
Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

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Author: Peanuts

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If, as Tao Baibai said, each constellation has a unique personality, then what kind of personalities will artists from different constellations have? Is artistic style related to constellations?

Today Xiaobian will take you to explore.


Fire sign

Fire signs are bold, confident, crazy, dare to do anything, have a very high degree of creativity, and the art that is made is often unique, once it is a great existence, it must be a dragon and phoenix among people.

—Marcel Duchamp—

Leo: There is nothing I dare not do

Marcel Duchamp of Leo is a big player in the art world.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

He had played with Leonardo da Vinci, who could have imagined that someone would add two beards to the Mona Lisa and make the goddess a strange uncle alive.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Other constellations do not dare, Leo dares, because Leo does not obey the nature of the world, often made a lot of art that others dare not think and dare not do.

Duchamp of Leo used the work "Spring" to subvert the art world of the twentieth century and continue to influence the art field after that.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

You may think, isn't this just a toilet?

It is true that Duchamp thinks the same way, but he just has the courage of Leo.

He used his own way to express the denial and criticism of the traditional art at that time, and it was precisely because of his courage that he opened up the boundary between art and non-art, which no artist can match.

—Van Gogh—

Aries has a crazy but gentle charm

Van Gogh of Aries, he put his true emotions completely into his artistic creation.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Van Gogh's paintings always carry the true emotional expression of Aries.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Whether you know him or not, you will be shocked by his performance and emotions when you first see Van Gogh's paintings.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

He could cut off his ears for a woman.

This kind of lifeless behavior that is not afraid of death is a very white sheep.

Very impulsive, but also makes people feel very real, and most people do not have the courage.

Isn't it the biggest advantage of us Aries that real and unpretentious, which also makes Aries likable.

-Yoshitomo Nara-

Sagittarius is uninhibited and chases freedom

Yoshitomo Nara, a Sagittarius artist who never likes to be labeled, is currently one of japan's most expensive artists.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

He has a penchant for rock and punk music and has an unfettered free soul.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

The little girl painted by Nara Yoshitomo plays the loneliness and rebellion of Sagittarius to the extreme, and her face is full of a feeling of disobedience to the world, very crazy, very rebellious, very dare not approach.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

But in real life, Yoshitomo Nara is a cute big boy who is different, shy and even a little unkind.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

His little girl, her eyes are sometimes full of tenderness and starry sky, people can't help but want to care for her.

Just like Sagittarius, she doesn't want to be managed, she doesn't want to be managed, but she longs to be understood and managed.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Loneliness is the source of the Sagittarius boy's creation, but he heals the world with loneliness.


Earth sign

Earth signs have an admirable spirit of craftsmen who enjoy climbing hills, enjoy growing, like to explore and learn, so they often conquer one mountain after another.


Taurus is paranoid and perfect

Dalí of Taurus, you think he's a genius, but he's actually a lunatic.

The serious face with the crooked beard poked the heart of the deer in my heart.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Mr. Dalí has a natural Taurus artistic aesthetic.

Taurus's sensitive touch of the surrounding things deconstructs and reorganizes everything he sees, so as to create one amazing work of art after another.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

And Dalí was really crazy, a lot of artists at the time used drugs for illusions and inspiration, but Dalí was by no means, as he himself said, "I don't use drugs, because I myself am poison".

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

He even created the "Paranoid Criticism Method" to inspire himself.

This sounds like a very advanced thing.

In fact, this is just staring at something until you see yourself dizzy and deformed, cow bar

What's more, he kept going without sleeping in order to make himself an illusion, asking who can do it?

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

This man is so crazy, no wonder he can make so many surreal works, after all, he is already very surreal in his life.


Capricorn is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, soft on the inside

Henri Matisse was a Capricorn who made Picasso love and hate, and his talent made Picasso jealous.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

He is the founder of Fauvism, he is the great devil who lets go of the art of line and color, others think he is a cold, paranoid, eccentric Capricorn, but in fact he is a simple, gentle and very playful old child

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

The seemingly slightly rational tone of his artwork uses color and line so feverishly that it's like capricorn's outer cold and inner heat.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

And Capricorn is a sign that likes to grow, so he will continue to learn, continue to explore, continue to try, and constantly bring himself to a new height.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation
Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Therefore, Matisse of Capricorn has many achievements and outstanding talents in sculpture, printmaking, frescoes, and illustrations.

—Ursus Willy—

Virgo is meticulous and most perfection-seeking

Ursus Willy has always insisted on pursuing his own perfectionism, and his life cannot be settled, and the perfection he pursues cannot be fulfilled.

His art is rigorous and delicate, and sometimes he can't see the mess of others.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

(He even published a book full of such paintings.)

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

And when René Magritte's artwork meets Ursus Willy's, the big thing happens.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

(Before Ursus Willy sorts out)

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

(After Ursus Willy sorted out)

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

(What if Van Gogh's room is too messy?) )

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

(Willy Brother helped you clean up)

This is simply the gospel of obsessive-compulsive disorders, comfortable do not want.

Ursus Willy's artwork is like a Virgo in pursuit of perfection, rigorous, clean and tidy.

And Ursus Willy is a dignified and neat gentleman in life, clean and tidy dress and polite and elegant conversation, which is simply the perfect Virgo in mind.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation


Water sign

The art of the water sign has an absolute ability to be the best, they integrate the ultimate emotions and emotions into the work of art, they are born for art, born for love.


