
"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

author:Xiaoqing Entertainment Station

Now the entertainment industry can't find any other way than to consume the audience's feelings?

Either it is a blind compilation of popular novels, or a remake of an old drama, or a sequel, anyway, one by one, self-created scripts, and now it has become a rarity.

But if you shoot well, it's no problem. The key from the beginning to the end, is just to consume the audience's feelings, did not want to shoot well.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

The new version of "Tianlong Eight Parts" is simply a spit encyclopedia, and the obscene version of Duan Yu, how to match Chen Haomin and Lin Zhiying's Dancing Young Lang?

There is also Wang Yuyan, who is always pouting and has a strong taste of green tea, how to compare with Liu Yifei and Li Ruotong's Heavenly Immortals?

The front foot was angry with the new version of "Tianlong Babu", and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Xi saw a "bad news". Today's film and television drama market is completely for the post-90s to live.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

One by one, the only bit of feeling left after the 90s was destroyed, without mercy, which of us post-90s did we offend?

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" announced the news today and has been filed. This means that filming is about to begin, and sooner or later it will enter the public eye.

The first part of "Magic Mobile Phone" is indeed a classic. Combining mythological stories with future technology, all kinds of crossings, logical and meticulous, no violation, very popular with the audience.

However, from the second part, it is already taking a downward route. Now, after 14 years, the preparation for the third part has begun, but it is actually not interesting.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

The original class was also older, and it was impossible to get together at all. The brand new face and the things that are filmed are not the fools and Lu Xiaoqian in the audience's hearts at all.

Moreover, the largest audience of old dramas is still those of us who are post-90s. With pearls in front, who is rare to shoot the rags? It's tantamount to ruining feelings.

The most important point is that this plot is not very interesting. It can be seen from the filing form that the third part is mainly about the fact that after the fool left, Lu Xiaoqian invested in artificial intelligence research and development and recreated the silly phone.

This technology has attracted the attention of some villains, who secretly covet and murder Lu Xiaoqian in an attempt to regain the fool. Lu Xiaoqian and silly girls wrestle with these people and finally succeed in defeating their story.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

This plot is really unattractive. Even if the original team came to shoot, this was the case. Almost fried cold rice, without a little innovation.

Let's talk about Lu Xiaoqian's creation of silly girls, the first part has already hinted to the audience, and the silly girls are made by Lu Xiaoqian in the future world. Shooting this meme again, it is not fun.

unbelief? Then listen to my inventory. Although the first part is not clearly explained, many places have laid the groundwork. The appearance of the silly girl is related to Lu Xiaoqian.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > boot password</h1>

What is the initial boot password of the fool, do you remember? "I love you" is the boot code of the silly girl.

This is the best proof, the person who wants to say this to the fool the most is Lu Xiaoqian. The research and development of the silly girl definitely has Lu Xiaoqian's strength.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

In the first ending, the fool dies in the depths of the earth. Since then, Lu Xiaoqian has been alone and has begun to be busy with his career and wants to be stupid.

It is not difficult to imagine that after decades of waiting, Lu Xiaoqian finally waited, the technology is developed, there are enough materials to support her to create a silly girl, and specially set up this boot code.

Otherwise, it is only scientists who have researched the stupid girl, why should they set such a boot password for the fool, the explanation does not make sense.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > scientist's reaction</h1>

In the beginning, future scientists manipulate fools through time and space. As a result, the silly girl had a problem and fell into ancient times, where she encountered Sun Wukong fighting with the Yellow Brow King.

Sun Wukong Pig Eight Precepts has already known Silly Girl and Lu Xiaoqian in the previous timeline. So when they saw the fool, they asked Where Lu Xiaoqian was.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

This time, the lens is given to the future tense. The scientist's expression was clearly contemplative. Actors of that era, any expression has meaning.

In fact, it is not difficult to doubt from here that scientists are speculating. Lu Xiaoqian in the mouth of pig eight precepts is the person he knows, the person who provided the information on the production of the stupid girl?

Of course, this can also explain that these scientists are wondering why Sun Wukong, who knows the Eight Precepts of the Pig, may be wondering what is wrong.

But combined with the whole play, it is obviously not very reasonable. Why did this group of scientists later allow the fools to stay by Lu Xiaoqian's side? Although there is a natural disaster as a pretext, this cannot be said.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

They can manipulate the fool to check it out by themselves, and after checking it, they can quickly let the fool go back, there is no need to let Lu Xiaoqian hold the fool. Think about it, is someone saying anything to a scientist?

Let them follow the order of time and space and go with the flow. Otherwise, once the silly girl is recalled, Lu Xiaoqian does not know the silly girl, and everything will be changed in the future.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" > Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to make a fool the most</h1>

If you want to say who makes the most stupid girl out, it is definitely Lu Xiaoqian. After the silly girl disappeared from the center of the earth, Lu Xiaoqian wanted to see the silly girl again, and there was only one way, to make it by hand.

Although there are also a series of replicas such as "Prince", it can travel through time and space. But he couldn't go, no matter what point in time, there was a Lu Xiaoqian.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

As has long been said in the play, two identical people cannot be in one space-time at the same time, but can only go to the time-space before or after this, otherwise it will disrupt the order of time and space.

Even if Lu Xiaoqian held a replica, he couldn't find a fool. So he wanted to see the fool, and he had to wait until the year when the fool was made.

When it comes to silly information, no one knows better than him. Well, wait until 2060. Only Lu Xiaoqian would most desperately hope that the fool would appear.

In summary, the first part of "Magic Mobile Phone" is very clear, time and space is a reincarnation. Silly girl, Lu Xiaoqian, are all in this cycle.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

The silly girl travels through time and space, meets Lu Xiaoqian, and the two fall in love. Then there was Lu Xiaoqian and others, and together with the scientists in 2060, they developed a silly girl.

In the performance stage of the experiment, the scientist manipulated the fool to travel through time and space, return to the past, and meet Lu Xiaoqian when he was young.

The first part of "Magic Mobile Phone" can already be sealed, whether it is the plot or the choice of actors, no one has compared, there is really no need to draw a snake to add more than this move.

"Magic Mobile Phone 3" for the record, seeing the plot just want to say, please don't shoot, it's really not interesting to start the password two Scientists' reaction three Lu Xiaoqian is the one who wants to create a stupid girl the most

The plot of "Magic Mobile Phone 3" has already appeared in the first part, and it is not interesting to shoot it at all, what do you think? Is it necessary to make "Magic Phone 3" again? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

For more exciting content, welcome to pay attention to Xiaoqing Entertainment Station.

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