
Ye Luoli: Shui Shui Bingbing is worthy of being a brother and sister, many people have not paid attention, and the magic gestures are the same

The Water Prince and the Ice Princess are a pair of brothers and sisters, and everyone familiar with the "Ye Luoli" animation knows it. Although the Water Prince and the Ice Princess are brother and sister, the relationship between them is not what we think, there is a common father or mother. After all, they are all the most primitive fairies, and the power they use is also the most primitive power. It is also for this reason that many small partners are questioning, are they still really brothers and sisters?

Although this question cannot be answered directly, we can see some clues from the settings of the two people. Shui Shui Bing bing is worthy of being a brother and sister, many people have not paid attention, the magic gestures of the brothers and sisters are the same, it is really unexpected.

Ye Luoli: Shui Shui Bingbing is worthy of being a brother and sister, many people have not paid attention, and the magic gestures are the same

In the setting of the character relationship, the Ice Princess and the Water Prince are very close brothers and sisters. One has the power of ice, and the other has the power of water purification. The strength of both people is very strong, and at the same time, the strength of two people is also complementary to each other. Two forces can be interconnected, and at the same time the two forces can influence each other. However, from the performance point of view, the strength of the Water Prince was more powerful, obviously much stronger than the Ice Lord.

Ye Luoli: Shui Shui Bingbing is worthy of being a brother and sister, many people have not paid attention, and the magic gestures are the same

Let's take a look at the Ice Princess's magic gestures, which show different gestures each time she casts a spell. No way, who called her the beautiful Ice Princess? However, the careful friends have found that the ice princess's standard gesture is to cross her hands, and then the fingers also pose a posture that resembles an orchid finger, which is really beautiful. However, this shape is not exclusive to the Ice Princess, because the Water Prince can even use this magic gesture.

Ye Luoli: Shui Shui Bingbing is worthy of being a brother and sister, many people have not paid attention, and the magic gestures are the same

The next thing you see is the Water Prince, whose magic gestures are also very powerful. However, this gesture is similar to the gesture of the Ice Princess, except that the Water Prince shows more fierceness. Of course, our focus is on the gestures of two people, and the gestures of two people look so similar, what does this mean? This shows that they are indeed brothers and sisters, and even the magic gestures are so similar. The Power of the Water Prince is even stronger, even if the magic displayed by similar postures is stronger.

Ye Luoli: Shui Shui Bingbing is worthy of being a brother and sister, many people have not paid attention, and the magic gestures are the same

Sure enough, the magic used by the Ice Princess could not repel the Dream Princess, but the Water Prince was different. The Water Prince used a similar gesture, and the magic released directly devoured the Dream Princess. In this way, it is still a bit stronger than the brother, obviously surpassing the Ice Princess.

Ye Luoli: Shui Shui Bingbing is worthy of being a brother and sister, many people have not paid attention, and the magic gestures are the same

However, the Water Prince also has a time when he is black, and the Water Prince is obviously taller than the Ice Princess, but in the plot of the Ice Lotus. This scene blackened the water prince. In this comparison, the Water Prince turned out to be the shortest one. In other words, how can shui shui not have Wang Mogao? It seems that even the water that everyone likes has a time when it is blackened!

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