
The United States has made another super-sized international joke! Pity the two American astronauts who can't come back in space

author:Kozuki Fangyuan

The American "Starliner" spacecraft originally carried full of expectations and dreams, but its space journey turned into an unexpected "adventure". After successfully docking with the International Space Station in early June, the two brave astronauts found themselves in the torment of waiting for their return journey. The original return date has been postponed again and again, as if it is staging a realistic version of "Interstellar".

The United States has made another super-sized international joke! Pity the two American astronauts who can't come back in space

The pre-launch hiccups — helium leaks, oxidizer valve failures, thruster problems — were a string of cannons that begs the question, how did the ship survive the final test? However, the astronauts were in the face of danger, and the manual docking of the ISS was textbook-level, adding a bit of heroism. Despite this, the technical hidden dangers behind it are like a time bomb, making people pinch a cold sweat.

The United States has made another super-sized international joke! Pity the two American astronauts who can't come back in space

The most worrying thing is the fuel issue. NASA engineers are racing against the clock to try to solve the problem by July 21, or the two astronauts could face an even more dire situation. It's like a space version of "life and death", where every minute counts.

The United States has made another super-sized international joke! Pity the two American astronauts who can't come back in space

Boeing is once again in the spotlight, the shadow of the previous 737 MAX has not yet dissipated, the "starliner" is in trouble again, and the technical reliability is questioned. At the same time, China's Chang'e-6 successfully landed on the moon and brought back lunar soil, demonstrating the strength of China's space industry and winning global acclaim.

The United States has made another super-sized international joke! Pity the two American astronauts who can't come back in space

Space exploration is not a one-man show, but a big stage that requires global cooperation.

The United States has made another super-sized international joke! Pity the two American astronauts who can't come back in space

Just as the U.S.-Soviet space race drove a leap forward in human space technology, China's space achievements today once again emphasize the importance of international cooperation.

The United States has made another super-sized international joke! Pity the two American astronauts who can't come back in space

After all, space belongs to all mankind, and only by working together can we ensure a safe return every liftoff.

The United States has made another super-sized international joke! Pity the two American astronauts who can't come back in space

The plight of the "interstellar airliner" has sounded the alarm for the global space community. The future of space exploration requires the joint efforts of all countries to ensure the reliability of technology, strengthen international cooperation, and make every flight a common pride of mankind.

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