
In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

1. Suddenly in the peach blossom forest, hundreds of steps between the shores, no miscellaneous trees, fresh herbs, colorful fall.

——Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Origin"

The two sentences of "the herbs are delicious and the fall is colorful" are written with beautiful brushes, the colors are gorgeous, the scenery is beautiful, as if there are bursts of fragrance overflowing from the end of the pen, and the language is beautiful and like a hand.

In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

2. Here there are lofty mountains, lush forests and bamboo, and there are clear streams of turbulence, reflecting the left and right.

——Wang Xizhi's "Orchid Pavilion Collection"

These few sentences write about the beautiful environment around Lanting. First write high and far: "lofty mountains, lush forests and bamboo"; then write near the low "clear current turbulence"; and then always write a stroke: "Reflecting the left and right". Concise language. Poetic.

In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

3. The moss marks are green on the upper level, and the grass color is green in the curtain.

——Liu Yuxi's "Buried Room Ming"

Moss climbed up the steps to dye a turquoise green, and the grass color reflected the bamboo curtain to reflect the blue of the house. The author starts with the surrounding scenery, "The moss marks are green, and the grass is green." "The depiction of the environment is peaceful, elegant and pleasing to the eye.

4. To Ruochun and Jingming, the waves are not alarming, the sky is bright, a blue sky, a blue and a million; sand gulls soaring, brocade swimming; shore Zhi Tinglan, lush green.

——Fan Zhongyan, "The Record of Yueyang Lou"

These few sentences paint a beautiful scenery of spring breeze and smoothness, bright scenery, and blue water and sky. There are gulls and birds soaring freely, fish wandering happily, and even ignorant aquatic orchids are full of vitality. With extremely concise pen and ink, the author depicts a picture of the spring color of the lake, which is read as if it were in front of the eyes.

In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

5. Mo Chun, spring clothes are complete, five or six crowns, six or seven boys, bathing in Yi, wind like dancing, and singing.

- The Analects

When the spring flowers are not yet in the summer, wearing spring costumes, and the thirty elder brothers and forty-two young brothers of our academy, bathing in the Yi River, blowing the wind on the dance platform, singing songs and going home, this is the ultimate ideal of me (Zeng Hao).

In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

6. The color of the mountain is like e, the flower is like a cheek, the warm wind is like wine, the ripples are like aya; only when I raise my head, I don't feel drunk, and I want to describe the next word at this time, about the time when I first met Roselle in the dream of the King of Dong'a.

——Yuan Hongdao,"The First To the West Lake"

The colors of the mountains on all sides are like daisy, the brilliance of spring flowers is like the face of a girl, the soft spring breeze is like intoxicating rice wine, and the ripples of the lake are like smooth satin. At this time, I wanted to use a word to describe (the beautiful scenery in front of me), but I couldn't get it, probably like the spirit of the King of Dong'a when he first met Roselle in his dream.

In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

7. The situation Yang Chun summons me to smoke the scenery, a large piece of fake me to the article; will be peach and plum of the fang garden, the order of the joy of heaven.

—— Li Bai, "Spring Night Feast from the Garden of The Peach"

On a spring night, the author and his cousins gathered in peach garden. The sky hung high with a bright moon, and the silver glow gently poured down. The gentle spring breeze brings the fragrance of peach and plum, and everyone drinks and chants to talk about the heavens, what a beautiful time! He unfolded the broad mind of his eldest brother, gently waved away the spoils of life, and threw up the pride of borrowing wine and singing songs.

In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

8. Wild and fragrant, beautiful and shady.

——Ouyang Xiu's "Drunken Pavilion"

"Drunken Pavilion" is a beautiful essay. This prose is poetic and picturesque, with a unique and beautiful style, and is indeed rare in ancient Chinese literary works. This article runs through the whole article with a "happy" word, and frankly states that "the meaning of the drunkard is not in the wine, but also in the mountains and rivers."

In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

9. In the late spring of March, Jiangnan grass grows, miscellaneous peanut trees, and warblers fly wildly.

—— Qiu Chi,"Book with Chen Bo"

The author uses the usual methods of the literati to capture the style of his hometown, with the intention of evoking Chen Bozhi's inner nostalgia and touching on the pain of his inability to return to his hometown, the so-called "late spring and March, Jiangnan Revolution, miscellaneous peanut trees, flocks of warblers flying wildly." Seeing the banner of the homeland, feeling peaceful and born of hatred, stroking the strings and ascending the throne, will not be hateful" It should be said that this is the mood of the righteous author in "with his own heart" to speculate on the mood of the martial general Chen Bozhi, the beautiful feelings of mankind are connected, the author's intoxicating Jiangnan scenery, evoking Chen Bozhi's vision of returning to his hometown is engraved between the lines, is a pulse of warmth.

In the classic ancient texts, you are allowed to have a warm spring blossom

be from: World of Poetry, graphic copyright belongs to the original author

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