
Han Yuqin: Once recognized by Zhang Guoguo as a dry daughter, and also married to the president of Daphne, now the scenery is gone

author:Leilei said entertainment

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With the development of the current era, our country's acting career is also getting better and better. Every year, new people spring up like mushrooms, and many of the old drama bones that used to be have faded out of the screen. Some of these people who faded out of the screen began to start their own brands, or opened a lot of small shops that they liked. And there are many female stars who finally choose to marry into the giants. Although it is said that marrying into the giants has advantages and disadvantages.

Han Yuqin: Once recognized by Zhang Guoguo as a dry daughter, and also married to the president of Daphne, now the scenery is gone

Some people have been subjected to the suppression of their in-laws since they got married! Some people are very happy. Today Xiaobian wants to tell you about a female star who married into a rich family. She is Han Yuqin. This name may sound a little unfamiliar to everyone, but she is Zhang Guoguo's proud protégé. Han Yuqin's own strength is also very strong. She graduated from the Beijing Film Academy, and she is also very beautiful, and when she was in school, she was also a school flower level figure. The knowledge of professional courses is also quite solid, and many acting teachers praise her.

Han Yuqin: Once recognized by Zhang Guoguo as a dry daughter, and also married to the president of Daphne, now the scenery is gone

But after coming out of school, I fell into a very embarrassing situation. Although Han Yuqin has cooperated with many A-list stars, it is all tepid. Like Huang Haibo and Wu Xiubo. They've all worked together. There was also an excellent performance in "Divorce Lawyer", and many people at that time also liked this girl. Then many people may wonder, then how did he and Zhang Guoli meet? In fact, Han Yuqin once participated in the role. In the fourth part of "Kangxi Micro Service Private Interview", Han Yuqin encountered some problems about filming, and she studied it for a long time and did not understand it. So she consulted Teacher Zhang Guoli, the most senior actor in the crew at that time.

Han Yuqin: Once recognized by Zhang Guoguo as a dry daughter, and also married to the president of Daphne, now the scenery is gone

Zhang Guoli was very recognized for her efforts and her own conditions, so Zhang Guoli accepted her as a dry daughter. At the same time, it is also more spare to teach her. Fortunately, Han Yuqin is also very contentious to portray the character into the wood three points. At that time, Zhang Guoli also had great expectations for her, and wanted to make her a popular traffic flower. But I don't know why, maybe everyone has a different fate, Han Yuqin has never had a fire. Although Han Yuqin rarely comes out to shoot now, she also has a good home. She chose to marry Daphne's president at the best of her career.

Han Yuqin: Once recognized by Zhang Guoguo as a dry daughter, and also married to the president of Daphne, now the scenery is gone

This is also very shocking, because it is an actress in the ascendant period, and compared to male actors, the acting cycle of actresses seems to be shorter. Therefore, Han Yuqin's choice to get married at this time is also a not very good choice. However, Zhang Guoli also agreed with her choice. Although daphne's president is much older than Han Yuqin, his heart for Han Yuqin is obvious to everyone. Therefore, Zhang Guoli also made a witness to the marriage of the two people.

Han Yuqin: Once recognized by Zhang Guoguo as a dry daughter, and also married to the president of Daphne, now the scenery is gone

At that time, when Han Yuqin got married, it was very beautiful, because Daphne was also a very famous enterprise in China at that time, and the development was also very good. Therefore, many people are very envious of Han Yuqin. But now Daphne is affected by the market, the market value has shrunk madly, and even the stores have closed a lot. So everyone is also thinking, I don't know if the future Han Yuqin will pay again and then help her husband develop his career?

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