
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?

author:Straightforward and breezy NFD

The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?

The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?
The names of wives in various provinces of China, collect them and see, what do you call your wives there?

"Do you know, the names of wives in various provinces of China are different, how do you call wives there?" Lao Wang asked me suddenly at lunchtime.

"This question is interesting, we call it 'daughter-in-law' there, which is quite kind." I replied with a smile.

Lao Wang nodded, "Haha, I know, this is really different from place to place. For example, in the Northeast, the call of 'daughter-in-law' is particularly common, with a strong local accent, which sounds particularly cordial. ”

This made me interested in what wives are called everywhere. So I started to collect and find that each place has its own unique name. These names not only reflect the local culture, but also contain people's affection and love for their partners.

In Beijing, wives are often referred to as "daughters-in-law" or "old wives". The title "daughter-in-law" is very common in the northern region and is particularly affectionate. On the other hand, "old wife" carries a deep affection, especially between older couples, and is full of commitment to staying with each other for the rest of their lives.

"Do you know what to call it in Shanghai?" I asked Lao Wang.

"That's a 'wife', right?" Lao Wang replied.

"Yes, but what's more interesting is that the older generation still uses the word 'Allah' to refer to their wives." I added, "Let's say, 'Ala's wife.'" ”

In the southern region, each place has its own name. In Guangdong, people often refer to their wives as "wife" or "mother-in-law". It's a straightforward and intimate title. In Fujian, especially in southern Fujian, the wife is called "Lao Cuobian", which is quite local and sounds very interesting.

In Sichuan, people are accustomed to calling their wives "mother-in-law", which is particularly local and sounds very down-to-earth. I remember once traveling to Chengdu and hearing an old couple call each other "mother-in-law" and "old man", which felt particularly interesting and warm.

There are also places with more unique names. In Shaanxi, the wife is called "daughter-in-law", but the accent has a strong Guanzhong flavor, which is particularly simple. In Shanxi, the wife is also called "daughter-in-law", but the pronunciation has a unique tone in Shanxi, which is particularly flavorful.

"Lao Wang, how do you call your wife there?" I asked suddenly.

"We're called 'home' there." Lao Wang replied with a smile, "This title carries a sense of belonging and dependence, which means the most important person in the family." ”

After listening to Lao Wang's words, I couldn't help but sigh that although China has a vast land and abundant resources, although the names of various places are different, each one has strong local characteristics and deep feelings. Whether it is "daughter-in-law", "wife", "mother-in-law" or "Allah", these titles are the most affectionate titles for lovers, and they contain people's cherishing of marriage and family.

"I think these titles are a cultural embodiment and an expression of love." I said to Lao Wang.

"That's right, there's a story and an emotion behind every title." Lao Wang nodded in agreement.

By learning about the names of wives in different places, I not only felt the cultural differences in different regions, but also felt the deep emotions contained in these titles. Although these titles are simple, they are full of love and respect for their partner, and make people feel warm and affectionate. No matter where you're from, these titles are worth collecting and savoring.

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