
Weekly Horoscope King of Astrology July 1-7, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

author:Angel Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope King of Astrology July 1-7, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope King of Astrology July 1-7, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

Aries weekly horoscope

July 1-7, 2024

On Mondays and Tuesdays, your senses are enhanced, making you more creative, imaginative, and spiritual. So, it's a great time for art creation, writing, music, film, and theater. You will also be more sensitive to the needs of others. Your words will heal under the influence of non-threatening, caring, and gentle. Through your highly intuitive and non-verbal communication, you will receive enlightening messages. It's good for friendship and intimacy.

Wednesday to Sunday is a good time to ask for help and convince others. Your strong intellect and influence over others can be used for sales work, debates, bargaining, or negotiating favorable deals in business or major purchases such as homes and cars. You may also meet someone whose idea or plan has deeply influenced you, or it may be the beginning of a causal friendship or a successful partnership.

Aries weekly horoscope tarot cards

As with all court cards, the Queen of Stars usually represents a real person in your life. In this regard, she would represent a woman, most likely with black hair and black eyes. However, this is not always the case, as these cards can also represent the energetic influences in our lives. The energy of the Star Coin Queen is usually a beautiful female archetype: the stove, the family, and motherhood.

The Aries weekly horoscope card may be a sign that you will spend time, money, and energy at home to make it more comfortable. This is a good thing, as long as you don't get too much debt. People will turn to you for insights and advice. You can help them if you want. There are a lot of things you can accomplish during this time.


Taurus horoscope for this week

July 1-7, 2024

Mondays and Tuesdays are the ideal time to find true love and commitment. Your sane attitude and stable feelings benefit your relationships a lot. The new romance may be with someone of different ages, most likely a long-lasting, soulmate union. The existing relationship will be closer and more stable. If your relationship has been stressful lately, mutual respect and a focus on practical results can help you resolve issues and find solutions.

From Wednesday to Sunday, passion, courage, dedication, and endurance lead to long-term success. Your tireless efforts and self-discipline have earned you respect and support. The perfect combination of prudence and courage makes this a great time to take risks. Strong self-confidence and raw sex appeal are good signs for dating. It's also a good time to formalize or commit to a long-term relationship.

Taurus weekly horoscope tarot cards

In most tarot decks, Sword Three is depicted as a heart pierced by a sword, but that's not all bad. While there's no denying an element of sadness when this card comes out, the other side of sadness can be more understanding and joy. Allow yourself to fully experience any sadness or pain this week to rise above it.

This card usually points to deep emotional issues that must be addressed before you can move on. Denying the pain will not make it go away (just as denying a broken leg will make it heal). However, attention must be paid to balance. Give yourself permission to experience whatever pain arises now, but don't dwell on it. You do not and should not dwell in grief or grief for long periods of time. However, you can only decide how long is long enough. No one else can decide for you.


Gemini Weekly Horoscope

July 1-7, 2024

On Mondays and Tuesdays, your perception and acuity improve, and you'll be able to see the big picture without being distracted by the minutiae. This way, you'll be able to share your ideas or theories with many people in an easy-to-understand, engaging way. Your imagination, intuition, and creativity will all be boosted, and it's also a great time for spiritual practice, dreaming, artistic creation, creative writing, poetry, singing, and dancing.

From Wednesday to Sunday, the interaction at work and at home is friendly and productive. You can more easily build friendships and mutually beneficial professional relationships, unite people, organize groups, and create networks. Good concentration and attention to detail help you manage paperwork, budgeting, tax, business, or financial planning. This is the perfect time to make a plan, write a resume, apply for a job, ask for a promotion or raise, start an education or training course.

Gemini weekly horoscope tarot cards

The Five of Wands usually refers to competition. It usually refers to competition in the career/work field, but sometimes it also refers to a rival in love. Don't be afraid of competition. Know that you have your strengths and can succeed. But you have to work hard to see results. Gemini Horoscope for this WeekWhen the Five of Wands appears, you have to believe in yourself more than ever. Keep your head held high and assume you'll be in the right place. You may be thinking about changing careers. Know that if you do, you can succeed.


Cancer Weekly Horoscope

July 1-7, 2024

On Mondays and Tuesdays, your love life is very stable. An important new romance may begin. Probably with younger or older people and with strong fatalistic overtones. Whether it's a new or existing relationship, don't have illusions, you'll have realistic expectations for each other. It is also a great time to build business and professional relationships due to mutual trust and understanding.

