
An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

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An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan
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An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

The village of Rindoma on the Tibetan Plateau, a little-known remote town, has gained fame for a handmade scarf worth 10,000 yuan. This scarf is from the world-famous brand Norlha, and its founder is even more surprising - an American girl named Deqing Yashi.

In 2004, at the age of 22, Deqing resolutely gave up the comfort of life in the United States and embarked on an unknown journey to this Tibetan village.

The story of Deqing is like a legend that crosses cultures. From the bustle of New York to the desolation of the Tibetan Plateau, from curiosity to deep love for Tibetan culture, to finally the decision to stay and change the face of this place.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Her story is not just a personal adventure, but a moving journey of dreams, love and a sense of purpose.

As we delve deeper into the story of Deqing, we will find that behind a simple scarf, there is a deep cultural heritage, an extraordinary entrepreneurial spirit, and a dedication to traditional craftsmanship.

How did this American girl find her sense of belonging in a foreign land? And how did she bring the traditional handicrafts of Tibet to the world stage? Let's follow in the footsteps of Deqing and uncover this amazing Tibetan legend together.

In June 2004, Deqing, who had just graduated from the University of Connecticut, packed his bags and embarked on a journey to Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. When the plane landed in the Amdo Tibetan region, she was greeted not by the warm sunshine she imagined, but by the pouring rain and biting cold wind.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Deqing, who was thinly dressed, shivered, and this unexpected "welcome ceremony" became the beginning of a turning point in her life.

When he first arrived in Rendoma Township, Deqing seemed to have traveled to another world. There are no modern facilities here, and the residents live the most primitive lifestyle. Seeing people going to the toilet everywhere and not bathing for a long time, Deqing once fell into a cultural shock.

"I've never seen such a difficult living environment, and every day is a challenge," she recalls.

However, Deqing was not deterred by these difficulties. She decided to stay and use her camera to document what the land was really like. She lives in Tibetan homes and experiences first-hand their daily lives.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Wake up at three or four a.m. every morning and work with Tibetan women to milk cows, make butter, dry cheese, and even pick up cow dung for fuel.

With the passage of time, Deqing's eyes gradually reflected a different landscape. With the vast grasslands, the clear blue sky, and the simple and kind Tibetans, this mysterious and beautiful land began to take root in her heart.

Her gaze revealed more and more love, as if she had found a habitat for her soul.

This experience in Deqing is not only a cultural exploration, but also a journey of self-discovery. She found her inner belonging in this strange land, and also laid the groundwork for the next life choices.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

This American girl's trip to Tibet officially kicked off a cross-cultural saga.

In a small village near Rendoma Township, Deqing's life trajectory ushered in an unexpected turn. She met a handsome young Tibetan man, and the two quickly fell in love.

Deqing's eyes flashed with happiness, as if he had found another reliance on this land.

However, as the documentary work drew to a close, Deqing faced a difficult choice: should she stay in the place she had fallen in love with, or return to her familiar American homeland? This decision is not only about her feelings, but also about the direction of her whole life.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Deqing fell into deep thought. Staying means that she will have to give up the bustling and convenient city life of New York, give up the career of fame and fortune that may be gained, leave her family and friends, and adapt to the harsh living conditions here.

There is no running water, no modern sanitation facilities, and even access to the toilet is extremely inconvenient. Her brow furrowed slightly, and her eyes were full of contradictions and struggles.

After much deliberation, Deqing finally made a decision that surprised many: she wanted to stay here. When she announced her decision, her eyes became extra determined, and her voice was full of determination: "I not only want to change my own life situation, but also help the people here move towards a happy future together."

Deqing is well aware that in order to change the appearance of Tibetan areas, the first task is to improve the economic level. She began to think about how to create value with local resources. At this time, she remembered that her mother used to work in the textile industry and had a deep affection for textiles.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

My mother used to say, "There are only three kinds of beautiful textiles in the world: cashmere, camel hair and yak hair." This sentence kept echoing in Deqing's mind, and her eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had found a way forward.

