
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting

author:Straightforward and breezy NFD

What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting

What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting
What do you know about what you want to talk to your husband about before having a baby? It's worth collecting

"Honey, are we really ready to have a baby?" I asked seriously one weekend evening, sitting on the couch, looking at my husband who was watching TV.

My husband turned his head to look at me, his eyes full of concern and seriousness, "Baby, why are you suddenly asking that?" ”

"I think having a baby is a big deal and we need to talk about it." I took a deep breath and was ready to speak my mind.

First, we talked about the economy. Having a baby is not only a one-time expense, it is a large expense from the beginning of pregnancy to the milk powder, clothing, education, etc. after the birth of the child. We carefully analysed the current state of the economy and developed a detailed budget plan to ensure that we were able to cope with future expenses.

"We need to set aside an emergency fund in case we need it." My husband said, his eyes revealing a sense of responsibility, "So that even if you encounter an emergency, you can deal with it calmly." ”

Next, we discussed the division of roles between each other. After having a child, the daily chores of the family and the care of the child need to be shared by two people. My husband said that he would spend as much time with us as possible after work and was willing to take on more housework.

"Baby, I know you're going to have a hard time, so I'll do my best to support you, share the housework and take care of the kids." My husband held my hand and gave me great comfort.

Then, we talked about the idea of educating children. We hope to provide a relaxed and loving environment for children to grow up, so that they can learn freely and grow up in love. We also discussed whether or not to enroll the child in various training courses, and we agreed not to put pressure on the child too early, but to develop his interests and strengths naturally.

"I want our children to grow up happily and not be overwhelmed by various training classes." I said, and my husband thought so.

In addition, we talked about the balance between work and family. I decided to spend the first few years of my child's life by minimizing my working hours and spending more time with my child. The husband, on the other hand, will work harder to ensure the stability of the family's finances.

"When your children go to school, you can think about returning to the workplace, and we'll work together." My husband's encouragement warmed my heart and I felt that the future was full of hope.

Finally, we discussed the opinions and help of both parents. Our parents are very much looking forward to their grandchildren's arrival and are willing to help them when we need them. We agreed on some details to ensure that we had timely support from our elders when needed.

"With the help of our parents, it will be a lot easier for us." My husband smiled and said, "However, we still have to be based on our own ways." ”

The conversation went on for a long time, but every minute and every second made me feel more grounded. We discussed all possible issues and reached a consensus. Although there may be challenges ahead, I am confident that if we work together, we will be able to meet them.

"Thank you, dear." I leaned on my husband's shoulder and felt extremely happy, "I believe we will be the best parents." ”

My husband patted me lightly on the back, "I also believe that we will give our children a warm and happy home." ”

This conversation has given us a clearer plan and firm confidence in the future. Having a baby is a big deal, but as long as two people face it together and are well prepared, everything will go smoothly and well. I hope that all couples who are ready to welcome a new life can meet every challenge and happy moment in the future together through in-depth communication and meticulous planning, just like us.

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