
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look

author:Straightforward and breezy NFD

The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look

The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look
The rules of kowtowing have finally been sorted out, and the knowledge has increased, so collect it and take a look

"Hey, Xiao Zhang, do you know how many rules there are for kowtowing?" Lao Li suddenly asked me in the pantry.

I was at a loss, "What are the rules for kowtowing?" Isn't it just kneeling and kowtowing? ”

Lao Li smiled, "You are underestimating the wisdom of our ancestors. Kowtow is a university question, and there is a lot of attention to it. ”

Back in the office, I couldn't help but look up the information in front of the computer. Sure enough, kowtowing is not just a simple action, it has a deep cultural connotation and strict etiquette rules behind it.

The most common kowtows are to worship heaven and earth, ancestors, parents, teachers, longevity and gods. Each has different meanings and requirements. For example, to worship heaven and earth, usually at weddings, the newlyweds should bow three times and bow nine times to heaven and earth to show respect for heaven and earth and pray for the blessings of heaven and earth.

Once, I witnessed a friend's wedding and saw them prostrate on the red carpet. At that time, I just felt very solemn, but I didn't expect there to be so much attention behind it. Three bows and nine knocks sound simple, but every step must be strictly in accordance with the rules, otherwise it is disrespectful to heaven and earth.

Another example is to worship ancestors, which is generally in sacrificial festivals such as Qingming Festival and Zhongyuan Festival. When saluting, incense should be offered first, and then three bows and nine bows to express nostalgia and respect for ancestors. I remember when I was a child, my grandmother always took us to the ancestral grave to worship, and when we kowtowed, she also taught us to be sincere, otherwise the ancestors would blame. At that time, I didn't understand it, I just thought it was a formality, but now that I think about it, my grandmother's teachings are full of respect for traditional culture.

Parental worship is done on major holidays or parents' birthdays. We often say that "filial piety comes first", and kowtowing to parents is a manifestation of filial piety. When I was a child, every year on the morning of the Spring Festival, I would kowtow to my parents, and my parents would always look at me with loving faces. At that time, my heart was full of anticipation for the New Year and love for my parents.

Apprenticeship was a very sacred thing in ancient times. Students should bow to their teachers as a sign of respect and gratitude. This reminds me of the sincere teachings of our teachers when I was in college, and although we did not bow to our teachers, our respect and gratitude for teachers in my heart have never diminished.

Birthday greeting is a salute to the elders when they celebrate their birthdays, usually at the birthday banquet of the elders. I remember that on my grandfather's 70th birthday, our whole family gathered around and kowtowed to my grandfather for his birthday. Grandpa smiled from ear to ear, and that was the happiest moment I've ever seen him.

Worship is done in some religious ceremonies. Different gods have different rituals, such as kneeling three times and bowing nine times when worshipping the Buddha, showing their devotion and respect for the Buddha.

After checking these materials, I can't help but feel that our traditional culture is really broad and profound. Kowtow, a seemingly simple action, contains such a rich cultural connotation and etiquette rules behind it. Every kowtow is the inheritance of traditional culture and the admiration of the wisdom of the ancestors.

"Lao Li, thank you for reminding me, otherwise I really didn't know that kowtow was so exquisite." I say it from the bottom of my heart.

Lao Li nodded, "Yes, understanding these rules is not only a respect for traditional culture, but also an improvement for ourselves." ”

From that day on, I began to pay more attention to these traditional rituals, and every time I performed at the festival, I carried out a sense of piety and reverence. Traditional culture is not just the knowledge in books, it is integrated into our lives, and it is worth learning and inheriting.

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