
Wu Shenghua's suspicious cloud made trouble in the United Nations, the United States played a trick to pull China, and the Chinese side directly pointed out the words

author:Commentator for the flower planter

#安理会讨论生物武器 The United States and Russia accuse each other ##China's position on Ukraine's biosafety issues ##美主播: The United States lies on the Ukrainian laboratory issue #


In the process of fermentation of the situation in Eastern Europe, the issue of the traceability of the virus has once again attracted the attention of the world.

A few days ago, the Russian military unexpectedly obtained important evidence to prove that the United States has conducted biological and chemical weapons experiments in Ukraine, including filovirus experiments and bat coronavirus experiments.

The Russian side immediately asked the United States for explanations, and the United States resolutely denied this, and even Ukraine was frightened.

Wu Shenghua's suspicious cloud made trouble in the United Nations, the United States played a trick to pull China, and the Chinese side directly pointed out the words

(Russian United Nations Representative Vasily Nebendja)

Zelenskiy issued an urgent statement in the early morning of the 11th: Ukraine has never done such a thing, and if the Russian side slanders Ukraine again, the Ukrainian side will continue to impose sanctions on Russia.

However, the Russian side obviously did not have time to deal with Ukraine, but pointed the finger at the United States, and directly put the matter on the United Nations, on March 11, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting at the request of the Russian side.

At the meeting, the representatives of Russia and the United States had a fierce debate on this matter.

Wu Shenghua's suspicious cloud made trouble in the United Nations, the United States played a trick to pull China, and the Chinese side directly pointed out the words

The Russian side claims that biological threats have no borders, and that the Russian military has heavy evidence, the Security Council must be clear about this matter, and the United States must also explain it.

On the same day, the Russian Defense Ministry published relevant materials online, and the Russian military commander also provided more evidence of the experiments of the US military in the Ukrainian biological base, and the Russian side said that they would subsequently disclose some important document content and identification results.

The US representative insisted that what the Russian side released was "false information" and was smearing and spreading rumors against the United States, and they also blamed China for "echoing Russia." The U.S. side insists that ukraine has no such projects at all, and that the United States has not supported anything.

Zhang Jun, China's representative to the United Nations, also made clear his attitude through his speech that China firmly opposes the development, possession or use of biological and chemical weapons by any country under any circumstances, and any country should strictly abide by the Biological Weapons Convention.

Wu Shenghua's suspicious cloud made trouble in the United Nations, the United States played a trick to pull China, and the Chinese side directly pointed out the words

(Chinese Representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun)

Zhang Jun said that according to the data submitted by the United States itself, the United States has 336 laboratories in the world, and the United States has always advocated openness and transparency, since the United States has denied it, it should be investigated and come up with actual evidence to clarify, rather than treating the concerns of the international community as "smearing rumors".

How can the international community be convinced that the United States has the time to throw a splash at the UN conference, but it cannot come up with the slightest reliable evidence to refute it? Moreover, as early as last year, China called on the United States to open Fort Detrick for the "traceability of the new crown virus" and accept the WHO investigation, but the United States also refused to agree, and it is difficult not to suspect that this response is "a thief with a weak heart".

Wu Shenghua's suspicious cloud made trouble in the United Nations, the United States played a trick to pull China, and the Chinese side directly pointed out the words

What secrets are hidden in these biological laboratories?

A Japanese documentary shows that after The end of World War II, the United States had conscientiously provided shelter to Japan's notorious "Unit 731" war criminals and obtained these bloody experimental materials for 250,000 yen.

Fort Detrick in the United States is generally considered to be the general position of various biochemical experiments in the United States, and before and after the outbreak of the new crown virus, there were many cases of so-called "big flu" and new coronavirus in nursing homes near Fort Detrick, and those "flu cases" appeared several months earlier than the outbreak time of the new crown epidemic in Wuhan, China.

Wu Shenghua's suspicious cloud made trouble in the United Nations, the United States played a trick to pull China, and the Chinese side directly pointed out the words

This time, the Russian army not only found the American laboratory in Ukraine, but also arrested the relevant personnel who were destroying the data, and intercepted many Slavic serums. A few days ago, US Deputy Secretary of State Newland admitted that the United States does have "biological research facilities" in Ukraine, but White House spokesman Psaki firmly denied this.

The answer is already obvious, if the United States is really so innocent, why does it dare not accept an investigation? Why not clarify yourself? What are they doing in their hearts?

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