Deqing realizes that the precious resource of yak wool lies beneath her feet, and that the weaving skills passed down from generation to generation by the Tibetan people are the key to turning this resource into value.

She began to conceive of a plan to start a handicraft workshop that would combine traditional Tibetan craftsmanship with modern design to create high-quality yak wool products.

This decision is not only Deqing's choice of love, but also her response to her mission in life. She is ready to use her professional knowledge and international vision to contribute to the development of Tibetan areas.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Deqing's eyes flashed with longing for the future, she knew that the road ahead was not smooth, but she was ready to meet the challenge.

In 2007, Deqing Yashi's dream finally came to fruition. In the village of Rindoma, she founded a handicraft workshop specializing in yak wool weaving, "Nole".

The road to entrepreneurship was far more difficult than she imagined.

The biggest challenge comes from the mistrust of local herders. As an outsider, Deqing's plan seemed whimsical to the villagers. To earn their trust, Deqing made a drastic change: she grew long hair, changed into traditional Tibetan clothes, and even began learning the local Tibetan dialect.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Her eyes were full of sincerity and determination, and she explained her plan to the herders again and again, hoping to get their support.

The lack of funding is another huge obstacle. Deqing's mother, Ms. Kim, became her strongest backing. Kim traveled far and wide looking for the cooperation of investors.

However, when it comes to hearing that it may take four or five years for a workshop to become profitable, many investors shy away. Faced with a difficult situation, Kim resolutely decided to devote all her savings to fully support her daughter's dream.

Mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of hope and confidence for the future.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Access to technology and equipment is also a challenge. Deqing realizes that in order to create high-quality products, it is necessary to master the most advanced textile technology. She traveled to Italy, Finland and other countries to learn textile technology in depth.

Not only that, she also led the first team to Nepal to learn textile skills, and invited Mr. Saha, a Nepalese textile master, to come to the workshop for guidance. Deqing always has a tired but satisfied smile on her face, and she knows that every step is paving the way for her dreams.

Employee training is a long and arduous process. Most pastoralists have never been exposed to textile technology, and it usually takes up to six months to go from zero to proficient in this skill.

Deqing patiently taught every employee, her voice was gentle and firm, and her eyes were full of encouragement. However, during the busy season, some employees choose to leave the workshop to work on the construction site to earn income.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

All the employees of the workshop left, and Deqing had to start all over again.

In addition, due to the huge difference between the living environment and modern society, Tibetan employees often lack a sense of time. They may abruptly leave their posts to go home to take care of their livestock, and when asked why, they will honestly reply "it's time to feed the cattle".

These circumstances made Deqing feel both helpless and warm.

In the face of these challenges, Deqing has always maintained a firm belief. She adheres to the traditional hand-weaving techniques, uses the top yak wool as raw materials, and adheres to the concept of pure natural hand-making.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

She believes that this is the only way to truly bring out the original appearance of Tibetan areas and create unique products.

Deqing often said: "What we produce and sell is not only the precious raw material of yak wool, but also a new way of life. She brings her deep love for Tibet to every piece of textiles, creating each piece with care.

It is this kind of persistence and perseverance that has allowed Nuole to continue to grow in the face of difficulties and gradually move towards success.

Deqing Yashi's persistence and hard work finally paid off. With its ancient weaving techniques, natural yak wool and unique semi-artisanal techniques, Norle has successfully entered the high-end luxury market in Europe and embarked on an amazing journey from Tibet to the world.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

With hope and a little apprehension, Deqing took the first batch of finished products to Paris, France, to find a soulmate belonging to Nuole. Her eyes shone with pride and anticipation, and each piece embodies the hard work of her and Tibetan artisans.

With the help of his mother's contacts in the textile trade, Deqing visited dozens of decision-makers of luxury brands.

When the opportunity finally came, a niche brand called "SoniaRykiel" was deeply attracted by Nuole's products and gave Deqing a valuable opportunity to cooperate.

