
Milan's new captain was exposed: recognized by his own youth media, the main and vice captains are very young

Romagnoli left and the captain needed to choose a new person

Under the premise that Romagnoli is likely to leave the team and move to Lazio, ac Milan needs to re-establish their captain. In fact, in the past few years of Roman Neogli's captainship, there have been many voices questioning his personal ability to wear the captain's armband. This also put a lot of pressure on Romagnoli, after all, his development is indeed difficult to satisfy.

Milan's new captain was exposed: recognized by his own youth media, the main and vice captains are very young

Under the premise of leaving next season, the Rossoneri finally has the opportunity to re-solve this matter and take it to the table to make a choice. It is reported that right-back Calabria will be the captain's first choice. Calabria is produced by ac Milan's pure youth system.

He also played for several years in the Rossoneri, although at first he was very unfavorable to everyone, but because of his personal clumsiness and lack of many highlights, the overall performance was also quite criticized. However, in the past three seasons, he has continued to improve, not only bringing great help to the team on the defensive end, but also gradually showing his talent on the offensive end has been unanimously recognized, and has also been highly praised by the media many times. So it makes perfect sense to hand him the captain's armband.

Milan's new captain was exposed: recognized by his own youth media, the main and vice captains are very young

Calabria inherits its glorious traditions

Calabria's captainship is also a traditional glorious mission of ac Milan. Milan has a history of many captains of centre-backs and full-backs, all of whom have written their own histories in places familiar to San Siro. Since joining Milan, Calabria has made as many 142 starts for Milan. He is competent and qualified enough to take on this role.

Milan's new captain was exposed: recognized by his own youth media, the main and vice captains are very young

In addition to the captain, the selection of the vice captain is also a very important link. After all, Calabria can't play all the games, and he also needs to have enough helpers in the dressing room to deal with all kinds of problems. It is reported that after establishing the identity of the captain of the Calabria, the Milan top brass will wear the armband of the vice captain on Tonali's arm.

Tonali can be trusted

Although Tonari has only been with Milan for just two seasons, he has already shown great potential. He also became an important speaker in the locker room. In addition, Tonari's style of play, coupled with his own personality, is also very suitable for the role of captain of the team, his fighting spirit and the attributes of being a Milan star since childhood have convinced many people, which is also an important factor to consider.

Milan's new captain was exposed: recognized by his own youth media, the main and vice captains are very young

If Calabria and Tornali can be straightened out, Milan will be back in the youth storm squad with young players as the team. This is a very beneficial measure for the team's recent play and the overall stability guarantee.

Milan's new captain was exposed: recognized by his own youth media, the main and vice captains are very young
Milan's new captain was exposed: recognized by his own youth media, the main and vice captains are very young
Milan's new captain was exposed: recognized by his own youth media, the main and vice captains are very young

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