From Wednesday to Sunday, you have the strength, willpower, ambition, and perseverance to complete the toughest tasks on time, on budget, and perfectly. You'll find the most effective way to get the job done. Your patience and self-discipline will keep you persistent and not distracted or discouraged. The enhancement of libido and sexual attraction is a good sign for new and existing relationships.

Cancer weekly horoscope tarot cards

Hangman This card generally indicates that you are at a crossroads – there are only two options, which are in or out, up or down, yes or no. You may want to do "something" but don't know what it is or how to do it. If this happens, it's a clear sign that you should stop, relax, and see if you may need to give up trying to take control of your life/environment/people/things.

Cancer horoscope for this week may have an outdated attitude or desire that you need to let go. Any sacrifice you make will bring something more positive into your life than "letting go." This should be a week of thoughtfulness, introspection, mostly if you're willing to face it up or how to better serve your interests by being ready for change.


Leo Weekly Horoscope

July 1-7, 2024

Mondays and Tuesdays are suitable for relaxation, creativity, communication and spiritual pursuits. Your words become soothing and can heal others. Your senses become sharper and you can pick up a lot of extra information through your intuition. You may get spiritual information through dreams, meditation, or a spirit guide. Relationships will benefit from you being more compassionate and spiritual.

Wednesday through Sunday brings curiosity, focus, and single-mindedness. You can thoroughly understand esoteric, mysterious, or troubling questions. This is an excellent time to address complex interpersonal issues because you can perceive them in a non-verbal way. A deeper, more impactful way of communicating makes this a great time to ask for help, get the word out about your idea, and ask for support for your plan.

Leo weekly horoscope tarot cards

The Tower is a card about change. Compared to the illustrations on most cards, towers are less scary or ominous. Now, too much clinging to the status quo can have disastrous consequences. Go with the change. Leo's horoscope for this week is likely that some people or situations you once relied on may no longer exist in the same way. It doesn't have to be terrible; Change is the essence of life, and trying to stop it is like sailing against the current. If you've been building castles in the sky, there might be some castles that have collapsed right now. If you let it go, that's the problem.

If some illusions are shattered this week, you can replace them with more realistic and achievable dreams and goals. Dreams are necessary, but it's also important to live in reality. You'll get through this time well, especially if you remember that you already have all the resources inside of you that you need to cope with life and do what you need to do.

Virgo Horoscope for the Week

July 1-7, 2024

On Mondays and Tuesdays, your intimacy may be affected by emotional coldness, guilt, fear, or having to take on other responsibilities. Heavy work or study loads can be stressful for you, while also limiting the amount of time you can spend with your loved ones. A lack of intimacy and emotional support can be sad. The best way to deal with this emotional entanglement is self-control, patience, dedication, trust, loyalty, and forgiveness.

Wednesday to Sunday brings strength, stamina, and patience to accomplish the most complex tasks. This is a great time to turn recent frustration, pent-up anger, or resentment into hard physical labor or a creative project. Your efforts will lead to practical and lasting achievements that you can be proud of. It's a great time to sharpen knives, apply for jobs, take practical exams, build, and renovate.

Virgo weekly horoscope tarot cards

The Holy Grail Ace is a powerful and positive omen of love, happiness, and affection. It is about new beginnings, and while it usually means love, it can also signal new beginnings in other areas of life. Things are getting better! People usually respond to you with joy, love, and kindness, and soon more than usual. You should feel good about life in general. This week is a great time to make friends.


Libra weekly horoscope

July 1-7, 2024

On Monday and Tuesday, your senses become sharpened, which makes you extremely sensitive to all vibrational energy. Your intuitive abilities and mental impressions are an asset to your communication and relationships. Others should enjoy being with you because you will know when they are in a bad mood and you will be able to empathize with others when they are in a bad mood. It's a great time to engage in artistic and creative work, from singing to writing.

From Wednesday to Sunday, the thinking and conversation were intense. Your intuition and insight can uncover secrets and conspiracies. Your strong thinking and self-expression skills make you persuasive when talking to others. You can sell your message and convince others to accept ideas that you are usually afraid of or wary of. It's also a great time to study and take exams.

