
The 2022 property market policy, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development today hammered out, releasing two signals of long-term effect and precision

author:Big data on house prices

It is not difficult to deeply grasp the direction of property market policies and accurately understand property market policies.

Because the two major departments related to the development of the property market, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the central bank, have accurate and clear judgments, and these signals are transmitted to the public at the first time.

For the property market in 2022, at today's press conference of the State New Office, Wang Menghui, minister of housing and urban-rural development, released two signals.

1. Maintain the continuity and stability of regulatory policies, and enhance the accuracy and coordination of regulatory policies.

2. Continue to steadily implement the long-term real estate mechanism. Guarantee the just demand for housing, while meeting reasonable demand for improvement, promote the virtuous circle and healthy development of the real estate industry, do not use real estate as a tool and means to stimulate the economy in the short term, and strive to stabilize land prices, house prices, and expectations.

The 2022 property market policy, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development today hammered out, releasing two signals of long-term effect and precision

In a literal sense, it basically continues the previous property market policy, and on this basis, it further emphasizes the just need for guaranteed housing and the accuracy of regulation. From the perspective of emphasizing the continuity and stability of the regulation and control policy, this is consistent with the Economic Daily's statement a few days ago that "we must not rush to turn the policy, otherwise we will abandon the previous achievements."

Therefore, many housing enterprises or some real estate practitioners judge that the property market will be fully relaxed based on measures such as reducing the threshold for buying houses, increasing the amount of housing provident fund and housing subsidies after the introduction of talents in January, which is unrealistic.

Targeted precision can be implemented, and it is not time for comprehensive relaxation.

If the house price has just been adjusted, the property market will be fully relaxed, which is obviously too adapted to the long-term mechanism.

Moreover, the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that the decline in house prices has also been alleviated. Among the 70 large and medium-sized cities in January, 39 cities with new commercial housing fell month-on-month, down 11 from the previous month. Second-hand residential sales prices fell in 55 cities month-on-month, down 8 from the previous month.

Therefore, as the Economic Daily said, "to stabilize the property market, we need to beware of the market rising too quickly."

The 2022 property market policy, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development today hammered out, releasing two signals of long-term effect and precision

At this moment, the real estate market is showing a certain trend of stopping the decline and stabilizing from the overall cooling since the second half of last year. We cannot carry out excessive stimulation under the hat of stabilizing the property market to avoid a strong speculative atmosphere in the market.

Therefore, Wang Menghui, minister of housing and urban-rural development, today's emphasis on the property market policy can be said to have the effect of hammering out one by one. Don't guess, it is fundamental to be at ease and do practical things in a down-to-earth manner.

The long-term mechanism of the property market that is being promoted is the most important thing to "increase the supply of affordable rental housing".

Wang Menghui, minister of housing and urban-rural development, said today that he hopes to raise 100,000 new public rental housing units and 1.2 million shantytown renovations throughout 2022. Construction and raising of 2.4 million units (rooms) of affordable rental housing.

According to the 14th Five-Year Plan, in terms of housing and housing, the guarantee rate of urban household registration low-income families applying for public rental housing and the eligible rural low-income people will achieve the guarantee rate of physical housing safety and security by 2025.

There is one binding indicator and two expected indicators for housing. The binding indicator is that the guarantee rate of urban household registration low-income families applying for public rental housing has reached 100%. That is, one will not be less.

The 2022 property market policy, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development today hammered out, releasing two signals of long-term effect and precision

In fact, the "new city construction" that has been vigorously promoted since this year is obviously different from the past, changing the large-scale demolition and construction of shantytowns in the past, and implementing urban renewal and digital, networked and intelligent new urban infrastructure construction. There are two quantitative objectives in these efforts.

First, during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, it is planned to complete the transformation of 219,000 old urban communities built before the end of 2000, and transform a number of urban villages according to local conditions.

The second is to strive to start the reconstruction of about 20,000 kilometers of gas pipelines with potential safety hazards in 2022. The renovation of various shantytowns began 1.65 million units. The renovation of 55,600 old urban communities has been newly started, benefiting 9.65 million households.

The third is to accelerate the construction of a national, provincial, and municipal three-level urban information model basic platform system, and comprehensively promote intelligent municipal, smart community, and intelligent construction.

At today's press conference of the State Council New Office, a reporter proposed how to deal with the debt construction contract of another housing enterprise.

Ni Hong, vice minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, talked about a goal, two principles and two responsibilities today.

The 2022 property market policy, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development today hammered out, releasing two signals of long-term effect and precision

One goal is to "ensure the delivery of buildings, people's livelihood, and stability" as the primary goal. Safeguard social stability and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the housing buyers.

The two principles are based on the principle of rule of law and the principle of marketization.

The two responsibilities are the main responsibility of the enterprise and the management responsibility of the territorial government.

In a word, the property market in 2022 has set the tone as follows: "housing is not speculation" has become a social consensus, do not use real estate as a tool and means to stimulate the economy in the short term, strengthen the guidance of expectations, and promote the virtuous circle and healthy development of the real estate industry because of the city's policies.