
Yan Wengang: I have been looking forward to winning glory for the country in the Winter Olympic Games, and I am very happy to realize my dream!

Yan Wengang: I have been looking forward to winning glory for the country in the Winter Olympic Games, and I am very happy to realize my dream!

Live bar February 12 news China's Yan Wengang on the 11th in the Beijing Winter Olympics men's steel frame snowmobile competition last skate almost perfect, with four rounds of 4 minutes 01.77 seconds to win the bronze medal, creating the best time in the history of Chinese athletes in the event.

In the third round, Yan Wengang played well, sliding 1:00.54 and a total of 3:01.62 in three rounds. The opponents also played well in this round, with Grote Hull and Axel Juncker continuing to extend their lead, while after the first two rounds of skating, the Russian Olympic Committee's Tretyakov, who was fifth, skated 1:00.37 in the third round, ranking ahead of Yan Wengang. After three rounds, Yan Wengang advanced to fourth, 0.05 seconds behind Tretyakov. If you want to stand on the podium, you must give it a go and not make any mistakes, so that you have the opportunity to surpass your opponent.

In the final round, Yan Wengang, who appeared in the penultimate fourth, withstood the pressure and completed the whole process from departure into the corner to taxiing over the corner, taking 1 minute 00 seconds 15, creating the best result of four slides in this competition. Tretyakov, who came after him, made a mistake on the slide, and eventually Yan Wengang was able to secure the podium with a time of 0.22 seconds ahead of him. The last two appearances of Germany's Grote Herr and Axel Juncker played steadily, and Yan Wengang eventually finished third and won the bronze medal.

"The third round was more thrilling, at that time it felt like starting and sliding were OK, but there was a little flaw in the corners and acceleration, and the report card slid sixth, which was really not particularly ideal." Yan Wengang said that the third skating result once affected his confidence, but after a short adjustment, he decided to let go of the entanglement of the ranking and only focus on sliding. "When I stood at the starting point, I only thought about Turn 1 and Turn 4, which I had made mistakes before, simulated the taxi route in my mind, decided to choose the most fighting route, and used all my strength." Yan Wengang said that his performance in the first three rounds was conservative, and the fourth round was his real self. "Before, I may have thought a little too much, afraid of mistakes, seeking stability, but the steel frame snowmobile is a game of the brave, the more you want to be conservative, the more prone to mistakes, the third round I rubbed the right wall when I made Turn 11, at that time I felt that my heart was not strong enough, and I still needed to exercise."

Yan Wengang said that in the past 6 years since he switched from long jump to steel frame snowmobile, he has been looking forward to winning glory for the country in the Winter Olympic Games, "I have worked so hard in recent years, and I hope to show my better self at the Winter Olympics." I showed my best self in the last round of skating, very happy, and fulfilled my dream! ”

In 2015, the mainland set up a national training team for steel frame snowmobiles, drawing on foreign experience and selecting materials from athletics, wrestling and other projects. At the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the Chinese team qualified for the steel frame snowmobile project for the first time, and Geng Wenqiang won the 13th place. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, Chinese steel-framed snowmobile player Yan Wengang took the podium and created history.

(China Sports News)

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