Libra weekly horoscope tarot cards

The moon card means that things may be a bit chaotic for you right now. You may find it difficult to understand your own origins, let alone what others are thinking and feeling! You need to calm down and face uncertainty and don't force things or people to do things until they're ready. Libra Horoscope for this week You are definitely in a more psychic and intuitive phase than usual, so it is crucial for you to trust your instincts and impressions, even if you don't know where they come from. Also, it's not that you need to be distrustful, but it will help you realize that when this card comes out, there's a chance that everything isn't what you see. If you feel like you can't trust someone, you probably can't. Go with your instincts. If you're waiting for someone's reply, unfortunately, it may take longer than you would like. Try to be patient.


Scorpio Horoscope for this week

July 1-7, 2024

From Monday to Wednesday, there may be a battle of ideas within you or between you and your competitors. But you must refrain from threats, intimidation, and name-calling. The truth can be hidden by secrets or propaganda, so this is a good time to research and investigate. If you can avoid extremism, it is possible for your mind to take a positive turn and gain a deeper understanding.

From Thursday to Sunday, you'll feel more intimate than usual, and there may be exciting new romances. If you already have a partner, you will seek a different kind of joy. In order not to let your gaze wander, experiments in the bedroom may be necessary. Expect the unexpected to happen, even for everyday activities like shopping. There is also a chance to receive financial bonuses or windfalls.

Scorpio weekly horoscope tarot cards

The Wheel of Fortune tells you that things seem to be changing. In most cases, this heralds positive, necessary change, but for some people, the change itself is very difficult and almost traumatic. This is a period with a strong focus on spirituality and "karma". Change is part of the life cycle.

The wheel of fortune always reminds us that "this too too will pass". Both good times and bad times will pass. If you suddenly find yourself "on top", keep a clear head, because this too, like everything else, is subject to change. Live in the moment, count your blessings, and realize that many things in life are out of your control, but even that is okay. Adapt to any change and think positively.


Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

July 1-7, 2024

Mondays and Tuesdays bring sensitivity, intuition, creativity, and imagination. Your thoughts and communications turn to spiritual topics, mysteries, metaphysics, and secrets. Valuable insights can be gained through meditation, dreaming, and mind-perceiving. You can share these insights through compassion, support, and selfless words. It's a great time to watch a movie, listen to music, and relax.

From Wednesday to Sunday, wisdom insight will help you gain a deeper understanding of any topic. You'll understand what you used to think like you were just scratching the surface. This is an excellent time to study hidden knowledge such as astrology and psychology. You may meet people who have a powerful impact on your consciousness or who have a significant impact on your thinking. This is a great time to learn and teach.

Aquarius weekly horoscope tarot cards

The sun card is a sign that soon you will feel more free than before, perhaps for several years. It's a great time to go on vacation and experience something different. The sun represents vitality, freedom, joy, and self-expression. Aquarius horoscope for this week, overall, you are likely to go very well. However, even though the finances are usually good when this card appears, that doesn't mean you should ignore what really matters in life, and money isn't one of them. It's a great time to get together, meet new people, and get out and play.


Pisces Horoscope for the week

July 1-7, 2024

Mondays and Tuesdays are good for dating, especially if you're looking for long-term commitment and loyalty. Romance and affection seem to be less important than stability and security. You are willing to sacrifice short-term gratification for the long-term benefits of a relationship. Your self-discipline extends to the financial aspect, so it's a great time to save money, pay off debts, and make sound investments in real estate, bonds, art, or jewelry.

From Wednesday to Sunday, you can harness great motivation and stamina to achieve your long-term goals. The perfect combination of patience and ambition that makes you determined to do your best, no matter how long it takes. Since you have a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and are trustworthy, you will earn the respect and admiration of your superiors, especially men. It should also be a time of loyalty, security, and stability in your intimate relationship.

Pisces weekly horoscope tarot cards

Two weeks of moon in a row means that you may be feeling a little confused right now. You may find it difficult to understand your own origins, let alone what others are thinking and feeling! You need to calm down and face this uncertainty and don't force things or people to do it before they're ready. Pisces Horoscope for this week You are definitely in a more psychic and intuitive phase than usual, so it's crucial for you to trust your instincts and impressions, even if you don't know where they're coming from. Also, it's not that you need to be distrustful, but it will help you realize that when this card comes out, there's a chance that everything isn't what you see. If you feel like you can't trust someone, you probably can't. Go with your instincts. If you're waiting for someone's reply, unfortunately, it may take longer than you'd like. Try to be patient.


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