
FF-themed Ren Wang? Final Fantasy: Origins gives a four-pronged feel

In June 2021, Square Enix made full use of the Final Fantasy IP to announce a number of themed games, including the new work "Final Fantasy: Origins" developed by veteran Tetsuya Nomura and Kazunari Nojima in collaboration with the Team NINJA team. I believe that many people and Doctors will speculate like this. Now that the game has officially launched, let's take a look.

FF-themed Ren Wang? Final Fantasy: Origins gives a four-pronged feel

The developer of Final Fantasy: Origins is the Team NINJA team owned by Glorious Tkumo, and the representative works of this studio are the "Renwang" series, the "Ninja Dragon Sword" series, the "Life and Death Fighting" series, etc., all of which are classic action games. Therefore, the above speculation is reasonable. However, after the Doctor's experience, he found that "Final Fantasy: Origins" is indeed a slightly hardcore action game, but the difficulty is not as exaggerated as "Ren Wang", which is acceptable to everyone.

FF-themed Ren Wang? Final Fantasy: Origins gives a four-pronged feel

In terms of specific combat systems, the operation is indeed similar to "Ren Wang", "BREAK value" and "magic" restrict the release of the player's combo moves, and the "soul defense" can block all attacks except for the must-kill, so it is reasonable to block the enemy's attack, and then break the enemy as soon as possible, which is the essence of the battle in Final Fantasy: Origins. The whole battle process is still quite refreshing, and Team NINJA has its own unique features in developing action games.

FF-themed Ren Wang? Final Fantasy: Origins gives a four-pronged feel

In terms of classes, Final Fantasy: Origins fully follows the setting of the diversified classes of the FF series, with basic classes such as swordsman, swordsman, magician, etc., and each class has its own ability skill tree. As we experience, we can unlock new advanced classes such as Warrior, Knight, Black (or White) Magician, Samurai, etc., and finally higher-level classes such as Dark Knight, Ninja, etc. Personally, I like the above-mentioned setting that this kind of profession has branches and advancements.

FF-themed Ren Wang? Final Fantasy: Origins gives a four-pronged feel

In terms of game quality, you can also find that the game has some strangeness when you look at the screenshots, I don't know why, the doctor feels that the whole picture seems to be covered with a layer of oil paint, although the picture is bright but a little blurry, that is, the focus is not good for the blurry feeling, it may be that the developer's handling of the filter details is not good enough. Also a product released by Square Enix, Final Fantasy VII: Remake doesn't have the above problems.

FF-themed Ren Wang? Final Fantasy: Origins gives a four-pronged feel

In terms of game plot, the doctor did not see anything particularly outstanding, and the overall plot of the game seemed decent. Square Enix told us before that the story of "Final Fantasy: Origins" is about the story of the final villain of the first generation of FF, the Chaos Warrior "Garland", probably because his memory is not very good now, I can't understand the whole plot after playing, I feel like saying a lot, but I didn't get to the point. In this regard, my judgment is more subjective, let's experience it for ourselves.

FF-themed Ren Wang? Final Fantasy: Origins gives a four-pronged feel

In terms of game content, "Final Fantasy: Origins" plays a round of about 20 hours, after a level, a new CHAOS difficulty will be opened, and can unlock the upper limit of each class level, plus there are six branches in the game, so the content of the game is very rich. However, players spend most of their time leveling up, brushing experience points, and equipment.

FF-themed Ren Wang? Final Fantasy: Origins gives a four-pronged feel

If you're a die-hard Final Fantasy fan and get tired of playing with traditional RPGs and want to change your taste, final fantasy: Origins, which has a bit of a Renwang flavor, is definitely worth experiencing. However, compared to some difficult action games, Final Fantasy: Origins is biased towards brushing resources, so we should pay attention to it. The feeling that Final Fantasy: Origins gives to the Doctor can be described and summed up in three words, that is, "four different"!

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