
Who will comfort the spiritual worries of the "old drifters"_Shenzhen News Network

author:Shenzhen News Network

■ Kuang Xianming China is in a period of rapid urbanization, which has formed a huge mobile group, one of which is a special group, that is, the "old drifters". The living conditions of the "old drifters" have attracted great attention from society in recent years. According to the "China Floating Population Development Report 2018", the scale of the country's elderly floating population has grown rapidly since 2000, from 5.03 million in 2000 to 13.04 million in 2015, with an average annual growth rate of 6.5 million. 6%。 The proportion of the elderly floating population in the country has also increased, reaching 5.5% in 2015. 3%。 For the sake of the happiness of their children, or even the third generation, the "old drifters" sacrifice their retirement life or leave the familiar living environment and come to a strange city, which is tantamount to restarting a new mode of life. In this process, we are bound to face problems of one kind or another, and these challenges are more spiritual and social. Due to differences in language and living habits, coupled with the distance between relatives, friends and old friends, there is a gap between the lives of the elderly who have moved in and the residents of the places where they have moved in. Surveys have shown that "no friends", "lack of spiritual comfort" and "loneliness, homesickness" have become the biggest troubles of "drifting mothers and drifting fathers". Objectively speaking, in a specific family structure, the three spiritual needs of the "old drifters" are difficult to be effectively satisfied in the family. An important way to solve this problem is to make the most of the role of the community. With the continuous improvement of community public services and social management systems, they have the conditions and ability to include the "old drifters" as the key service objects of the community. Giving play to the role of the community in meeting the needs of the "old drifters" can focus on two aspects. The first is to ensure its basic public service needs such as old-age care and medical care. In particular, in terms of reimbursement for off-site medical treatment, we provide necessary help and support for the "old drifters". The second is to take the initiative to absorb the "old drifters" into the existing cultural activities in the community, such as fitness, square dancing, etc., and can also establish platforms such as "old drifters" associations, so that those who have common words can fully communicate and communicate. That is to say, it is necessary to expand the social interaction of the "old drifters" within the community and meet their multi-faceted spiritual needs to enhance their sense of belonging. To serve the "old drifters", the community needs to establish a standardized system. For example, do a good job of thorough investigation, establish information archives of "old drifters", and do a good job in providing services in a planned and targeted manner to meet the needs. In this regard, it should be said that there is still considerable room for the role of the community, and it is expected that more communities can take active actions, take the lead in exploration, accumulate experience and widely promote it. (The author is director of the Institute of Economics, China (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute)