
China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?

author:Colorful Wind Sound H2
China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?

After the war against the United States and Vietnam came to an end, why did Vietnam regard China, which had helped it with all its might, as its "number one rival"? Behind this war of self-defense and counterattack, how did the wisdom and strategy of the two national commanders compete? Let's dissect this intricate history together.

China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?
1. Historical Background: From Comrades to Enemies

Vietnam received full assistance from China during the Anti-American Struggle, and the two countries were in alliance at that time. However, since the beginning of the anti-war campaign, Vietnam has regarded China as its greatest threat. The reason for the transformation is the integration of multiple elements such as politics, economy, geography and so on. On the one hand, after the reunification of Vietnam, the domestic political map changed, pro-Soviet forces rose, and China gradually drifted away. On the other hand, Vietnam's reunification region is ambitious and wants to dominate Southeast Asia, increasing tensions with China.

China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?
2. The legend of the generals: Wu Yuanjia and Xu Shiyou

Wu Yuanjia and Xu Shiyou are both outstanding representatives of the military history of their respective countries. Vo Nguyen Giap is known as the father of the Vietnamese People's Army for his extraordinary military skills in many battles such as resisting French colonial aggression, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the Resistance to American Intervention. Xu Shiyou, a veteran Chinese general who held key command positions in self-defense counterattacks, won widespread praise for his subtle tactics and bold decision-making. The confrontation between the two famous players is not only a competition at the tactical level, but also a demonstration of the willpower of the two countries.

China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?
3. Tactical comparison: the intelligent confrontation between China and Vietnam on the battlefield
China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?
China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?

During the self-defense and counterattack war against Vietnam, the military strategies between China and Vietnam had their own distinctive characteristics. General Xu Shiyou advocated the strategy of "killing chickens with a knife" and quickly made a breakthrough and focused on striking at the enemy's key points. On the other hand, Wu Yuanjia tended to implement the tactics of deep penetration, using a comprehensive formation to try to weaken the enemy. However, the battlefield environment is often complex beyond planning, and the final victory or defeat is not just a matter of tactics, but also a number of factors.

Fourth, the outcome of the war: the crushing defeat of the Vietnamese army

Although Wu Yuanjia's strategic theory was amazing, his actual combat performance failed to meet his expectations. Vietnam's forward positions were weakly defended and could not stop the fierce attacks of the Chinese army. In just three days, the Chinese army quickly defeated several Vietnamese army groups and local armed forces, demonstrating extremely strong combat effectiveness and an efficient command system. This result has stunned the international community and has also made Vietnam's domestic political situation more and more unstable.

China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?
5. Post-war effects: the continuation of grievances
China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?

The Sino-Vietnamese dispute has not only significantly changed the military balance in the region, but has also had a profound impact on diplomatic relations between the two countries. After the end of the war, Vietnam's long-cherished dream of hegemony was shattered, and it was mired in domestic turmoil and economic difficulties. Although China has used this war to enhance its position in Asia, it has also borne a corresponding price. The entanglement of grievances between the two countries is still a key factor affecting regional stability.

6. Netizen controversy: disagreements in historical evaluation

Regarding the assessment of this war, many netizens have different views. Some people pointed out that Vietnam's attitude towards China after the war was a treacherous act; On the other hand, there are those who believe that Vietnam is a rational decision-maker based on its own interests. The controversy not only reflects the public's pluralistic interpretation of historical events, but also reveals the complex human and political factors in international relations.

China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?
7. Future prospects: possibilities for reconciliation and cooperation

Although the historical grievances between China and Vietnam are complicated, the opportunities for reconciliation and cooperation are still not exhausted. With the evolution of the global landscape and the deepening of regional cooperation, the two countries are pragmatically expected to seek common development based on the new historical environment. It is the common aspiration of the two peoples of the two countries to resolve historical grievances and promote regional peace and prosperity through dialogue and mutual learning.

China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?

At the end of the article, it is emphasized that this battle is not only a strategic contest between the commanders of the two sides, but also a reflection of the far-reaching enmity between the two countries. Looking to the future, can China and Vietnam overcome past contradictions and move towards reconciliation and mutual assistance? This is an issue of global peace that deserves deep consideration by everyone who is concerned about the situation in Asia.

China and Vietnam have complicated relations and have formed a deep friendship, why did they turn against each other later?

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