
Many years ago, a well-behaved female student in the class did not come to school. You think she was killed? Not really. After a period of time (including the police to the school to investigate the situation) the case was solved, and the child's mother

author:Tujia sister

Many years ago, a well-behaved female student in the class did not come to school.

You think she was killed? Not really. A period of time later (including when the police went to the school to investigate) the case was solved, and the child's mother and uncle killed the father. (Reason unknown)

The girl is usually brought by the father, picking up and taking care of the child every day, and the teachers are looking at it, but the girl calmly made perjury for the mother.

Of course, it was easily recognized by the police, after all, it was a third- and fourth-grade primary school student against a group of old criminal policemen. Eventually, after the police agreed to something, she told the truth. Seeing this, there must be people who wonder if it is the father who violates his daughter?

No, after the lie was exposed, the police agreed to buy the little girl a KFC or a McDonald's takeaway first. After eating, of course, I talked about the situation where my uncle and mother killed my father.

The whole process was very calm, the police asked her why she hid the truth, she naturally calmly replied, if my mother is caught, who will raise me? Eventually, she was picked up by her grandmother's family and transferred to another school.

When he was picked up, he was very calm and politely said goodbye to his teachers and classmates.

It was as if they had just moved somewhere else with their parents.

Now that I think about it, I think this is antisocial personality. #Case Broadcast # #故事 #

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