
Don't stay up late, the person you like is already asleep, she doesn't have you in her dreams, and she doesn't love you when she wakes up. Think about it, what did you bring me? Because a big fight for a small thing is a quarrel, before

author:The loneliness of the heart

Don't stay up late, the person you like is already asleep, she doesn't have you in her dreams, and she doesn't love you when she wakes up.

Think about it, what did you bring me? Because a big fight for a small thing is an argument, an unprecedented grievance, a refusal to tolerate, blind accusations, gentle care that has never been given to me, repeated disappointment and sadness, torture and growth.

Later, the people who loved me too much left, the flowers and trees planted withered, and the beautiful little colored fish they raised died, and I couldn't keep anything.

I haven't made you sad in life, but I have a disease that makes you sad.

Throw away things you don't like, blacken nasty people, sleep when you're not happy, delete photos when you're tired of seeing them, confess when you meet people you like, and eat foods you like when you're hungry. Life is so short, there is no time for you to hesitate.

No one in this world will always be who is who. Some people are destined to be hurt, some are destined to be missed, and some people are only suitable to live forever in the heart of another person.

Love words are words that you don't even believe in yourself, but want the other person to believe.

Hiding at a certain time, missing the palm prints for a while; hiding somewhere, missing a man who stood on the road where I came, on the road I cared about.

The most painful thought is not that the other party does not know that you think of him, but that he knows but does not care. Some people, no matter how nice you are to him, he won't pay attention because he doesn't have you in his life.

The bravest thing I've ever done, not to love you without hesitation, but to pretend to be indifferent and listen to your love for her.

The most regrettable thing in life is to easily give up what should not be given up, and stubbornly insist on what should not be insisted on.

Originally thought that as long as you hold on to it, you can live forever, but I did not expect that the tighter you hold it, the faster you lose.

There is nothing soft in a hard city. Love, life, not Lin Daiyu, will not be because of sadness and charm.

Maybe you're a dream that I can't fulfill in my lifetime, maybe I'm an irrelevant past in three or two years.

You saw through everything, but you didn't see through me. When I said I didn't love you, you believed me. When I say I'm doing a great job, you believe me.

Emotions are too stubborn to hide, too shameful to vent.

Lonely people like late nights, sentimental people like dusk. Happy people like sunshine, sad people prefer wind and rain.

Before I mentioned you, I was full of pride and possession; when I thought of you later, it was a kind of regret and grievance.

If you're sad, look up at the sky! Such a big size, it will definitely tolerate you and all your grievances.

We always think about the warm breeze and ice cream in winter and summer, we miss the snow in winter under the hot summer sun, and we always throw things aside that we can't get.

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