This has become an important opportunity for Nuole to enter the international market. Then the unbelievable happened: world-renowned luxury brands such as LV and Hermès sought to work with Norle.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Deqing's works have been frequently featured in major fashion magazines and catwalks in Paris, and the price of a scarf has even climbed to more than 10,000 yuan. This brand from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is conquering the global fashion circle with its unique charm.

Deqing's face was filled with the joy of success, but her eyes remained humble, she knew that this success was not easy to come by, and it was inseparable from the support of the people in Tibetan areas.

Nole's success is not only commercial, but more importantly the positive impact it has had on Tibetan areas. This brand has created many valuable jobs for the people of Tibetan areas, brought considerable economic benefits, and has become an important force in promoting local economic development.

Deqing has always insisted on employing local residents in Tibetan areas, with a special focus on the employment of women. This has freed local women from heavy household chores and no longer have to live a life of day and night toiling, which has greatly improved their social status.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Deqing's eyes were full of care for employees, and his voice was full of firm belief: "We are not only making products, but also changing lives."

In order to help employees better adapt to the working environment, Nuole also actively carries out educational and training activities to help them learn cultural knowledge and master computer skills.

With the passage of time, supermarkets, restaurants and small shops of all kinds have begun to appear in the surrounding areas of Tibetan areas, and people's quality of life has improved significantly.

The success of Nuole is a testament to Deqing's vision. She not only pushed the traditional handicrafts of Tibetan areas to the world stage, but also changed the water and soil with practical actions.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

This American girl used her wisdom and perseverance to write an amazing legend on the Tibetan Plateau.

In this land in Tibet, Deqing Yashi not only found success in her career, but also gained her own happy family. She tied the knot with the Tibetan youth she met and now has three lively and lovely daughters.

Life in Deqing is in a concrete bungalow near the factory, although simple, it is full of warmth and happiness.

The family is the epitome of multiculturalism: an American mother, a Tibetan father, and three mixed-race daughters born and raised in Tibet. Deqing strives to find a balance between modern life and traditional culture, so that children can not only feel the charm of Tibetan culture, but also receive modern education.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

However, in January 2020, a sudden epidemic disrupted the peaceful life in Deqing. Originally just a short trip to visit relatives, Deqing left Tibet with his three daughters for the United States, but was unable to return as scheduled due to the global spread of the epidemic.

This detention lasted as long as two years.

In the face of this unexpected situation, Deqing showed a strong ability to adapt. She quickly arranged for her three daughters to study and live in the United States. Although it was the first time the children came to the United States, they quickly adapted to their new environment.

Today, the three daughters are 13, 9 and 4 and a half years old, each with distinct personality traits.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

Although he was in a foreign country, Deqing's heart was always concerned about Tibet. Her eyes were full of longing for her husband and Nole, and her voice was filled with anticipation for the future: "I believe that we will soon be able to reunite and continue to contribute to the development of Tibetan areas."

While waiting for the opportunity to return to China, Deqing was not idle. She has been actively planning her future trips to countries close to China, such as Thailand, so that she can be reunited with her husband more quickly and return to her beloved Tibetan areas.

This unexpected separation experience made Deqing cherish his life and work in Tibetan areas even more. She firmly believes that this test will not change her love and dedication to Tibet.

On the contrary, it strengthened her determination to continue to contribute to the development of Tibetan areas.

An American girl went to Tibet to find her roots, married a rural man and gave birth to 3 daughters, and a scarf was sold for 10,000 yuan

The story of Deqing, from the initial culture shock, to the deep love, to the temporary separation now, shows the challenges and opportunities faced by a cross-cultural family.

Her experience teaches us that love and determination can cross any barrier, and that the convergence of cultures can create amazing and beautiful things.

Deqing waits hopefully for the day when she will return to Tibet, and her story continues. The legend of this American girl in Tibetan areas has many more wonderful chapters waiting to be written.

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