
In February, the wholesale sales of car companies top 10: Tesla won the second place, and Geely surpassed Chery to rank fourth

Due to the impact of the Spring Festival holiday and other factors, February has always been the traditional off-season for car sales, and this year is no exception. In February, BYD sold 87,473 vehicles, down 6% month-on-month, still to the top, Tesla China ranked second with sales of 56,515 vehicles, and SAIC-GM-Wuling sold 26,046 vehicles, down 34.9% month-on-month, ranking third.

In February, the wholesale sales of car companies top 10: Tesla won the second place, and Geely surpassed Chery to rank fourth

According to the data of the Association, the wholesale sales of new energy passenger vehicles reached 317,000 units in February (245,000 pure electric vehicles and 72,000 plug-in hybrid units), an increase of 189.1% year-on-year, down 24.1% month-on-month, and the month-on-month decline was smaller than in previous years. Retail sales of new energy passenger cars reached 272,000 units in February, up 180.5% year-on-year and down 22.6% month-on-month, which was smaller than the trend in February of the calendar year.

The domestic retail penetration rate of new energy vehicles in February was 21.8%, an increase of 13 percentage points from the penetration rate of 8.1% in February 2021. In February, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in independent brands was 41.9%, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in luxury vehicles was 17.4%, while the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in mainstream joint venture brands was only 3.5%.

In February, the sales of high-end electric vehicle models grew strongly, and the trend of low-end electric vehicles was also strong, and the dumbbell structure of the pure electric market improved, of which A00-class wholesale sales of 68,000 vehicles, accounting for 28% of pure electric vehicles; A0-class wholesale sales of 33,000, accounting for 14% of pure electric vehicles; A-class electric vehicles accounted for 23% of pure electric vehicles; B-class electric vehicles reached 85,000 units, down 15% month-on-month, accounting for 35% of pure electric shares.

In February, the wholesale sales of car companies top 10: Tesla won the second place, and Geely surpassed Chery to rank fourth

Among the top 10 new energy passenger car companies, the sales of 10 car companies have declined month-on-month, the sales of Great Wall Motor and Chery Automobile have fallen by the waist, the sales of GAC Aean fell by 46.8% month-on-month, the sales of SAIC-GM-Wuling, SAIC Passenger Cars, Ideal and Nezha fell by more than 30% month-on-month, and the sales of BYD and Tesla fell by 6% and 5.6% month-on-month.

Specifically, BYD sold 87,473 vehicles in February (including 804 exports), up 335% year-on-year. BYD's flagship sedan Han sold 9,290 units in February, up 118.1% year-on-year.

The Song family sold 24,634 units, and the Song EV grew by 5866.1%. The Qin family sold 24,503 units, and the Qin Plus EV increased by 16.6% month-on-month. The Yuan family sold 8,953 units, up 2380% year-on-year.

In February, the wholesale sales of car companies top 10: Tesla won the second place, and Geely surpassed Chery to rank fourth

As the first model of the 3.0 model of THE BYD e platform, BYD Dolphin won the championship with sales of 8,565 units in February. In March, BYD will launch two more blockbuster models, the Song MAX DM-i and the Destroyer 05. It is conceivable that BYD's sales will reach a new high.

According to the data of the Association of Automobile Associations, Tesla sold a total of 56,515 domestic cars in February, down 5.56% month-on-month, ranking second. Of these, 33,315 units were exported and 23,200 units were sold domestically. Compared with 18,318 sales in February last year, Tesla's sales in China in February increased by 208.5% year-on-year, greatly exceeding market expectations.

Saic-GM-Wuling sold 26,046 vehicles in February (according to the association data), down 34.9% month-on-month, ranking third. Affected by chip shortages and rising prices of power battery raw materials, Hongguang MINIEV has not raised the price or suspended the acceptance of orders, but another micro-electric vehicle Wuling Nano EV has announced an increase in the official guidance price of 3,000 yuan.

At this stage, the problem facing SAIC-GM-Wuling is how to alleviate the impact of chip and raw material price increases on its micro-electric vehicles. In addition, how to upgrade future products to cut into a higher level of track, how to improve the profit margin of bicycles, how to improve the brand image is the key to getting rid of the current "low-end dilemma" situation.

