
DNF: Ozma 5 Design Drawing Status! Rochebach is only worth 500W, and the Tamat is out of the sky

It's been 10 weeks since the Ozmar auction system was revised on January 20th! In this 10-week period, because Zhou Chang bidding added 4 types of props such as orbs, design drawings, transformers, and materials, and 3 ox special auctions added 3 types of props such as mythical crossover stones, mythical transformers, and small dragon beads, so players can get more gold coins in dividends, and Ozma Tuanben also ushered in the second spring.

3 Ox's 2 most desired items to appear

DNF: Ozma 5 Design Drawing Status! Rochebach is only worth 500W, and the Tamat is out of the sky

For now, since 3 Bulls can appear more bidding items and get more gold coins, the most players play 3 Bulls! In the 3-bull auction, what is the most desired prop for the player to appear? In addition to the little dragon beads, I am afraid it is the design drawing! The starting price of Xiaolongzhu is 3000W, at least 225W per person, Ozma design drawings can earn the difference, and there is a possibility of making a lot of money after hoarding, so there are many players who are willing to shoot it. So what is the current status of the 5 design drawings about Ozma? Here is a one-by-one analysis for everyone

Status quo of Ozma's 5 major design drawings

DNF: Ozma 5 Design Drawing Status! Rochebach is only worth 500W, and the Tamat is out of the sky

First of all, the Rochebach design drawing launched in week 1 has now become a "cabbage price"! At present, 1 design drawing about 550W can be purchased, and there is a trend of continued decline, the reason why it will be so cheap, mainly after the launch of the 8th weekly auction, in the 10th week of today's continued launch, large production, low sales, plus is not a graduation Ozma equipment, so it is very worthless, but the cover is still quite comfortable, plus blood to the player with nightmare set also has an advantage, returning players want to quickly save 5 pieces of Ozma, you can consider buying.

The Taimat design is outrageously priced

DNF: Ozma 5 Design Drawing Status! Rochebach is only worth 500W, and the Tamat is out of the sky

Week 2 the 3rd week launch is the Tai Mart design drawings, the current price has been expensive out of the sky, a thing is difficult to find, the auction price of 1.8E started, and there are less than 10 sheets, some parts have not yet, than the original 2800W up 6.4 times, very scary! The reason why the price increase is so outrageous, mainly because Tai Mart is the graduation equipment of Milk C, the demand is very high, plus there is no launch of Tai Mart design drawings for 7 consecutive weeks, the demand is high, the output is none, so the price has been rising, and I hope that I can see it in the weekly auction in weekly 11th week.

Beria price has only been launched once

DNF: Ozma 5 Design Drawing Status! Rochebach is only worth 500W, and the Tamat is out of the sky

Berias is the 4th week of the launch of the Ozma design, in these 10 weeks Ozmar auction has only been launched once, the current number of auctions is not much, less than 100, the price average is about 3000W, and there is no such a large price increase space as Taimat. Compared with Taimat, although it is not used as a graduation Ozma equipment, the difference between the two sets is only 3%, and Belias has about 20% of the three speeds and dozens of hits, which is still quite good for the blind, exorcism and other bulky professions.

Redmayne is not suitable for the current version

DNF: Ozma 5 Design Drawing Status! Rochebach is only worth 500W, and the Tamat is out of the sky

Redmayne design has been added twice, respectively in the 5th and 9th week of the weekly bidding, the current number of auctions is quite large, up to more than 300 pieces, the price is relatively cheap, as long as 800W a piece. The reason why it is so cheap in addition to the large production, the nature of the 45~ 80 skill -10% CD, so that he is in the explosion environment at the end of the 100 version is not welcome, some classes, such as blind play endurance is still quite good, as for the blade shadow 45, 70 skills, the creation of 60, 70 skills is not suitable for matching.

Astros's per capita hoarding is a drawback

DNF: Ozma 5 Design Drawing Status! Rochebach is only worth 500W, and the Tamat is out of the sky

Asteros design has been added continuously in the 7th week of the 8th week, because it is C's graduation design drawing, and in the impact of Taimat hoarding to make a fortune, it has also caused the phenomenon of per capita hoarding, so that there has been a sharp drop, the cheapest time is only worth 1600W. The reason for the sharp decline, mainly because the output is too high, the demand is too small, and many C suspects the reason for pressing the shortcut key trouble, the current 3 consecutive weeks have not launched the Esteros design, the price has a warming trend, but the price is not as high as the average price, not to mention the auction price of 2200W.

DNF: Ozma 5 Design Drawing Status! Rochebach is only worth 500W, and the Tamat is out of the sky

【Personal Summary】

In general, this is the analysis of the 5 major Ozma design drawings launched by the 10-week group, if you want to graduate Ozma quickly, you don't care about the damage, you can consider the 550W Rochebach design drawings, the cover bonus, very comfortable. Taimart is currently ridiculously expensive, it is difficult to find anything, and players who are anxious to graduate from Taimart recommend waiting for a few more weeks.

Although Belias is comfortable to use, 3% different from Taimat and Astros, it is still slightly more expensive at the current price and is not suitable for civilians to buy. Redmayne's food is tasteless, it is a pity to abandon it, it is very chicken ribs at the end of the version, and it is not recommended to wear it. Most of the players of Astros are rushing to hoard goods to make money, there is a warming trend, this week should be close to the price of the start of the auction price, if not next week, it is estimated that it will rise to about 2500W, for hoarders to have room to earn.

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