
Taicang, Jiangsu. He took a knife and slammed his backhand, and Zhao Mou 's (female, then 30 years old) throat was cut open, and blood flew out. He looked at her coldly with a look of astonishment and walked into her ten-year-old son's bed

author:Yuchen's exquisite collection of essays

Taicang, Jiangsu. He took a knife and slammed his backhand, and Zhao Mou 's (female, then 30 years old) throat was cut open, and blood flew out. He looked at her with a look of shock in his eyes, walked into her ten-year-old son's bedroom, and cut his throat again...

A murder in a house, the mother and son were both cut throats tragically. At about 4:00 a.m. on April 24, 2016, in a small area of Liuhe Road in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, Zheng Mou (then 43 years old) carried a wooden ladder made in a modern way, climbed through the window, killed the mother and son, and absconded at night.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Taicang police arrested Zheng Mou, who had absconded to Lao'an Village in Shanghai's Baoshan District.

Zheng confessed: He and Zhao met in 2013. At that time, he was a carpentry contractor, earning more than 10,000 yuan a month, and had a family and two sons. At that time, Zhao Mou opened a small shop near his processing plant. The two naturally met.

Every time he went to the store, Zhao was very enthusiastic. Zhao Mouchang was very pleasing and able to speak, and he was also very proud at that time. During a small talk, he learned that Zhao's husband had been working in a factory in Baoshan District, Shanghai for many years. At home was her and her elementary school son.

From his first tentative invitation to Zhao, it took him three days. He quickly fell into her gentle township, and the young, beautiful and open Zhao gradually entered his heart. As the saying goes: life is as beautiful as the first sight.

At first, they maintained an underground relationship, and as the relationship developed, they became less and less satisfied with the brief sneaky meeting, and more and more wanted to break through the shackles of the world, and just as they were rushing to the road to open relations, several things happened.

Zhao was pregnant, and she told her husband that she was going to divorce, give birth to the child, and have a relationship with Zheng. Zheng himself was beaten with a wooden stick by his son and chased by his son with a knife until he was driven out of the house and rented outside.

Feelings are often like this, the more resistance they encounter, the more barbaric they grow. But it will always disappear when it is as calm as water.

Zhao's husband rushed back to Taicang, and under the persuasion of her husband, Zhao decided to beat up the child and suspend the divorce. He begged bitterly and asked Zhao to give birth to a child and quickly divorce him, and they were justified together, but Zhao did not listen.

Zhao Mou quickly went to the crowd. He said that after she recovered from surgery, the storm clouds suddenly changed. She no longer dated him very often. At this moment, he is already a lonely person. Zhao Mou was like the only straw that saved his life.

When you're on the wrong path, there's no worst, only worse. In March 2015, it was difficult for him to return to his lonely home, and it was difficult to see people. Most of the boring time he started gambling. Soon, he went from being a contractor to a debtor. In just one year, he went from hundreds of thousands of dollars in his hands to hundreds of thousands in debt.

Zhao Mou was also getting farther and farther away from him, and he gradually realized that she was the fate of his life, which brought him to such a miserable situation. Love begins to turn to hate, and the anticipation of the heart gradually turns into deep resentment.

On the eve of the crime, he decided to find Zhao Mou again and ask what they said in the future. When he arrived, he saw Zhao get out of a black car and smile. Just like they were.

After waiting for a while, he went to knock on the door, Zhao heard that it was him, the door was not open, and said across the door, it is too late, what will be said later. It's all adults, you don't take it too seriously, too hard.

He returned to the rental house alone, drunk, and in just two years, he grew from a rich man to a debtor, from a bunting flag flying a red flag to no one caring, from a son on the side to being chased by his son, all in tears.

So he wrote a suicide note, picked up the wooden planks stacked in the house, and made a simple wooden ladder...

In February 2017, the Intermediate People's Court of Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, heard the case in public.

According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China:

Article 232 stipulates that the crime of intentional homicide refers to the death penalty, life imprisonment or a lesser fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years if the crime of intentional homicide is intentional homicide.

In the end, Zheng was convicted of intentional homicide. Sentenced to death.

The comment of Yuchen's exquisite collection of essays is: Life is like a boat against the current, and if you don't advance, you will retreat. In this case, Zheng mou lived a good life through years of hard work. The family is normal, with two sons and a good economy. But a fatally deformed love affair, the speed of light, ends it all, leaving him doomed and lost everything.

Zhao indulges and wanders among many men, just like opening multiple Pandora's box, and is eventually swallowed up by sin. He also hitched a ride with his own young children. It's heart-wrenching.

Plunge into a dangerous relationship, life will change climbing, try your best not necessarily to achieve the goal, a release is to crush the bones. Many lessons cannot be described as profound.

Friends, do you have any thoughts on this case? Welcome to leave a comment.

(The picture comes from the network intrusion joint deletion)

Taicang, Jiangsu. He took a knife and slammed his backhand, and Zhao Mou 's (female, then 30 years old) throat was cut open, and blood flew out. He looked at her coldly with a look of astonishment and walked into her ten-year-old son's bed
Taicang, Jiangsu. He took a knife and slammed his backhand, and Zhao Mou 's (female, then 30 years old) throat was cut open, and blood flew out. He looked at her coldly with a look of astonishment and walked into her ten-year-old son's bed
Taicang, Jiangsu. He took a knife and slammed his backhand, and Zhao Mou 's (female, then 30 years old) throat was cut open, and blood flew out. He looked at her coldly with a look of astonishment and walked into her ten-year-old son's bed

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