Scorpio is passionate and talented

Emotional killer, great Scorpio artist, genius Picasso with great creativity.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

He had three wives and countless lovers in his life.

Every time he alternates feelings, he will change his painting style, and the entanglement of love has given him enduring inspiration.

In each of Picasso's paintings, his hot feelings for women can be revealed, and there is a Scorpio obsession with love and killing.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Because of the energy that Scorpio brings him, he has produced more than 37,000 excellent works in his lifetime.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

For Picasso, women were an art in themselves and a muse.

Picasso is like a Scorpio person, even if you leave him, you can never forget him, he is like a brand forever engraved on your heart.

The women he had been in contact with were all extremely affectionate and deeply in love with him.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

How many people have been fascinated by Scorpio's passionate and affectionate love, and how many people have been conquered by his talent.

Scorpio's charm asks who can easily resist it?


Pisces is full of fantasy, romance and mystery

And the romantic Pisces Baltis.

He never entered any art school, relied on self-study and his innate artistic talent, and eventually became a 20th-century painting master.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

The girl is the main theme of Baltis's painting, in which they pose in a special pose, seemingly innocent affection, and there is a trace of entanglement.

It's hard to see reason in his work, because he's a Pisces, a sensual gentleman.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

His paintings are all in a state of Pisces fantasy and ethereality.

The deep and secretive temperament dissolves into a poetic lyrical atmosphere in the depth.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

His works have always been permeated with unique beauty and tenderness, which is a romance that belongs to Pisces.

With a layer of mysterious color, but with a trace of emotion to provoke your heartstrings, Pisces is a human desire.


Cancer is extremely emotional, deep and delicate

The grandfather of the selfie, Rembrandt, he is a delicate and sensitive Cancer genius.

He painted hundreds of self-portraits, and because of his thorough use of light and shadow, he let the art students learn a lot.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

He treats his lover with heart and lungs, and his gravity and delicacy are all integrated into his paintings, in his soul.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

However, the death of his beloved wife and son in his later years has caused him great physical and mental trauma, and only his remaining daughter is his only reason to live.

But this also makes his paintings very emotional, and Cancer's love that goes deep into the bone marrow is all carved into the paintings.

Even when later people see his wife in the painting, they will sigh deeply and feel his grief.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

He is a cancer with a deep affection, an artistic genius who pursues art all his life but is most eager to have a mortal life.

He lit up the art world, but lived a miserable life.

Hopefully we can be kind to the Cancers around us because of their sensitivity, they give us tenderness and protection, but keep their sorrow to themselves.


Wind sign

The artistic talent of the wind elephant stems from their uninhibitedness, they like to express themselves, only according to their own nature, he loves to do it with his heart, and he does not love to turn his head and leave.

—Takashi Murakami-

Aquarius · Break through yourself and break with tradition

Takashi Murakami, an Aquarius who combines art, fashion, trends, music, and business.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Takashi Murakami is like an Aquarius, Aquarius never despises being bound by only one thing, he absolutely dares to break through himself and try new areas that he has never touched before

Dare to break with traditional ideas, Murakami takashi even broke the concept that artists disdain business.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Therefore, Murakami Takashi is not only successful in the field of art, but also successful in business, and in the fashion trend circle, he cooperates with big names such as LV, and even in the field of music.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Takashi Murakami's art is very unique, like a combination of angels and devils, always a combination of cuteness, sexual fantasy and violence, combining the opposing elements of high art and popular culture.

They are not afraid to break the convention, even if they make things that are not recognized by the world, they will still insist, so people like Aquarius are often ghostly.

—Mark Ross—

Libra is untamed, rebellious but always loyal to himself

And Mark Rothko of Libra is destined to be a legend.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

He has a Libra principle, he never compromises on things he doesn't like, and Rothko can refuse any financial gain for artistic effect.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

But his "Orange, Red, Yellow" can now fetch a high price of 547 million yuan

Some people will think, isn't it just a very simple painting?

But when you are under his painting, his painting will cause you emotional feelings, some sad, some sad, some happy.

The preciousness behind this art is that it is an inquiry into life, and few artists can do what he does, and his whole life is focused on the philosophical propositions he pursues.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

And he was the only painter to have his own church, and even here tens of thousands of people wept, you may think impossible, but it is true that they all cried the moment they walked out of the church.

He is an elegant and rebellious Libra, he has an extremely advanced artistic nature, he combines his inquiry into the essence of life and the artistic balance to the extreme, giving us a heavy tremor in our hearts


Gemini, abandoning bondage and pursuing a promised land

Paul Gauguin of Gemini, a crazy and great prodigal son of the art world.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Gemini Gauguin has been wandering all his life, all his life is in the waves, his heart is wild, only willing to pursue the Garden of Eden he wants to go.

For him, it was his paradise on earth, his beloved, his source of inspiration and the nourishment of his art.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Gao is the prodigal son, and everywhere there are women who stop for him, but he is the prodigal son, and the prodigal son's heart cannot be closed.

Picasso Scorpio, Van Goat: the secret of success hidden in the constellation

Gauguin is such a Gemini with a strong personality, he is annoying but likable, rude and elegant.

Gemini Gauguin from a secular perspective is undoubtedly a prodigal son, but he is absolutely worthy of greatness if you look at it in terms of his insistence on art and his inner pursuits.

Please be kind to every artist of different zodiac signs around you, no matter what his virtue, please try to tolerate him, because he may not be able to play himself one day.

Which artist do you like the zodiac the most?

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