenge is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). "Because data has national borders, it has political attributes."

The second is the control of local regulations and product quality. Gu Junli pointed out that although China's smart cars are running ahead of the world, how to control the reliability and quality of the entire system, and how to establish a methodology suitable for different countries and regions, still need to be explored. "Since Chery is in the front, it has the mission and responsibility to lead everyone to rush out together."

Editor: Quartz Jing Review: Tong Haihua Proofreader: Liu Jun

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