
Girls scored 622 points in the college entrance examination! Before checking the score, he was knocked over by a wrong-way takeaway electric car and fell unconscious with intracranial hemorrhage

author:Positive trains


On the day of the release of the hopeful college entrance examination results, Han Ruishan, a college entrance examination student in Jiangsu, suffered a heavy blow of fate on an ordinary afternoon. She suffered severe brain damage as a result of a car accident and is still struggling in the intensive care unit. This incident not only touched the hearts of countless people, but also once again sparked a widespread discussion about the safety of electric vehicles and the regulation of the food delivery industry.

Girls scored 622 points in the college entrance examination! Before checking the score, he was knocked over by a wrong-way takeaway electric car and fell unconscious with intracranial hemorrhage

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What happened:

After attending the school's graduation ceremony on June 24, Han Ruishan went out on an electric scooter. Unfortunately, she collided with a wrong-way delivery electric car at the Wumen Impression intersection in Fengxian County. The impact of the accident left her with serious head injuries and she was rushed to the hospital. Despite the best efforts of the doctors, her condition remains critical, and the hospital has even issued a critical illness notice.

Girls scored 622 points in the college entrance examination! Before checking the score, he was knocked over by a wrong-way takeaway electric car and fell unconscious with intracranial hemorrhage

Insiders revealed:

In the midst of this tragedy, Han Ruishan's family did not give up any hope, and they contacted experts at Beijing Tiantan Hospital and Shanghai Huashan Hospital to find a possible treatment plan. As a result, the attention of the whole society has focused on her recovery and the accountability of those responsible.

Girls scored 622 points in the college entrance examination! Before checking the score, he was knocked over by a wrong-way takeaway electric car and fell unconscious with intracranial hemorrhage

This incident is not only a tragedy, but also a reflection of the current problems in society in terms of traffic safety and industry norms. Han's story has sparked a deep reflection on the fragility of human life and sparked a strong public call for strengthening the enforcement of traffic safety regulations and improving the quality of service in the food delivery industry.

Girls scored 622 points in the college entrance examination! Before checking the score, he was knocked over by a wrong-way takeaway electric car and fell unconscious with intracranial hemorrhage

Hot comments from netizens:

Netizens reacted strongly to the accident. On the one hand, many people expressed sympathy and grief for Han Ruishan's misfortune and wished her a miraculous recovery. On the other hand, many people are angry about the cause of the accident – the delivery rider driving in the wrong direction and speeding, believing that it is a direct consequence of lax regulation in the industry and low personal quality.

The delivery man should really be in charge, driving in the wrong direction, speeding, running a red light

Girls scored 622 points in the college entrance examination! Before checking the score, he was knocked over by a wrong-way takeaway electric car and fell unconscious with intracranial hemorrhage

Don't ask, if you ask, it's not easy.

Girls scored 622 points in the college entrance examination! Before checking the score, he was knocked over by a wrong-way takeaway electric car and fell unconscious with intracranial hemorrhage

Although it is not easy to take out, every time I see them on a rampage, it is really hateful

Girls scored 622 points in the college entrance examination! Before checking the score, he was knocked over by a wrong-way takeaway electric car and fell unconscious with intracranial hemorrhage

Write at the end:

The accident has sparked deep public concern about traffic safety, especially regarding traffic violations by delivery riders. Many netizens expressed their sympathy and support for Han Ruishan on social media, while criticizing the delivery riders who ignore traffic rules. There is a widespread public call for greater regulation and punishment of such acts to prevent the recurrence of similar tragedies.

H's misfortune is a cautionary tale that we should not ignore basic traffic safety laws in the pursuit of speed and convenience. Every member of society should take responsibility for ensuring that their actions do not cause harm to others. At the same time, we also hope that Han Ruishan can miraculously recover her health and continue the bright future she deserves. In this difficult time, the care and support of the society is the greatest encouragement for her and her family.

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