
Stand and stand! At the graduation ceremony, he said: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

author:Xiao Song Monk


Recently, a video of the promise at the graduation ceremony sparked heated discussions on the Internet. In the video, a graduate, Yang Jinwen, stood on the stage and solemnly promised to go to the place where the motherland needs it most and contribute to the country's construction. Surprisingly, not long after, Yang Jinwen passed the application to study in the United States and was ready to leave the country to study in another country.

This sudden change made netizens who were originally full of praise and encouragement for him suddenly have many doubts and incomprehensions. have left messages on major social platforms to discuss, questioning and criticizing Yang Jinwen's words and deeds, and some people even bluntly said that he is a typical representative of "inconsistent words and deeds", who can only talk about patriotism, but is unwilling to use practical actions to fulfill his promises.

Such a public opinion turmoil also made Yang Jinwen himself under pressure and questioned, and had to clarify his choice many times in public, and explain his plan to study abroad, and said that he was not unpatriotic, but just hoped that through studying abroad, he would bring more international advanced ideas and scientific and technological achievements back to China and make greater contributions to the development of the country.

Stand and stand! At the graduation ceremony, he said: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

1. Words and deeds are inconsistent, causing heated discussions

Stand and stand! At the graduation ceremony, he said: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

1.1 Promises are contrary to choices

In this video, Yang Jinwen's words of commitment can be described as very generous and inspiring, he said that he knows that the development of the country is inseparable from the efforts and dedication of every citizen, so no matter what choice he faces in the future, he will go to the place where the motherland needs it most without hesitation and contribute to the construction of the country.

Such a statement also moved the teachers and students present, and praised Yang Jinwen's feelings and responsibility, believing that young people now have more and more sense of responsibility and mission, can love their country from the bottom of their hearts, and are willing to contribute their wisdom and strength to the future development of the country.

Not long after, Yang Jinwen passed the application to study in the United States and was ready to go to another country for further study, this sudden choice also made the teachers and students who were originally full of praise and encouragement for him suddenly have many doubts and puzzles, and they have left messages on social platforms, questioning and criticizing his words and deeds.

Stand and stand! At the graduation ceremony, he said: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

1.2 Dissatisfaction and sarcasm from netizens

In the face of such doubts, Yang Jinwen was also under pressure and troubled, and had to clarify his choice many times in public and explain his study abroad plan. He said that he is not unpatriotic, but hopes that through studying abroad, he will bring more international advanced concepts and scientific and technological achievements back to China and make greater contributions to the development of the country.

This explanation has not been recognized and understood by too many people, on the contrary, his words and deeds have also been jokingly called "typical inconsistencies in words and deeds" by some netizens, thinking that he will only talk about patriotism, but he is unwilling to use practical actions to fulfill his commitments, and this behavior has also set a very bad example for others, making everyone feel that young people are like this, one thing on the surface, one thing behind the scenes, too duplicitous.

Stand and stand! At the graduation ceremony, he said: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

1.3 What does a true patriot look like

In such a discussion, there are also some netizens who have made in-depth conjectures about this, they believe that real patriots are often silently dedicated and unassuming, and they do not need to prove how patriotic they are through rhetoric, but can contribute to the country with their own actions and actual achievements in actual work and life, and such a sense of responsibility and responsibility is the cornerstone of building a country.

Nowadays, some people may be influenced by the social atmosphere, and feel that only through bombastic rhetoric can they gain the recognition and praise of others, so there will be a phenomenon of inconsistency between words and deeds, and they will only make some gorgeous promises and oaths on the surface, but they are unwilling to assume some responsibilities and obligations in actual actions, and such mentality and behavior are also very detrimental to the long-term development of the country.

Second, words and deeds are inconsistent, and reflection is needed

2.1 Distortion of social values

Why, then, is there such a discrepancy between words and deeds? Behind this may be a distortion of social values and the prioritization of individual interests. In today's society, money and interests can often influence a person's thoughts and behaviors, making them lose their original original intention and belief, and feel that only through some dishonorable means can they get what they want.

Under the influence of such values, many people also began to pursue vanity and show off, feeling that only through some superficial things can they gain the recognition and praise of others, and such a mentality will also make them become more and more utilitarian and selfish, only thinking about themselves, and ignoring the feelings of others and the interests of the country.

2.2 Priority of personal interests

In addition, the priority of personal interests is also an important reason for the inconsistency between words and deeds. In today's society, many people will put their own interests first, and no matter what they do, they will first consider what they can gain from it, ignoring the interests of others and the overall situation.

When they are faced with some choices, they are likely to make some decisions that deviate from their original intentions for their own interests, and such behavior will also make others feel very disappointed and helpless, feeling that in the current society, sincerity and sincerity are becoming less and less, and everything is based on interests.

2.3 Reflection and vigilance

Yang Jin's inconsistency in words and deeds also gave us a very profound wake-up call, allowing us to begin to reflect on the current social atmosphere and people's behavior and habits. We should re-examine the patriotic feelings in our hearts, as well as the sincerity and care for others, and this is where the real meaning lies.

I also hope that the society can give more attention and support, those who really have a sense of responsibility and responsibility, maybe they are not good at words, and they will not attract the attention of others through some gorgeous oaths, but their silent dedication and dedication are what the country needs the most, and it is also an example that we should learn from and learn from.

3. Patriotism requires practical action

3.1 Studying abroad does not mean being unpatriotic

Nor should we generalize that all those who choose to study abroad are unpatriotic. Studying abroad does not mean that they are not patriotic, on the contrary, through studying abroad, they can also be exposed to a broader international vision, as well as advanced scientific and technological achievements, which is also very helpful and promoting the development of the country.

3.2 Demonstrate care and responsibility in action

However, no matter what path we choose, we should show care and responsibility for the motherland in our actions, which is truly meaningful. We can use our own practical actions to spread the culture and spirit of the great countries of the East in our study and life abroad, so that more foreigners can understand and recognize us, and we can also bring foreign advanced scientific and technological achievements back to China, so as to bring new development and breakthroughs to the relevant fields of the country.

3.3 Encourage and value practical actions

The society should give more understanding and support, and encourage those who choose to study abroad to stay in the study and life of other countries, not forgetting their original intentions, keeping in mind their mission, and using practical actions to contribute to the country and society. We also need our education system to cultivate more citizens with a sense of responsibility and responsibility, so that they can know how to be honest and trustworthy and distinguish between right and wrong from an early age, so that we can effectively rectify and improve the current social atmosphere and promote the healthy development of society.


The phenomenon of inconsistency between words and deeds may only be a microcosm of the social atmosphere, but it has given us a very important inspiration to start guessing and reflecting on whether there is such a problem in our words and deeds, and how we should practice our patriotic feelings.

We can start with some small things, such as obeying traffic rules, protecting the environment, and caring for others, these seemingly ordinary actions can actually convey the patriotic feelings in our hearts, so that others can truly feel our sincerity and care, which is the real strength of building a better country.

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