
Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

author:Mimi said entertainment
Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

In the past three years, the training and competition occasions of the national women's volleyball team have become the focus of heated discussions, especially around Coach Cai Bin's coaching style and views on young players.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

On the big stage of the national women's volleyball team, Coach Cai Bin is like a guide, directing the team's combat rhythm and training direction.

Coach Cai Bin is the leader of the team, and his attitude towards young players is controversial.

Some people think that he is too harsh, not gentle enough with young players, like a fastidious "picky parent".

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

He's always finding faults, and the slightest mistake can't escape his eyes, making young players feel like they're being "trained by the devil" at times.

However, there are also those who believe that this strict requirement is the key to developing a strong national team.

Coach Cai Bin believes in an "iron-clad team" and does not leave the slightest room for sloppiness for young players.

His training methods and coaching skills allow his players to handle all kinds of pressures and challenges with ease.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

Zhu Ting, Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan, as the main offensive players of the national women's volleyball team, each showed different playing styles and characteristics, but they also had some things in common.

Let's take a look at their performance on the court and the demands on setters.

First of all, let's talk about Zhu Ting, the superstar of the Chinese women's volleyball team, who has won the love and respect of countless fans with her powerful attack power and stable performance.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

Zhu Ting's style of play is very diverse, she is not only able to launch a strong smash in the front row, but also display a good setter attack in the back row.

Her height advantage and skill skills make her almost versatile in the game, whether it's a forehand or a backhand smash, she can keep her opponents off guard.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

This all-round attack requires setters not only to pass the ball accurately, but also to find the best timing in the fast-changing game to ensure that Zhu Ting can exert the maximum attacking power.

Then there is Wang Yizhu, as a young main attacker, her performance in the national team is getting better and better.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

Wang Yizhu is characterized by a combination of speed and explosiveness, she is good at fast breaks and jumping balls, and is often able to score before her opponent can react.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

For setters, the requirement is to pass the ball quickly and accurately, so that Wang Yizhu can attack quickly when the opponent's defense is not ready, and create breakthrough scoring opportunities.

Finally, let's talk about Zhuang Yushan, her style of play is relatively more stable and technical.

Zhuang's strengths on the court are her delicate technique and keen observation, and she is able to accurately find the flaws of her opponents and use her technical advantages to complete the score.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

For setters, the combination with Zhuang Yushan is more focused on the accuracy and angle control of the pass, as she needs to receive the ball at the most opportune time to complete the precise attack.

Yao Di, as an important role in the setter, has won the recognition of fans for her excellent organizational skills and stable passing skills.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

Yao Di showed quick reflexes and accurate passing ability in the game, and she was able to maintain her tempo in the chaotic game and ensure that the main attacker could receive the best attacking opportunities in time.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

Her strength lies in her ability to pass the ball quickly and create unresponsive breakaways, which is especially important for teams whose style of play emphasizes speed and rhythm.

Next up is Xu Xiaoting, whose performance in the setter position is equally impressive.

Xu Xiaoting's excellent technique and versatile passing angles allow her to find the best passing options in different game situations.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

She excels at stopping for a few seconds and observing the situation before passing, a technique that reduces turnovers and selects the best way to attack when needed.

Her passing skills are not just a matter of passing the ball, they are at the heart of the team's overall tactical operation.

Inevitably, however, there are also some setter deficiencies.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

For example, Diao Linyu, she occasionally showed a slight deficiency in passing stability and passing decisions.

Although Diao Linyu has a good technical foundation, when facing high-pressure games or strong defense of opponents, sometimes there will be passing mistakes or unstable passing rhythms.

In this case, it is easy to affect the team's offensive rhythm and efficiency, making it difficult for the main attacker to get the ideal scoring opportunity.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

Let's talk about how much influence Cai Bin has on the playing style and tactical layout of the main attacking players.

Cai Bin is a great guy, and he is very good at the tactical arrangement of Zhu Ting, Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan.

He not only let them play, but also let them play their souls, which is even more handsome than Wu Jing in "Wolf Warrior".

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

Zhu Ting, that's the best among the main offensive players, her attack power can almost smash a sinkhole; Wang Yizhu, don't look at her quietly, it's like a different person on the field, whoever touches her is unlucky; and Zhuang Yushan, Mom, look at her look, who dares to underestimate her, she simply doesn't know whether she is alive or dead.

Cai Bin just wants them to jump, jump flexibly, accurately, and jump so dizzily that their opponents are dizzy, the more they watch, the more exciting they are.

But the question is, what does Cai Bin think of setters? Well, of course, he didn't hold a vase casually, he knew it in his heart.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

He looked at Yao Di's pass like watching a tightrope, so accurate that it couldn't be done, just like biting gold halfway; As for Xu Xiaoting, her stopping for a few seconds is not casual, just like an embroidered pillow, she can afford to put it down, very measured; As for Diao Linyu, oops, sometimes the pass is stable and unstable, Cai Bin may have to shake his head, isn't this a salt, there is always a little episode.

What is the current state of the national women's volleyball team? Well, on the whole, the strength of the team is still strong, and core players such as Zhu Ting, Wang Yizhu, and Zhuang Yushan are firmly in the main position, and there is nothing to say about technology and physical fitness.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

However, as it is said in "Fast and Furious", competitors are not fuel-efficient lamps, and if you want to sprint in the Olympics, you have to play every warm-up game and practice every link more precisely.

What are the strategies and tactics in place? The national women's volleyball team has always been known for its strong offense and steady defense, with a tough playing style, like an iron lady, even if the opponent is fierce, she can also hit hard.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

However, sometimes we have to be flexible, for example, to adjust the lineup and tactics according to the characteristics of the opponent, sometimes someone else comes up with a trick, we also have to have a hand to deal with it, we can't always look at the board.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

Just like playing a game, don't always be a routine, you have to be flexible and changeable, so that your opponent can't guess it.

In short, although Cai Bin's coaching strategy is controversial, it is also for the benefit of the overall team.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

The withdrawal of Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan may bring new vitality and opportunities to the national women's volleyball team, allowing more young players to emerge and prepare for future competitions and challenges.

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan bid farewell to the national team again

As long as the team is united and everyone does their best, I believe that the national women's volleyball team can perform well in the Paris Olympics and win glory for the motherland!

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