
"The Warriors may not understand that the barometer of the winning and losing hand is really not a splash brother!"

Wiggins scored under 18 points, and the Warriors lost again! Curry scored 11-of-25, with 35 points and 10 assists, Thompson 17-of-77, and the Splash Brothers combining 52 points, which supposedly should have been a game to win, but the Warriors lost. Although the result was only two points lost, the Knicks once led the Warriors by 13 points in the biggest point difference in the fourth quarter, and the Warriors reversed the defeat! How to say it? Can't say that the Warriors played badly, more like losing on the rebound, the frontcourt rebound warriors lost 11, Miro alone took 8 frontcourt rebounds. But this is not the pot for the Warriors to lose, because the Warriors face too many teams with big centers, more than this, but this ball loses without temper.

"The Warriors may not understand that the barometer of the winning and losing hand is really not a splash brother!"

Since Thompson's comeback, the Warriors have only two themes, the first theme is to let Thompson find the feel, just crazy to find the feel, even if the team loses, let Thompson find the feeling of shooting. To put it bluntly, Thompson slowly found the feeling of shooting, and slowly adjusted the accuracy of the shooting back. The second theme is to make the Splash Brothers fit together, that is, to rely on a lot of three-pointers, a lot of fast-attack tactics to score, Thompson and Curry to shoot the kind of three-pointers that took advantage of the opponent's unstable foothold before, anyway, Kerr is pursuing the previous way of playing, let the splash to end the game!

"The Warriors may not understand that the barometer of the winning and losing hand is really not a splash brother!"

But the warriors overlooked one point, and that was the mouth mushroom! In a game before Thompson did not return, The mouth brother could cut 23 points per game, but after the return of Tang Shen, Wiggins was eager to take only twelve or three points per game. Obviously, the tactical focus has changed! When Thompson did not come back before, Wiggins was the main one or three quarters, and the situation was different after The comeback of Tang Shen. As soon as the whole team came up to make the ball for Thompson, played for six minutes, Thompson went off, Poole came on, and then it was Poole's time again.

"The Warriors may not understand that the barometer of the winning and losing hand is really not a splash brother!"

Poole finished the first quarter, the second quarter Curry began to find the feel, the third quarter is still the old mode, the fourth quarter is the splash brothers, Wiggins can get not many opportunities, as for the tactics, almost nothing! Many people think that as long as the Splash Brothers can play, then the Warriors can easily win. But in fact, there is a very strange phenomenon this season, that is, as long as Wiggins scores 20 games, the Warriors can generally win, and many games are very easy to play in the third quarter. But once Wiggins' score is less than 18 or even 15 points, the Warriors' ball is not easy to play, many of them are more tangled, and some lose very stubbornly.

"The Warriors may not understand that the barometer of the winning and losing hand is really not a splash brother!"

Wiggins is more like a barometer of the Warriors' winning and losing hands, what is Yuzu sister to say? It is the difference between the striker and the defender, the defender throws is really thrown, it is the feel of the explosion, but the striker throws differently, he can change the defense! So you see Curry and Thompson's breakthrough and Wiggins's strong kill under the basket are completely two concepts, the defender rushes in to get the points, is to run to steal the points, and the forwards to the basket is to kill, to force you to shrink the inside line, this is the essential difference! So in general, as long as Wiggins opens the game of the situation, the Warriors are very smooth, both inside and outside, but in turn, the mouth brother only takes twelve or thirteen points in a game, then the defensive pressure of the rest of the Warriors is greater. To put it bluntly, the splash is the lower limit, the upper limit is the mouth brother, you don't let him play, the ball is not easy to win.

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