
At the graduation ceremony, he said that he would "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he did not expect to apply to study in the United States

author:Stars under the rainbow


At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, a representative was also selected to speak, and her results were also the best, and her speech also won wonderful applause for every teacher and student present!

At the graduation ceremony, he said that he would "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he did not expect to apply to study in the United States

Outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University delivered speeches

Her speech spoke of patriotism and dedication, the most striking of which was: "

Don't know where you need it most?

At the graduation ceremony, he said that he would "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he did not expect to apply to study in the United States

It was revealed that he had applied to study in the United States

Netizens exposed the news of her application to study abroad, and immediately exploded, questioning the words and deeds of the original speech?

At the graduation ceremony, he said that he would "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he did not expect to apply to study in the United States

At the beginning, Yang Jinwen didn't say that she would go to the place where the motherland needed it most, it turned out that this was the place she really wanted to go! Now her wish has been granted!

At the graduation ceremony, he said that he would "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he did not expect to apply to study in the United States

Some netizens also expressed their support for her approach, perhaps to go to the United States to carry out a special mission, receive a higher education, and repay the motherland after completing her studies.

At the graduation ceremony, he said that he would "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he did not expect to apply to study in the United States

Some people also said that they spoke at the time and said how to do it, but they did it first, and they did it first when they asked others not to do it, and the stage was completely different from the audience, just the lines that were said, everyone should not be surprised, just listen to it, don't take it seriously!

At the graduation ceremony, he said that he would "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he did not expect to apply to study in the United States

Everyone has their own personal choices

Yang Jinwen's personal choice has no right to interfere with others, and it should be understood, maybe it is personal love, to achieve the ideal in her heart, maybe it is to pursue a higher education, learn more and higher knowledge, of course, no matter where she goes, it does not mean that she loves the country or not.

At the graduation ceremony, he said that he would "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he did not expect to apply to study in the United States

Write at the end

What netizens said is not reasonable, but the doubts of netizens cannot be ignored, and it is also necessary to avoid the loss of talents, and the motherland needs such highly educated top talents to win glory for the motherland.

Everyone should respect her personal choice, everyone has everyone's personal freedom, and I hope that she will return to her motherland after completing her studies, and use the knowledge she has learned to benefit the motherland and seek happiness for the people!

At the same time, the state should also strengthen the training of talents, improve the quality of education and reform, and keep pace with the times!

(The picture and video are from the Internet, personal opinions, for reference only!) )

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