In February, the wholesale sales of car companies top 10: Tesla won the second place, and Geely surpassed Chery to rank fourth

Geely, which ranked fourth, sold 14,285 units in February (including 588 exports), down 16.1% month-on-month. According to official data, Geely sold 14,501 vehicles, with a penetration rate of 18.5%. Among them, geometric brands have recently performed well, reaching 7,705 vehicles again in February after breaking 10,000 in January, accounting for the majority. Krypton delivered 2,916 vehicles in February, and the cumulative delivery has successfully exceeded 10,000 units, totaling 12,453 vehicles. Ruilan Automobile, which focuses on the power exchange travel market, sold 1,618 vehicles in February, and with the listing of the first power-changing car Maple Leaf 60S under the GBRC platform, its sales will rise steadily in the future, and it is expected to become a new breakthrough for Geely Automobile in the new energy market.

Chery Automobile, which ranked fifth, sold 10,271 units in February, down 51.5% month-on-month. Chery's official sales data has not yet been released, but we expect that the sales of Chery QQ ice cream should have surpassed the small ants.

In February, SAIC Motor's new energy sales of passenger cars were 9,184 units (including 4,325 units exported), up 67.5% year-on-year, ranking sixth. In the European high-energy market where other Chinese brands are scrambling to start their layouts, SAIC's new energy sales of passenger cars have achieved good results, with 2,397 new energy terminals in continental Europe in January, and the plug-in hybrid SUV model MG eHS continued to maintain a good momentum, with 1,455 hot sales.

This year, the First Pure Electric Sports Car Cyberster, the iMAX8 BEV and MG users, the roewe pure electric high-end MPV model, will be mass-produced and launched.

In February, the wholesale sales of car companies top 10: Tesla won the second place, and Geely surpassed Chery to rank fourth

GAC Aeon sold 8,526 units in February, down 46.8% month-on-month and 162.8% year-on-year, ranking seventh. The reason for the month-on-month decline is the Spring Festival holiday in February, which belongs to the sales off-season; the second is that according to the company's official micro, in the context of the lack of cores in the car in 2021, the peak capacity utilization rate of Aean once exceeded 160%, and the supply was obviously insufficient.

In 2022, GAC Aeon has a number of new cars on the market, including the appearance and configuration upgrade of the 2022 Aion S PLUS has been launched on January 1, AION LX PLUS on January 5, the new car is equipped with 3 lidar and sponge silicon anode chip batteries, the cruising range will reach 1008km, the new car product power has been greatly improved. In the future, the AION Y redesign, the AION V seven-seat version, the AION S lithium iron phosphate version and the AION V PLUS 6C version are expected to be available in 2022. With the launch of a number of new cars, we expect GAC AEGN's sales to continue to grow at a high rate.

The ideal of the new car-making forces and Nezha ranked eighth and ninth respectively. New car-making forces have previously issued a list, for details, please see [February New Forces List: Ideal to win the championship, Nezha first to win the runner-up]

The Great Wall Euler brand, which ranked 10th, sold 6,261 units in February, of which 4,066 were Euler Good Cats, down 54.6% month-on-month. Affected by the shortage of chips and the increase in the price of raw materials for power batteries, Euler has stopped selling black and white cats in order to stop losses. In order not to affect sales, Great Wall will launch a number of new cars next.

In February, the wholesale sales of car companies top 10: Tesla won the second place, and Geely surpassed Chery to rank fourth

From March 1, the 2022 Euler good cat began to be ordered, priced at 121,900-151,900 yuan, using a 1+N customization model to meet the more diversified car needs of users. In 2022, Products such as Euler Ballet Cat, Euler Lightning Cat, and EulerPunk Cat will be launched one after another. In addition, on March 1, mocha DHT-PHEV was officially launched, launching a total of 2 models, with a price range of 295,000-315,000 yuan, opening up a new category of "0 anxiety intelligent electric" and entering China's high-end new energy market.

Written in the end: In February, the performance of traditional car companies led by BYD, Geely and Chery was relatively prominent, with a growth rate of 5-7 times that of February last year, and there were 5 enterprises with wholesale sales exceeding 10,000 vehicles, an increase of 2 over the same period. The sales volume of the new car-making forces represented by "Wei Xiaoli" performed better year-on-year, especially the month-on-month decline of Ideal, Nezha and Xiaopeng was smaller, and the year-on-year increase of zero running increased by 10 times.

For the sales of new energy vehicles in March, the association is not expected to be significantly affected by the decline. The reason is that with the decline of new energy subsidies and the rise in raw material prices, the price fine-tuning of some models in the early stage has brought about a brief downturn in orders, and the price acceptance of new energy vehicles has recovered after the Spring Festival, and many new energy vehicles still have a backlog of undelivered orders in the early stage. This means that from March onwards, the sales volume of car companies will gradually pick up.

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